Sara's Attempts

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"what do you even mean?" I could see the changes in his expression

"you know what I mean very well" I said "anyways now that you are here, let's just have proper fun" I tightened Johara's hand in my grip. I didn't want her to be any near of that man.

"oh come on, let's have dinner" sara announced and we all went in the house. It was a bungalow mansion and looked so majestic from the outside. Different tables were being arranged for male and female.

"enjoy the dinner" I whispered in Johara's ears while she loosened my grip and walked away.

Johara went in the room which was meant for women to have dinner. I was extremely hungry but somehow I didn't want to eat anything. I left the area and decided to explore the mansion a bit. It looked fascinating and I really thought that sara might be some billionaire's daughter but however, that doesn't concern me. I exited the hall and found myself in a long passage whose walls were decorated with various paintings. I kept walking further in awe. Another hall emerged once the passage was over. This hall was so big with two sofa sets on each sides of the hall and a big carpet in the middle. There was a big homely decorative fountain which was on the carpet. I walked past through it and saw two staircases which started from the two sides of the hall.
Both of the staircases led to a common corridor with many rooms which looked neatly lined with their brown doors.

"hey" sara said "I was searching for you everywhere and you are here" her tone sounded seducing

"umm I was just..."

"it's ok" she didn't even let me complete "you liked the house, didn't you?"

"yeah" I chuckled nervously. I could feel the sweat in my palm. It happens to me when I am too nervous

"why don't I show you the corridor?"

"no it's fine. I feel hung..."

"oh come on" she grabbed my hand and started dragging me up to staircases

I struggled to withdraw my hand from her grip but she turned out be stronger than what she looked
Are you some famous wrestler's daughter or What?

"leave my hand" I yelled

"what's wrong?"

"I said leave" she let me free and I took a long breath

"I am so sorry, I didn't know it hurt" I looked at her unamused

"I am going"

"oh wait" sara stopped me "there's something I want to show you"

"but I don't want to see" I snapped at her face

"please, I really want you to see it" she pleaded "it's in one of the rooms up there"

I don't understand what she could possibly have to show me. She was insisting so much that I couldn't deny.

"ok" i said and followed her. She walked to the last room of the corridor and opened the door

"come in"

"I would stay here" I said genuinely "you can show your whatever to me here"

"but you must come inside" I was getting frustrated now

"can't you just bring it out here and show me so that I can go down and join others!?"

"nope" she said with her hand on her waist "come inside so that I can show you fast"
She was asking me to be in a room all alone with her. Astaghfirullah that's not possible!
"if you cant bring that thing or whatever it may be here" I said firmly pointing to the place I was standing "I am out of here"


"would you tell me what that even is?" my voice becoming harsher

"I can't. It's a secret"

"just a reminder, you don't know me and want to show a secret? That's the joke of the day"

"this is a secret you must see" I could see no humbleness in her eyes anymore.

"you will keep the door open" I said firmly

"that's not a problem" she smiled victoriously as if she has won a debate

I slowly walked in and saw the room was not decorated much. It just had curtains, carpet, a wardrobe and a bed. Just in the while I was observing this new room, I heard the door close. I swiftly turned around and saw sara had closed the door behind her. It was just me and her all alone in the room. My heartbeat escalated. My breathing got faster. Sweat started dripping all over my body.

"you told that you'll keep the door open" I shouted

"well I didn't promise"
She had a devilish smile on her face. She scanned me from my head to toe and I felt so afraid for the first time in my life. I don't know what was on her mind but I was really sure thats something wrong was going on.

What is sara trying to do?
Find out in the upcoming chapters!

Happy reading, jazakallah ✨

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