Death's hallow

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But he'd already lost her once, and laying there that night after they got back from the hike...

Sieg came to realize that he didn't want history repeating. He'd suffered so much letting her go that first time, he honestly didn't have it in him to do it again. Good. Fine. Great! With all he'd done for this world, he'd surely earned to right to now be selfish...right? Yes.

Tossing and turning through Vivic's cavernous snores, he came to realize that the only other thing he could think of worst than her death was her with another...her with Jasper. Jasper...Sieg could've blown his top thinking about that little jackal always ever sneering. Even worst! Alice giving him little baby sneering Jackals!

Oh Sieg got so mad, he fell off the bed and face-planted straight into the ground. "Over my dead body." He mumbled through the floorboards and the next morning he told her so.

Not exactly in those words, you understand; she was still her own person and he needed her to know that it was her choice so he asked her to come hang with him in the forge. Yes...this billion years old ex-reaper, ex-whore said hang.

Walking away all flustered, he wanted to smack himself relentlessly. "I use to be way cooler back in my day." He thought this walking up the steps and a door suddenly opened to the hall's right. "Way, way cooler."

Edward peeked his head out and smirked. "I guarantee you, it's not true."

Sieg put a hand to his face, and pushed his head back in before walking off. But come afternoon though, Alice came to him.

And soon they were spending days together: in the forge, in the woods, in the mountains or even in town once.

Vivic, who made Esme uneasy in the house started joining on these expeditions And as they went Sieg would often tell them of all of these things he and her use to do together before the asylum. He told them all about how he'd passed himself off as a rancher on the farm nearby after he'd recovered just to be near her, told them about how they'd one time taken the horses and made their own horse show just to prove the better rider, or how they'd once snuck out and in the dead of night, released all the birds in an Avian shop going out of business.

Aye, he had many more just like that; many beautiful little memories that lit his eyes like a thousand suns everytime he spoke them back into existence and listening to him, Alice could see why they had fallen in love, see it so much that she started falling all over again or maybe she'd never stopped, simply forgotten.

Then one day she came into the forge and Sieg was loading a gun.

"Look I know Rosalie's a handful, but that's just going to piss her off." He noticed her when she said this and beckoned her.

He showed her a bullet all special and smirked all proud. "Goofer dust rounds. Hurt like a bitch to make but, that means they're effective right?"

"Yes, but why?"

"You're still public enemy number one—you know that, right?"

"Oh yeah..." she'd really nearly forgotten and not all on her own either—it'd been months since she'd seen a Cerberus, no pressure though. "What's taking them so long?"

"Probably waiting for the gates to open." And there and then, Sieg told her about West End's entrances. "Entering is fucking easy, there's so many many hidden doors in this world especially. But leaving it's only two ways; one is crawling out like a dog, and that's a bitch of hike like you've never been. Dangerous doesn't even begin to describe it. The other is Death's hallow."

And that was basically a gate...a door from Reaperville—as Alice called it—to Earth. Every side had one and good.

"It's easy and precise...perfect for ushering out a huge army. Only trouble is it only opens once a year."

"When's that?"


"It's in four days, Chickadee." Sieg sighed. "And I'll bet you the rest of my soul, Dad's got something planned just that day. Something nasty just for us."

And his plan was to shoot his brethren up with enough Goofer bullets to blow out their joints.

"Give us enough time to escape and get you to the south or something. Get you off his playground."

"So we're just going to keep hiding?"

"Yep. I did it awhile, it's great."

And it would be even greater with her.

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