Chapter 19| Party and Call

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(Y/n) pov:

Concerned I take a last look at myself in the mirror. I never go out, nor am I too concerned about what I wear, but now I feel really nervous about it.. in the end I just choose something I feel confident in that isn't too comfy but also not too over the top. Nonetheless, I still feel unsure about it. Maybe this was a mistake?
While I'm lost in my own thoughts and insecurities, someone knocks on my door and opens it slightly.
"Are you ready?"
"Eeeh, almost."
"Then I'll come in", it's Chan.
After his words he just opens the door completely, stepping into my room without any hesitation. A reddish color paints my face, as he stares at me.
He pauses a second before smiling at me: "You look pretty. Wanna go?"
Feeling shy I nod, take my back, that was laying on my bed and walk over to him. His eyes are still clued to me. Awkwardly we stand next to each other. I wait for him to love, but he doesn't.
"We can go now.."

Together we step into the back car, we always use. Chans seems tense and so do I. Something about this whole thing feel really wrong, but I don't know what it is..

After a 15 minute drive, the vehicle stops infront of a really nice house..
"Who lives here?", I look at Chan, who seems a bit uncomfortable.
They guy who was hitting on me.. gross..
"I see. He has a nice house."
"Mine is better", he pouts.. because I compliment a someones house?
I have to admit, it's kinda cute..
"Is someone jealous?"
With a red face, he turns his head away from me, opens the car door and leaves. I do the same. After taking a deep breath, we walk into the house. To my surprise, he 'hang out' is more a party. People are drinking, smoking and some are making out with one another. Most are unfamiliar to me, until I see Rosa, who is taking a sip from her pink drink. As soon as she notices me, I walks over to me.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n)! What are you doing here?", The music is so loud, that I struggle to understand a word she says.
"I.. I'm not too sure myself", I chuckle awkwardly. Quickly she hugs me, talking another small sip.
"No baby duty", she jokes, clearly tipsy.
Again I chuckle: "It's not baby duty.. but he insisted I go out.."
"That's awesome!", Full of excitement my drunk friend grabs my hand and drags me with her, "I can introduce you to new friends I made!"
While I struggle to get free and fail, I look back to search for Chan, but I can't find him.

"This is (y/n), my best friend. I told you about her", Rosa says, taking another sip. The two girls, that Rosa just introduced me to, simply look at me in disgust.
"She's the one harassing Chan, isn't she?", One of them says, rolling her eyes.
"Excuse me?", Confused I look at them.
Making the second one speak up: "I can't believe you would take him from Jade. You're such a witch.."
Excuse them? Angrily I look at Rosa, who didn't know how to react.
"Chan is his own person. It's not my fault he doesn't like Jade this way.."
"But it's your fault you seduced him!", Jade voice appears behind me, making me jump in suprise. Immediately I turn around to face her. She looks as beautiful like she did the last time we saw each other, making me feel more insecure again.
Jade gives her two friends a look and they all leave, including Rosa.
"You will regret standing in my way (y/n)", she whispers before leaving me all to myself. The next second another person stand Infront of me.
"Are you alright?", I look up into Minhos face.
"Yeah.. I'm good", lying is probably the best thing I can do right now..
"You and Jade seem to be on bad terms", he jokes lightly.
"You know her?"
Now he chuckles: "No need to frown, everyone knows her. She's the daughter of a famous Producer. I'm surprised you don't know her."
A famous Producer.. considering how good Chans songs are, being with Jade might help him with his music..
"Well, who cares who's daughter she is.."
Gosh, it's frustrating. Coming here really was a bad idea after all..
"Do you know where Chan is? I lost him about 15 minutes ago.."
"Mh, I didn't see Chan yet. We could look for him together."
I really don't want to go with Minho, but I'd rather do that, than be by myself, so I reluctantly agreed to his offer. Together we fight our way through the crowd, when I'm also about to lose him, he grabs my hand.
"So that we won't lose each other", he says, smiling at me. I only nod, continuing to look around, hoping to find Chan, but fail. Where did he go?
After a while of walking through the full house, we meet a familiar face.
"Felix!", I yell, getting his attention. His lips curl to a smile, as he sees me.
"(Y/n), fancy seeing you here", he jokes, before frowning. I follow his gaze, until I land on Minhos and my hand.
"You can let go now", I say, not holding on to his.
"Right sorry", he chuckles, letting go. Happily I walk over to Felix and hug the adorable boy, who hugs me back immediately.
"Did you see Chan? We are looking for him", I ask, still my arms around him.
Felix shakes his hand: "I haven't seen him yet. Want me to call him?"
"He would not hear it", Minho interferes pur conversation.
"Let's just try it anyways."
Unfortunately Minho is right. He doesn't pick up the phone.

3rd person pov:

(Y/n) looks around annoyed.
"Maybe you just need something to drink. I'll get you something", Minho, the host, offers, "Don't move. I will be right back."
As quickly as he leaves the friends alone, the girl turns to her Australian friend.
"I need to find Chan. Can you stay with me?"
"Sure", the boy smiles cutely.

Together they walk through the whole house multiple times, but Chan is nowhere to find. (Y/n) is feeling more and more worried and anxious, what Felix notices. Of course they would, they have known each other for years.
"Let's get some fresh air. You need it."
At first the girl was about to refuse, but eventually she just agrees with her friend.
When they arrive outside, the (h/c) girl takes a deep breath and fishes for her phone in the purse she has bag. To her surprise she has multiple missed calls from a unknown number. She gives her friend a confused look, before calling the number back.
"(Y/n)!", Chans mothers voice is on the other side. She sounds extremely stressed and worried.
"Miss Bang? What's wrong?"
"Zack, his surgery appointment had to be rushed to today. He is in a critical state!"
"What?", Immediately she could feel the tears flowing down her face, "Is he in a hospital??"
"The ambulance is rushing him to one. We are following it."
"Which one?"
"I'll send you the address. Come as soon as you can!", She says, hanging up the phone. More tears are flowing down her face, making Felix concerned, when Minho joined the two, seeing the girl cry.
"What happened?", He looks worried, offering (y/n) a hug, but she refuses.
"My little brother is being rushed to the hospital and I'm not with him..", guilty is overflowing the girl, as her phone buzzes. Chans mother send her the address of the hospital they are driving to.
"I can give you a ride", Minho offers and the crying girl accepts without any hesitation.
"I'll join you too!", Felix says, taking his friends back.
"Let's go!"

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