Dreaming o' you

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"It was a Cerberus"

"A what?"

"Offsprings of the real thing..." and good, he didn't need that ten ton thing up his ass at the 'mo. "they help collect souls for us."

"Who are you?"

"I thought you said you knew."

He smirked when that put a dead on her words and in an effort to not get lost in her, returned to his phone. They'd made it out the hunting cabin that he'd called home and thus out of the forest too. They were now occupying a booth at Sieg's favorite 24hr diner. They still had the goofer dust on them and the hobo-like appearance it gave them was starting to unnerve their fellow customers. Good.

"Alright I've found them. Plane tickets, I just need to know where you came from."

And that gave her pause, her eyes fell to the table but her line of sight seemed to passed through—seeing something that both confused and dazed her. "I don't remember."

"Well, don't you just love that word."

"I said I don't remember, okay?" She exclaimed, eyes flashing. "All I remember is going to bed and dreaming of you! You and your stupid eyebrows and your stupid face. All day, everyday for weeks." She faltered. "Next thing I know, I'm here and those Cerberus things are chasing me."

"Empty your pockets." He told her after a long pause. And out on the table she pulled a phone—screen busted, a key—bent to hell, and half a wallet all chewed up. He went for that and pulled out a been-through-a-lot card.

It was a license and though two-three letters had been bitten out, He could still make out her face—still make out how horrible of a job the photograph had done of taming her beauty. He could still—

"Alaska." He shook himself. "You're a long way from home, kid."

She fixed him with a stare and said. "Ditto."


Sieg went on to set the tickets. There wouldn't be an opening 'til later so they passed their time at the diner; Sieg putting away slices of apple pie like he was going to die, while Alice just sat there, watching him flirt with anything that gave him time and that amounted to a lot.
When midnight finally hit the sky, almost half of their booth was filled with girls trying to get his attention, and gracious host that he was, the little slut entertained it.

Then he looked at her and saw her being nearly smushed into the window and decided enough. They left the diner and got on the Harley.

Sieg didn't want to leave his bike in the airport's parking garage, so he drove them to a nearby forest and stashed it there. He'd just chained it to a tree when the hairs on his back started standing on ends. "No way."

He turned and there they stood; Cerberuses, with two more to boot.

Alice sensed the shift in the air and moved just in time. A Cerberus smashed into the tree branch she'd just been standing before and she ran for Sieg. It was reflex, but she took his hand and he gave it a squeeze. "How good can you climb?"


"Then go, very top and wait."

He pushed her back all gentle and urged her to go, but she lingered. Lingered long enough to see him pull a ring out of his pocket. He slipped that thing out one second and was holding a scythe the next.

She started climbing then and good, because he started swinging. He swung left, slashed up, smacked north. At one point he got thrown to the ground, and Alice smelled blood but he screamed at her to stay out and she couldn't bring herself to disobey. No, really.

There was a guttural trust deep in her gut that kept her rooted where she was. No, it wasn't trust...it was memory— she knew this man for sure, but how?

She watched him fight, hoping that it would shake something loose and it did. That scythe he was swinging around was giving her deja-vu like nothing had ever and she saw futures for a living. Yes, there was something familiar about the expert way in which he swung that thing, something instinctual and when gory black liquid drenched him from the first two Cerbs, he didn't bat an eye.

Then he lowered the blades and golfed the other two cerbs around 'til nothing moved anymore. Only then did he look up at her, the scythe shrunk into a ring and he pocketed it—using his bleeding free arm to beckon her down. "Jump."

He caught her like a bride and that felt right. But the growls started up again so he threw her over his back and took off. It was the speed that he ran with that made Alice finally realize that this man that she was dealing with, this man that she seemed to know...wasn't quite human at all.

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