Chapter 18 | Zacks Fear

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3rd person pov:

A few days after, Chan, Zack and (y/n) sit in the black car, Chans family owns. Together they are planning to visit a butterfly garden. Zack had been excited these past few days and (y/n) also has been really looking forward to it. The siblings had never visited a place like this.
As the three are eventually arrive, the young boy jumps out of the car excitedly.
"Zack, wait up!", (Y/n) yells, giving Chan a little glance, he has already left the car as well. Everything is still a bit tense between them. Everything frustrats (y/n) a bit. Even though they talked about it, he is still acting distant.. and she is still feeling hurt by it.

After they bought their tickets, they walk inside the building with a certain anticipaten. And they aren't disappointed. Many colorful butterfly fly over their heads, landing on walls, plants, plates with food and even sometimes people.
"Wow", Zack yells, running behind a butterfly.
"Don't walk too far", his worried big sister shouts after him, but gets ignored, as he still follows the pretty insect. With a annoyed smile she looks up to Chan, who is also focused on the animals around him. He has a relaxed smile on his adorable face, causing (y/n) to smile as well. Gently she reaches for his hand, wanting to hold it, feel his warmth and soft touch on her hand, but as soon as they touch, he pulls away. Both look at each other.
"S-sorry", the girl mumbels, her cheeks taking a light pink shade, "I'll look after Zack.."
Immediately she walks off. All she wants is to escape the hurt and rejection she is feeling once again. So why not focus on her brother instead?

When she found him, he was smiling, having a butterfly on his hand.
"Look!", He yells, noticing his big sister, "It landed on my hand!"
With a chuckle she walks over to him: "He's so pretty!"
Both look at the greenish butterfly relaxing on the boys hand.
"I think he likes me!"
"Yeah, I think he does."

Chans pov:

I pull my hand pack, as I feel something touch my hand. When I look down, I see (y/n)s hand. She was going to take my hand and I pulled away.. hurt she looks at me: "S-sorry.. I'll look after Zack.."
As she says that, she runs off to her little brother, not looking back at me.
I hurt her again, didn't I?

I watch the two laugh at the butterflies flying around them, as I get a text from one of my friends, Minho.

Hey Chan, I'm planning to hand out with some friends if mine. Wanna join us?

Don't know if I have time

Right (y/n)s with you, right?
You could bring her with you
I still wanna shut my shot lol

Annoyed I stare at his message.

I'll ask her
Can't promise you anything tho

Guess her telling him off wasn't enough for him..
I still at my phone when Zack tucks at my shirt.
"What's up bud", I kneel down next to him, waiting for a response.
"I lost (y/n)", he says, looking at me sad, "did she leave me too?"
As he speaks, you could he is about to tear up.
"Zack, she would never leave you. Maybe she wanted to play hide and seek with you. Let's go look for her."
"Okay", he still looks sad. Carefully he takes my hand, as I lead him to find his sister. On the way I keep trying to cheer him up, he nothing what I try helps. All he does is look around, getting closer to tears, until he finally finds his sister. Immediately he starts to cry, let's go of my hand and runs towards her.
"(Y/n)!", As soon as he reaches her, he hugs her torso, making her look down in confusion.
"Why are you crying?"
"I thought you left me.."
Slowly I walk up to them, not disturbing their moment.
"I'd never do that", (y/n) says. She looks so angry and I can't do anything to help her..
Zack is still crying into her upper body and she is still stroking his head gently.
Minutes pass, people stare and eventually the boy calms down again.
"I want to go home..", he says, sniffling a bit.
His big sister just nods, picks him up and carries him out, while I just follow silently.

(Y/n) pov:

"...and they want me to join them?", I give Chan a distrusting look, as he drives the car back to his house.
"Yeah, they asked us to come."
"Why would they ask you to bring me?"
"Some know that you live with me for the time being."
Annoying but it doesn't matter if they know.
"Well, I can't join you anyway. I need to take car of Zack..", after I say that, I look out if the window, into the city, until Zack speaks up.
"But I'll be asleep anyways. So just go! Also, Chans mom is so sweet, she can help me!", He's a good kid..
"But weren't you just crying about me possibly leaving you?"
"Yeah, but", he starts proudly, "that was before. I've grown since then!"
After he said that, I can't help but chuckles a bit: "That was twenty minutes ago."
"And? Just go with him", stubborn.. just like I am and our father is..
I take a second to breath, before answering and giving into his request: "Fine, but if you need me, call and I'll be there."

Another ten minutes later we arrive at Chans house and join his parents for dinner. Both are in the same miss as usual. Until Chan mentions or plans for tonight.
"I don't think that's a good idea son", he father says, laying down his cup of coffee.
"I have to agree with your father", he's mother joins in, als putting her drink down, "You know most of these people aren't trustworthy at all."
"They're my friends!", Chan is already being defensive. For a second a think about comforting him, bit considering how he reacted today, when I tried to touch him, I probably shouldn't..
"And I know I can trust them!"
The whole table is silent and full of tension.
"You're too young to know when you can trust people", his father answers, grabbing a glass and a bottle of wine.
"I don't think you should say something like that", I interrupt the conversation between them, hoping to deescalate the situation a bit.
"Pardon me?", Mister Bang did not like that I did that..
"We might be young and be wrong a lot, but that's how we learn. If you shield your son from these things, he won't be able to grow.."
Both parents look at me suprised, then a bit frustrated.
"Fine... You can go, but call if something happens!"
Chan and I look at each other. He gives me a nod, which I return, before turning back to my food.

What Love Is Supposed To Be/ Bangchan x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя