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Word count: 1353


Idrees's POV

This business was squeezing all the energy I had. I am not showing off that I am working hard but doing a business was all new for me and I seriously need some time to adjust to this.

"sir there's a meeting with Mr. Kumarlal today"

"isn't it at 4pm today?"

"right sir"

This was the first contract I was going to negotiate for and inshallah I was hoping that I'll get it.
I ordered a cup of tea and settled myself on the chair comfortably to have a quick look on the presentation I had created today for this big meeting.

"hey hey boss" Imran barged in my room like a gust of wind.
Imran is my closest family friend from America. His family and mine knew each other but then, recently, his family died in a terrible car crash. He unwillingly had to return back to india to stay with his uncle. He was unemployed all this time and he knew I was going to open a business of my own so he waited for me. So that we work together.

"bro have some shame, you just barged in my room, don't you know that you have to knock?" I said stressing on the word 'knock'.

"your rules do not apply on me so shut up and order me a tea" he sat right in front of me in a casual posture

"those are my office rules" I said after a tea for him

"alright mr boss" he scoffed "let's go for lunch"

"not today" I said

"why?" I seriously didn't imagine he would wail that loud

"I have a meeting at 4pm today so I have to prepare myself"

"that's not an exam for which you are preparing like it's some sort of challenging country ranking exa-"

"will you shut up your nonsense?" I cut him between. I just couldn't find sense in his words and I've lost my senses because of nervousness

"don't forget your roots" he said with an unamused expression

"my boots?" I giggled

"your roots!"

"as much as I remember, I am not a plant" I really loved to mess with Imran

"obviously you aren't a plant because we are evolved from chimpanzees"
Not again with that stupid theory!!!

"yeah you look like one so I doubt your line must be from chimpanzees"

"heyyyyy" he got offended and I just couldn't stop myself from laughing

"I am just joking, dinner tomorrow? I'll introduce you to my friends"

"absolutely" he finally squealed with happiness


"abbbaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" I was so happy that I felt I am cloud nine.
I lifted my mom and  started spinning "let me down, lett mee doowwnnn!"

I let her down.

"what's the chaos about?" inayah came out of the kitchen, munching on diary milk

"ini" I screamed and engulfed her in a hug. That's what I call her 'ini'. A cute name it is.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" inayah screamed back at me, not getting her breath "you almost killed me"

"I got my first contract" I yelled and produced out the box of sweets from my bag and made everyone take a little bite from a laddoo.

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