Marriage Day

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Word count: 1088


There were a lot of people and sounds in the house going on for marriage. Even the bride was helping with all the necessary works. In the evening was her nikah and everything seemed to pass so fast.
I slid the curtains apart to have a view of outside. The sunlight was blazing on my skin but the cold breezes hit my face once I opened the window. A smile embraced my face as the hot feeling of sunlight fit perfectly with the coldness of breeze.

I turned around and went towards the sleeping idrees to wake him up.
As usual he demanded for 5 more minutes but he never got those 5 minutes so now he has to wake up!
"today it's inayah's marriage and you are sleeping like a hibernating bear"

He looked at me with a pretended unamused look "don't look at me like that" I warned him but he kept looking at me like that so I got up but he caught my hand

"I am joking" he laughed

"your jokes start the moment you wake up" I told him making me  sound a bit irritated

"with whom would I joke if not you" he asked

"whatever" I rolled my eyes "get up, have a bath and go help your father" I told in a authoritative tone and that made me feel proud

"alright alright" he got off the bed, yawning.

I slid down this beautiful magenta gown down my body and it's embroidery dazzled upon it. It's veil was of net. I perfectly aligned it on my right side. I remember how idrees made my hijab the other day, which I didn't want to recall, so I waited for him so that he could make my hijab today as well.
As I waited for him, I sat down on the bed and looked down at my dress. My moments with him just flashed in my memories and brought a smile on my face. How he took care of me when I needed him and how he knew me so well.
That night when we talked over everything that happened, is still so unforgettable!
Just thinking of him was making me blush and smile and my stomach rumble because of butterflies in them.
This new feeling of buzzes all over my nerves was something unexplainable.
What have you done to me idrees...?

"johara" idrees said all of a sudden, making me leave the world of thoughts and coming back to present "what are you thinking and smiling so much?" he had a questioning look. I looked down to hide my face from him because I knew that I was blushing hard as I felt my cheeks having a peculiar burning sensation.

"actually" I started "actually....I..I"

"what is it?"

I closed my eyes and took a long breath "will you make my hijab?" I said in a rush

"sure" he giggled "which shawl do you want to wear?"

I produced the pink colour shawl that I had taken out a while ago with my gown and gave it to him.
He got up and did all the folds and turns in the shawl around my head and inserted some ball pins.
After 5 minutes, he moved away "done"

I got up and looked myself in the mirror to admire myself again for looking so different in hijab
"you look bewitching" he mumbled near my ears making the volts rush through my blood

"you must get ready too" I looked down "I'll go"

"wait a second" he caught my hand and pulled me closer, our eyes interlocked and his hands on my waist while I rested mine on his chest "I love how you asked me to do your hijab and how you are showing your interest in it, isn't Allah the best of planners that he chose you for me?" I blushed at the last part of what he said

"yeah.."I whispered
He cupped my cheeks and kissed me on the forehead. I loved the feeling of being with him, so close in every aspect. I just didn't want to leave his grip and just keep smiling and letting him know that I have started to fall for him and how I succumbed to my decision of not accepting him and give him all the love he deserves but I had to go. I cannot spend so much of time with him while the others were waiting outside for me.

Inayah was ready and the car was here as well. I caught her right hand and another girl, whose name was sidra, who was her paternal cousin, caught her left hand. She sat in the car and we also sped off to the wedding hall.

A huge board was in front of the hall displaying inayah weds ibrahim. It looked beautiful and pretty with the flower decoration it had.
Inayah was taken in the hall with her mother. I stayed back outside because I had to call one of our clients

"hey beautiful"
A familiar voice called me. I turned round to see the most unexpected person

"what are you doing here?" I was astonished to see safi there "how did you know i was coming to america?"

"I was invited my dear" he came closer to me

"stay away" I warned him "no one can invite you, stop lying"

"my family is your husband's family are friends and neighbors"
I suddenly remembered that idrees did tell me that they are neighbors and family friends

"oh" i said "I don't care what you are doing here and what relation you have, just don't meddle with me"

"don't you know you are mine beautiful?" he said "look at you wearing that hideous head shawl, idrees made you wear it huh?"

"shut the hell up with your nonsense safi" I almost yelled "you are no one to whom I should say all of this, none of your concern so get lost"
He kept smiling devilishly

Just then idrees came there "I was searching for you everywhere and you are here" he looked at safi and twitched his eyebrows "what are you doing here with him?"

"let me tell" he said before I could speak anything "she is my girlfriend"

I was shocked. I looked at idrees to see his expressions all changing into plain shock.

What's gonna happen next? Let's see.
Don't forget to vote and do ignore my mistakes
Happy reading
Jazakallahu khairain ❤️

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