She nodded and walked outside, letting Rufus speak to the four alone.

He walked to them, sitting across from them on the couch. He sat down a burgundy cloth that held a few items, "And this is...?" Zoya trailed off.

Rufus pulled out a piece of parchment and let it unfold in the air, "Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Zoya Avalon Kien, is only but a testament to an item of which you already have."

"How exciting." Zoya sarcastically said.

Rufus waved his wand lightly, and a familiar golden compass came floating down the stairs and to the five.

"When you feel most alone and in the dark, remember you always carry the way home to who you love."

Zoya held the compass in her hand, "I don't understand. I-I got this as a gift from the Weasleys and–"

"So that's why..." Ron mumbled quietly.

Everyone turned to him, "What?" Zoya questioned.

"W-When we went out to find you a gift, we went to this old antique shop because Fred was sure we could find something in there for you. I-It came to us, literally. We didn't think much of it at the time because it was a magical shop..."

"Dumbledore enchanted it." Zoya said with a small smile, "He wanted you to find it."

Rufus carried on with the gifts. Ron received an item of Dumbledore's making, a deluminator. Hermione received Dumbledore's copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Harry then received the snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts.

Harry, however, received another gift. The Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Though it wasn't in his possession as Rufus said it wasn't Dumbledore's to give away, Zoya and Hermione still argued that it was his because it came to him in the Chamber of Secrets.

Oh, and not to mention, the sword was missing.

After he spoke to the four, he found Aurora outside talking to Maxwell and Margot.

"Miss Black, a word."

She stepped away from the twins and followed him inside. He looked around, "Is there anywhere a bit more... private?"

"I don't trust you, Minister."

He stared at her, "You shouldn't trust anyone, Miss Black. But this, Dumbledore asked me to give this to you in a secure and private location. I'm only carrying out his wishes."

"Give me your wand."

"Excuse me?"

"Do I need to repeat myself again, Minister?"

He sighed and reluctantly did as she asked. She took his hand and apparated him to a meadow– the same one her and Sirius trained in.

He looked around, "Where is this?"

"A secure and private location."

Rufus sat down his briefcase in the grass and took out Dumbledore's will, "To Aurora Dahlia Moona Black, I leave to you a... notebook?" Rufus trailed off, narrowing his eyes in confusion.

He reluctantly took the notebook out of his bag with a cloth over his hand so he wouldn't touch it. He held out his hand and Aurora took it, Rufus letting out a sigh in relief when it didn't hex her.

Aurora analyzed the notebook, trying to open it but it wouldn't budge. It had a golden seal over it with a large circle in the center of it, like it needed a key to open.

"I leave to you this notebook that will be your guide. Some journeys, you must face alone. But you must look not only to the living, but to the dead."

"Excuse me?"

Rufus shrugged, "His words, not mine. May I continue?"

"Go on."

"I leave this as a warning, Aurora, that you may not like what you find. However, it is crucial that you follow the guide. By now you should already have one piece to the puzzle, all you need to do is put it together and follow your guide."

He looked up from the paper and the two stared at one another dumbfounded, "I'm just as confused as you are, Minister."

"You need to be cautious, Aurora."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a warning. Can I have my wand back now?"

"Are you leaving?"

He nodded, and she took out her own wand as she gave him back his. For the first time, the smallest smile appeared on his face, "I like you, Miss Black. Perhaps we can work together further in the future."

With that, he disapparated with a crack.

Aurora apparated to her home and sat down on the couch, looking at the book quizzically. What was the other puzzle piece?

A cracking sound pulled her from thought. She quickly shoved the book into the couch cushion as George walked into the living room, "Running off now, are we?" He asked with a small smile.

"I'm about to get ready." She said, standing up.

"Oh?" He said with a mischievous smirk, walking to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

He began to hike up her t-shirt when she stopped his hands, her smirk matching his, "I can undress myself, George."

He sighed in disappointment, "Come on..."

"You need to go back and help them."

"I've done enough! Come on, help an old crippled man out."

She patted the side of his face that still had his ear, "Later."

He muttered a few incoherent curses and apparated away, leaving Aurora chuckling softly to herself.

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