Winner, winner, Creepy boner

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A week went by, Vivic didn't turn up, and Sieg didn't worry. Pure, running water was afterall hard to find and Vivic easily distracted.

He had no room to talk though either, Sieg. Esme had suggested that the rest of the family fly to Hawaii early and leave them the house a couple of days before they joined, and what did newlyweds do all alone?

Aye, Sieg went at her mercilessly, disrespectfully even. He made her come so hard, she cried. Made her feel so good, she begged. It was funny—she'd cry and scream and beg for him to slow down, then start bullying him two minutes later like his behemoth of a pride hadn't just almost touched her heart.

They'd just finish a tenth round, when Sieg had to utter the safe word. They'd been going multiple days and while she still had a bit of vampire left, he was a full human. He needed breaks and so he shoved on a boxer and trudged out to the kitchen.

He nearly wet himself when he saw Edward reading at the counter.

"Oh are you finally done?"

"Oh are you still there?"

Only speaking again when He'd properly inhaled the reward that was a cold water bottle, Sieg frowned. "Besides, the fuck are you still doing here? You should be soaking all your parts in Hawaii."

"I decided to stay. You would know that if you spent even a second not breaking beds and tables."

"You should be taking notes, creepy. All that great fun and no baby." Sieg swallowed another bottle.

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? Who do you think causes the war that my dad so wants to happen, you little horn bag? It's all your fault, you and that first-class pick-me you'll go on to meet. After your little battle, Vampires all over will rise up against Volterra itself...and they'll all die for it." Not to mention that poor kid they'd leave behind—the strain of losing her parents so early would really turn her into an immortal child. the most destructive the world had ever seen. But Sieg didn't tell him that and it showed.

"I don't understand."

Energy returning fast and thus excited to get back, Sieg discarded the bottle and headed off. Edward repeated himself. "Sieg!" He called, following him to the stairs—adjusting his neck to follow the man up. "I don't understand."

"I don't care!" and how could he? blood was rushing out of his brain and down; if he stayed any longer in Edward's depressing ass presence, things would start turning blue!

The rodeo took right off soon as he got into the room and didn't stop till every animal in the forest had successfully added the words fuck, Oh god, slow down, and Sieg to their own universal language. Edward had to leave at some point and good, there was nothing like a bit of privacy while sinning and baby, they sinned! They did things in that room that would've made the devil blush. Left marks on one another that would've warranted serious investigations. Even was shocked.

Normally he was the one leaving his partners unable to move, but Alice went toe to toe with him. She put that T in top so well, Sieg couldn't believe she was the same innocent Mississippi girl he'd met in that stable, couldn't believe that her tiny lil self was actually taking all of him. And because of that, he found himself wanting nothing more than to please her, to hear her approval, and in that token started going places no man had yet gone. So when they stopped sometime around nine, Sieg was exhausted. Laying there under her, he could only manage to breathe and whilst he was focusing on that, Alice asked him this.

"You know that I love you. you know it, right?"

"I'd be a fool not to, love—you've been screaming it since noon."

She hit his chest. "I'm serious. I love your ugly mug."

"I love your ugly mug too."

"How much though?"


"I mean, would you love me if i was a worm?"

Trying to bite back a laugh, Sieg ran his tongue over his teeth. A chuckle still left him though. "Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah, I'd love you as a worm."

"What about a brain-eating amoeba?"

"You can have my brain anytime."

"What if I had no face or if i was burned beyond recognition?"

"I gotta be honest with you, Dee, I'd clean out your bank account and fly. "

"I'm serious!"

"Me too." He wasn't. Sieg would've loved her No face, no leg, no whatever. He would've loved her stretchmarks, hip dips, acne infestation—whichever. He would've loved her if she was something so small, he couldn't see her. Loved her if she was something so big, he could only see her. He'd fallen in love with her soul, He'd fallen in love with everything she was and could be, everything she would go on to do, everything she couldn't, everything she hated about herself, everything she loved? he loved them more. There was no explaining it really, nothing could ever measure.

"I love you." She told him again and Sieg kissed that colossal cranium she had on her with all his affection.

"I know it well."

Vivic returned that night and with good news; Niles hadn't picked up any Westers, so they decided to leave tomorrow. Alice was so excited, she called Rosalie and seated at her feet, painting her toes whatever color he liked, Sieg heard the whole hour-long mumbo jumbo.

When Alice finally fell asleep, Sieg carried her up to her room and laid her to bed. And yeah they were married, but he didn't feel right crawling into a bed he hadn't been invited into, so he went back to his own and soon as he closed the door, his phone ringed. hadn't even buzzed since he'd gotten to Alaska.

Weirder...the caller ID showed no name, but soon as answered, he recognized the voice on the other line with all his being, including little Sieg, it was her...


"Sieg!" Screamed Dora Bishop. "God I'm so glad I finally caught you."

She was crying. "Something's happened! Something horrible—Sieg, you have to help me."

"Dora, slow down—what are you talking about?"

A bit of static cut through the line and when it returned again, Dora's voice sounded calm and that was weird. She was never calm...she was the most energetic he'd ever met, calm and her just didn't mix. "I'm hiding at a tattoo parlor on West Stringer near you, come find me."

The line went dead.

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