Chapter 37 | Heartbreak

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(Y/n) pov:

As our sixth date we went to see a movie. We ate popcorn, talked and even almost got kicked out of the cinema. It was a lot of fun, but I'm most exciting about today. This will be our last Date, until I'll ask him.

Way to excited I guide him through the city. He's blindfolded, so that our date will be a real suprise. Even though he tells me to be careful, he seems more than relaxed.
After multiple minutes of going through the city, we arrive in a modern building.
"Can I take the blindfold off now?"
"No, I'll tell you when."
Together we walk into the elevator, I press the button and we silent wait to arrive. When we do, I gently take his blindfold off and reveal to him...
"My own apartment?"
Chan seems a bit disappointed.
"Yeah, I thought since you love music, we could write a song together~", I explain, hoping to rise the mood again and to my surprise, he actually starts to smile.
"Really? You want to write a song with me?", As he asks his eyes literally glow.
Immediately after my words he takes my hand and walks me to the living room. There stands a piano. Quietly I sit down and wait for Chan to sit next to me. But instead he get us something to drink and brought some papers with him as well.
"What's that?"
"Oh", he looks down to the paper and then back at me, "Just some stuff I have been working on recently."
I nod.
"Why don't we start from zero and see where this goes?"
Chan seems suprised, but agrees to my suggestion. So now we sit next to each other, thinking about what we could write about. Luckily it only takes me a couple seconds to come up with something.
"Oh I have an idea!"
"Sure let's hear it."
At first I want to just say it, but when he tells me to sing it, I immediately feel embarrassed.
"I can't sing well, like at all!", I try to get out of this whole thing, but of course he won't listen to..
"Just try. It doesn't matter how it sounds."
Even though he is trying to cheer me up, I can still feel the red flush on my cheeks burning.
"Mmh fine..", I pout, but clear my throat to actually sing.
"I just wanna scream out, till my voice breaks. Even if the tears fall and my heart hates me. Baby, I love you"
As soon as I'm done singing that bit, I hide my face behind my hands.
"How was that?", My voice is so quiet, I'm surprised he is able to hear me, when I speak so quietly.
"That was great! Your voice but also the words. We can definitely work with that!"
Hearing him say this makes me come out of my 'hiding spot'.

And that's how it all continued. We kept singing possible lyrics. He played the piano to that and all felt perfect. I would lean to to him, as he sings the lyrics I had sung before, relaxing to his soothing voice.
Slowly but surely the song was getting more and more of a shape. Writing a slow ballad and love song with the person you love is really special. No, not just that, he is special as well.

"How does that sound?", Chan added a bit to the beginning and plays it for me. But I honestly couldn't really pay attention to that. Seeing him the way I do right now is just too perfect. Is now the right time?
The boy looks at me worried, as I don't respond to his question.
"Are you okay?"
Hearing his question I snap out of my daydream.
"Oh sure. I just need to use the bathroom. Excuse me for a second."
Quickly I get up and almost run into the bathroom. As soon as I close the bathroom door behind me, I stare into the mirror.
I look a bit tired. Might be because I feel incredibly stressed. Why does love have to be so nerve wrecking??
Quietly I touch up my face a bit and use the toilet, because of my nerves. While washing my hands my phone buzzes.
"Who texts me now?" I mutter, drying my hands and looking at my phone.
"Truth? Weird name for a group chat.. since when am I even it it?"
A bit confused I click on the messenges.

(Random Number)
That's what happend at the party, when you couldn't find Chan.

And a video..?

Even more confused now I click on the video. It's from the party that I went to with the others. The evening when Zack was admitted to the hospital..

3rd person pov:

A high voice squeaks in the video: "Oh my gosh what are you two doing?"
As the voice, who is also filming walks towards two people, who are making out passionately. (Y/n) is unable to identify them yet, since the girl, who is sitting on the boys lag, is covering both their faces. When the camera is close enough the girl moves a bit, grinding on the boys lap, as she reveals both their identities.
"We're making out, duh", Jade says, grinding harder, causing Chan to moan.
"But isn't he into... Her..?", The first voice asks, who (y/n) identities as Rosa.
"Pff", Jade Huff's, "Tell her babe. Who do you love?"
"I love you", Chan still moans quietly as he answers. And that's how the video ends.

Tears fall onto the phone screen, as she looks down on it.
"Why?", She mutters, tears still falling down, "I need to get out.. I.."
Helpless she tries to calm herself down to exit the bathroom and attempt to leave Chans Appartement.
As soon as she opens the door, she looks around. When she thinks the way is somewhat clear, she sneaks put of the bathroom, past the living room, where Chan is still playing the song they had just written together. Even though part of her wants to run to him and cry herself out in his arms, she know she shouldn't. So she just walks past him, to the elevator. As soon as she's inside and the elevator door closes she breaks down again.

Meanwhile Chan is still trying to play the notes on his sheets. When he notices that (y/n) had been gone for quiet a while now. Immediately he feels worried, so he gets up and knocks on the bathroom door.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"
He waits a few seconds for an answer, but then he notices the open door. Immediately he grabs his phone and tries to call her. But she doesn't answer. Quickly the puts on his shoes, when he notices hers are still here. Did she really leave her shoes behind?
Full of worry he also walks into the elevator, hoping to find (y/n). As soon as he arrives at the bottom, he walks to the door and looks around.
It's dark and many people are outside.
Part of him feel helpless. Desperate to find her. What if something happened to her?
Thinking that make shim remember the scars he saw the other day. He didn't understand how they got there, nor does he understand now, but he's still scared for her.
In this moment he wished he would have driven here. That way he would have been able to drive to her house and maybe catch her before she arrives. But now he can only walk there. While he does, he tries to call her multiple time, but at some point his call just don't get through anymore.

(Y/n) pov:

Eventually I arrive at my house. As soon as I'm inside, I try to just walk to my room, but of course I had to walk into my mother. Obviously she noticed my puffy eyes right away.
"What's wrong?", She tries to hug me, but I tell her to stop and simply walk to my room. Angrily I slam the door shut behind me and lock it. Knowing no one will be able to come in, my legs lose the last pieces of strength it had and I fall to the ground. Tears I didn't want to let out outside pour down, making my red cheeks wet.
Desperate for an answer I look at the video again and then at the things he wrote me. Things he said to me. Why... Why would he hurt me like this??

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