Bullet to the South

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When she came to 'bout ten minutes or so later, there was something covering her lips.

Something wet, something moving, something flaky. It wasn't until something else went down her throat that she happened to realized just what the hell was going on—Someone's lips! Someone, not Sieg....

Alice hurled her head forward forehead first, twice and fast until she felt the free air on her lips. Only then did she open her eyes and there this whole scene opened out before her.

The lights were back on now and Carlisle's office? In utmost shambles. Before her were two people...no, not people. Reapers. The male, a brunette—evidently he was the one who'd snuck a kiss because his forehead was red and he looked livid.

"You bitch!" He stumbled. "Whore of earth, how dare you?"

"I am a master soul." Alice told him. "And you can try to kill me, but you will not put your lips on me and speak to me any kind of way—my husband will have your head."


He slapped her. So hard in fact, it threw her head sideways and her hair over her eyes like curtains.

"Your husband, the traitor prince?"

"And don't you fucking forget it."

Fury colored his face and he rose his hand again—But the woman, a redhead, she stopped him. Alice could see his fist shaking and struggling mid-air, fighting against her powerful one closed around his wrist. "You will not put your hands on her, Coyote."

"I put my lips on her!"

"Huge fucking difference, you oaf. We follow orders."

Coyote sneered. "Okay, we've got her now—let's kill her."

"No!" And Alice had to agree. "You idiot, the plan is to capture—we call him when we capture."

Coyote groaned like a little bitch. "Why are we obeying that diva again?"

"Because Lord South gave that same diva permission to nuke us if we put even a toe out of line, so secure her while I go call." And she left the room. Soon as she did, Coyote turned to her.

He rose his hand at her and thinking that he was going in for that second slap, Alice flinched. It was because her eyes were already facing down that she saw the ground moving beneath her. No...it was the other way around—she was moving.

Alice rose her head just in time to find herself getting further and further away from the bearded Coyote, her back slammed into the far wall facing the door and there she remained. No ropes, no nothing, just unable to move. Some invisible force was pressing her to the wall fit to turn her jello and so long as his hand kept up, so she remained.

"You just wait 'til I get out of here, I'll kill you all."

"You better behave yourself, little girl." Coyote told her, running that tar-black tongue of his along his Sahara-dry lips. "I'm not as careful as Bexar—I might accidentally put a knife in you."

He inclined his fingers forward as if pointing with all five and she felt the force against her increase until she couldn't even swallow, then she realized it. "Lord South...she said said Lord South. You're not Westers, are you?"

"What's it to you?"

Well for one, it now made sense; Niles really hadn't picked up any Westen. So Alice started wracking her brain.

"Look, look! I'll make you a deal; the West have been looking for me a long time, just adhere to my conditions and I'll let you do it."

Coyote was so taken aback, his hand wavered and the force lessened for that. Alice took in a huge breath watching him come closer.

"I'm sorry, you'll let us?"

"That's right. I'm a master soul...master. Whatever the West wants with me won't mean shit if I'm not willing. I have to be ready to sacrifice."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. My husband told me."

Sieg hadn't said shit. Alice was blowing hot air right out of her ass but by the looks of him, Coyote was a lower tier reaper—he didn't know his ass from im his elbow and that was good. He wouldn't know any specifics. Or at least she hoped he didn't and after a long, arduous pause, he took the bait!

"What do you want?"

"Spare my family, and Vivic mustn't be harmed and above all, Spare Sieg."

"Negative, Princess." Bexar had returned pulling something covered in velvet behind her like a bag. She dragged it further into the study and the closer she came, the more evident it became that what she was dragging was no bag, but a person—

"Viv!" He groaned as answer and that brought tears to her eyes because Bexar next took him by the hair and Vivic barely had any left. Nevertheless, she pulled him into a sitting position and thus revealed his bloody, bruised face to light.

"A fugitive and a traitor." Bexar glowered. "I think our Deaths will be pleased." And Coyote gloatingly agreed while she forced Vivic to the window.

She punched a hole into the glass and took Vivic's hand to a jagged piece—he screamed, Alice screamed but only when pure black appeared from the wound did Bexar even waver.

She forced his hand through the hole and to the wet earth outside fell his blood. A tremor went through the house like a tornado would, shaking everything loose off the walls and to the ground. When it stopped, Bexar threw Vivic to the ground  with disdain."It is done."

She was telling Coyote how all they had to next do was wait, when Vivic kicked out her legs and threw something at Alice. It slid across the floor to her and distracted by his fallen comrade, Coyote's hand fell.

Alice lunged for the bit of iron and released the safety. She shot Coyote first, one to the forehead, another to the stomach, and a last to his groin.

He fell to the ground screaming and smoking from his wounds like a raging bush fire. Bexar was quick though, She rose her hand at Alice and the girl flew back to the wall, effectively knocking her grip loose and thus the sig.

She started to come to Alice, but Vivic kicked her out again and refusing to make the same mistake thrice, Bexar slipped a ring off her finger getting up. Just as Niles to Sieg, Her scythe—white all through out—solidified in her hand as if out of a fairytale and she rose it.

She was twisting to swing down when a bullet shot through her forehead, she looked and Alice was by the door, on the ground and shooting. Bullet to the hand, bullet to the knee, Bullet to the South. Smoke.

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