Eigen does a Gaia

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Dust fell from the ceiling long after that lil quake that threw Eigen on his ass, but all he did was laugh with class.

He picked himself off the floor and fastening his suit button, told Sieg. "I hope you won't hold a grudge about the bitch, but the lunch bell's just rung. Time to commit murder." He said this with such glee, someone could've mistaken him for a rich kid at Christmas. "I don't suppose you'd wanna join, for old times' sake?"

"Eigen, please." Sieg begged, but all he got was a groan from the latter. "Don't do this."

"You sound so fucking human, so much like those rich aristocrats that think their money can buy them a second chance." Hissed the young Westen with disdain. "So fucking weak. You're no use to me like that."

He started walking for the door, becoming more and more transparent with each fucking step until he'd completely disappeared. The effect of his leave was instantaneous; it was like everything was rebooting. The reapers for starters...restarted!

They started talking amongst themselves, but laying face to the floor staring at the film starting to form over Dora's eyes on a microscopic level, Everything went through his ears muted, Sieg.
     It was like listening to loud music playing from another room...some words he caught, others he didn't. Up or down though, the general consensus seemed to be this, Eigen had ordered his death.
He'd ordered them to play tic-tac-toe with Sieg's organs, but much like the Greek titans after their mother asked them to nerf their father, the reapers were hesitant....afraid.

"He's lord West's son!"

"Well the other son just told us bottoms up!"

"Aye, but what if-"

"Lord East said-"

"Yeah but Lord North never mentioned-"

Blah, blah, blah. Sieg had so little fight left in him he almost started encouraging the idiots to believe in themselves and do it. Then out of the bleu, out of nowhere, he started feeling this strong hum buzzing through the ground.

Closer, and closer, stronger and stronger til CRASH! VROOM, BAP!

Something so big barreled into the shop, it took out both display windows, a wall, and six reapers. And The other six? Sieg suddenly rolled to the left, revealed a sigil drawn in the shop-keeper's blood and bam! They flew back into the wall and became as translucent as Eigen leaving.

Only then did Sieg look to the disturbance and he couldn't believe his eyes; Edward! He'd driven his beloved car straight through the shop.

"You owe me a Mercedes." He told Sieg, coming to help him off the ground.

"Why are you never where you're suppose to be!? I told you-"

"Alice is fine, Vivic's with her." Edward smirked. "Besides, I smelled blood—reckoned you could use a bit of help." And out of his pocket he took Niles.

"No, Alice!" Sieg hissed taking the pulsing ring into his hand with hidden joy. "Alice needed your help—I had peace of mind thinking you were there helping her. Now Eigen's heading over there and I'm staring at YOU!"

Sieg almost smacked him into the ceiling, then he saw the six other reapers stirring from under the car and he suddenly got an idea.

"Help me move the car." And together, they pushed it back out of the shop and to the curb. While Edward was doing that, Sieg went around sorting the reapers. Two Eastens, two Northens, and Two Southens. No Westen. Fine, he only needed one of each after all.

But as he went round collecting their rings, He came to realize how it all made sense. Eigen was the only Westen that had passed through that hallow and high up the food chain as he was, hiding himself would've been child's play. The war had started.

Good, he had just the thing to end it. He smirked at the thought and thinking about it renewed his hope. He hurled each ring to the ground one after the other and one after the other each, they revealed their true selves; pure white birch for the South, redwood red for the North, Sandy brown cedar for the East.

To each of these, he broke over his knee and in between each he found stones and plucking them like eggs from under a chicken's butt, he'd move on to the next. He did this 'til he'd successfully retrieved three different stones, now he just needed Eigen's.

Only trouble was, he was in no shape to take on that little Psychopath...'specially not with this burning pain in his rib. His eyes widened at that—his rib.

Sieg went to the shelves and to the closets, tossing stuff around til he found what he was looking for; a knife. That in his hand, he took two bottles and went to Dora first. He made sure that she wasn't breathing before he did his next, he sliced her wrist and allowed the blood to drip into the bottle.

It got near the middle before it stopped and Sieg couldn't stand looking at her this way anymore so he ended it there. He corked the bottle and took the other, slit open the scar on his rib and let his blood fall in. He didn't need much, so it took no longer than a second or two, but what he did next took some convincing.

He dropped the knife to the ground and shoved a tentative finger into the wound. He felt his finger forcing through the tissue, and it took all he had not to give up there and then. Oh the pain was horrible, so horrible in fact, he started wondering why he was doing this.

Then he felt the stone burning hot inside of him and he hooked a finger through the hole and yanked it out with gritted teeth. It fell to the ground. Hands shaking and stumbling from the pain, Sieg picked it up and dropped it in his pocket. He breathed a second after; allowing the pulsing veins in his body to calm and that raw, red color in his face to settle before whistling a tune at the waiting Edward.

"What say you, we go catch ourselves a reaper?"

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