Take a walk

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"Think about it, you fucking idiot. Think! Why do you think reapers are the only angels that can touch human souls?"

And time seemed to slow, rewind even because now here went big brother Sieg, explaining the ways to Baby brother Eigsie.

"Eigen, every human soul has a bit of ours mixed into theirs. Tiny bits but still enough and when we as reapers touch a soul, that tiny piece recognizes us as kin."

It was the only reason they didn't burn to crisps upon touch. Souls were just contained bombs afterall.

Eigen frowned. "I didn't come here for a history lesson, Brother—get to the fucking point."

Normal souls were already pure energy as is, but containing pieces of all four Lifes, master souls were that on steroids. They were shots of walking power and a master soul specifically killed by a reaper allowed the four deaths to harvest that power for themselves.

"The last Death meet, thousands of years ago- "

"When you were assigned the mission that I've been sent to do for you?"

"Eigen, shut up and listen. They were planning a war. A takeover from the upper Angels and they needed power. They'd been harvesting for the last million years by killing every Master soul that came about and now they just needed a final one. Then they'd be ready to take on the uppers. Alice Mary Brandon. She is the final one." When Eigen said nothing, Sieg went on. "Don't you see, brother? There is no duty, there is no purpose, no balance...we've been assembling weapons of war this whole time by killing innocents. That's why you have to help me."

Eigen looked up, and Sieg nearly faltered. The boy looked betrayed. "Help you?"

"Help me save her. Help me save them all-" and for a moment, Sieg nearly had his brother back. They use to reap dying animals as children and Sieg saw the memory pass before his eyes as he walked forward to offer his hand. "Help keep the master souls safe."

For a moment, Sieg saw that little boy Eigen had been, saw the betrayal he was currently feeling, felt the fury radiating off him in waves, but his devotion was stronger and this, he showed by grabbing Sieg by the neck and hoisting him clean off the ground with renewed vigor.

"Where is she?"

Sieg spat in his face and What a mistake that was. Because Eigen next tossed Sieg to the floor, put a foot to his chest to keep him down and gave a snap.

Matonna moved forward all beefy and at first, Sieg didn't understand—then he saw that brute pick up Dora. Sieg begin fighting like he'd never before, he began screaming for Eigen to stop, to have mercy but all fell on deaf ears.

Oh if he'd thought that wound he'd been hiding hurt, it was nothing to watching someone take your friend by the neck and squeeze. But there was none of that feet kicking or struggle, Dora screamed only a second, like a shot dog really because next second, Sieg was watching her neck fold inwards under Matonna's fingers like cardboard.

Sieg felt the life leave her, he sensed her soul leaving her body, sensed it hovering there but no one reaped it. They just laughed when Matonna dropped her body to the ground all lifeless, kicking it about for show like a ball.

He gave her a last kick and that landed her face to face with Sieg, leaving him to stare at her lifeless eyes all wide. A bestial fury lit his veins then, but he couldn't escape Eigen's supernatural hold no matter how hard he struggled. Adrenaline meant nothing to a reaper's strength after all. "STRIKE FUCKING TWO, EIGEN!"

But he thought of her, thought of how she was safe and that was enough for him to say his next. "You might as well jump now, then. Jump now, because you just killed your only piece of leverage. I'll die before I tell you where she is."

"I know."

And Eigen smiled at that because it seemed his brother had forgotten just how good he was at Hive mind. How well he could hide himself physically and emotionally—he wasn't West End's prodigy for nothing afterall and Hive Mind happened to be his absolute specialty.
He'd been doing it with every reaper here and so when two of them stepped out of the fray, exited the shop, and didn't return—Sieg was the only one surprised. Aye, his big brother was a stubborn one—he'd never reveal where he'd hidden his tart.

"Lucky for me, you think about her a lot."

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