What's Wrong With Isra?

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"I've decided to go to my brother's house" isra said plainly "there's no point of me staying here"

"but you have johara here, you can stay with us" inayah insisted

"that's Johara's in laws and there's no way I am going to stay in her in laws"

"before we are her in laws, we are your old family friends and we have got a lot to convince you that we can be at least like your own blood relations" Maryam spoke

"but I...I just miss my brother after rafiq' s death and it feels so overwhelming, please let me go"

Inayah and maryam had no choice but to agree with her.

The mother - daughter duo had been taking good care of isra and she seemed to get out of the trauma of her husband's death. She mentioned it less and spent most of her time praying or sleeping.
Maryam and inayah were quite satisfied from her changing behavior.
They could stay only for two days more now as they were leaving to America next week.

"why are you sad auntie?" inayah came in her room when she heard isra sobbing

"I lost my son" she said, blowing her nose

"your son?" inayah was confused "you only have a daughter"

"I don't have a daughter" isra argued "I had a son who is dead because he fell from his chair while dinner"

"what??!" inayah was completely dumbstruck "that was not your son but your husband and you only have a daughter whose name is johara and you have no son"

"really?" isra asked with a questioning look

"ammi this is so critical, you need to hear me"

"please stop, can't you see I am making biriyani"

"I can see that but you need to hear me"

She kept the vessel of rice on the stove and turned to worried inayah who had her sweat dropping from all over her body "what is it?"

"I don't know if I am right or maybe wrong but.."

"say now"

"I think isra auntie is suffering from alzheimers" her voice became low as she spoke

" Do you even know what you are speaking?"

"I know but last night after the discussion of letting her go to her brother's place, I heard her sob in her room so I went to ask her and what she says is that her son died as he fell of his chair while dinner and she has no daughter" she took a breath in between "how's it possible for her to forget all of that, it's only if she has a disease or she is pretending and we all know she isn't the one of the people who pretend"

"hmm" Maryam gave a thought "then we will consult her to a neurologist before we goes to her brother"

"we'll go today after lunch?"

"yeah that's seems a good time"

"I'll inform idrees"

"no wait" maryam stopped her "let first it be confirmed that she really has some problem, then we can inform"

"ok, I'll go read some book" inayah turned back to go away when her mother called her

"stay with me here and see how I am cooking. You are going to embarrass yourself and me in your in laws"

"I am not marring to cook" inayah protested

"you won't be having ammi there to cook and feed you so STAY HERE"

"it's just a biryani, I do know how to cook" inayah whispered and continued to help her mother.

"may I have a word in private?" the doctor called in Maryam while inayah was asked to stay with isra

"is the patient in constant stress?"

"I don't think so doctor. I have no much idea as we lived abroad so we never had an opportunity to observe their satisfaction in life"

"well I am so sorry to say that your patient is suffering from alzheimers" the doctor said "her brain cells are rapidly dying due to damage caused by constant stressful thinking and trauma"

"oh" maryam couldn't say anything

"I'll be prescribing you medicines which you should be giving her at proper times. This will reduce the speed of her brain cells damage"

"is there no cure?"

"just these medicines for now" he tore the paper from his pad and handed it over to maryam.

maryam was completely devastated to hear this about her close friend. She didn't know how to tell that to her daughter. She worried just thinking about how johara would feel when she will hear this about her mother.

"assalamualaikum idrees, how are you?"

"walaikumassalam, i am fine alhamdulillah, what about you?"

"alhamdulillah I am doing fine but there's something I have to tell you" inayah breathed nervously as she spoke.

"what is it?" idrees was listening with full concentration

"Isra auntie is suffering from alzheimers"

"what?!" he almost shouted "how's that possible?"

Inayah told everything that happened. How she forgot about her daughter, how she mistook her husband to be her son and how she forgot the reason behind her husband's death.

"how will I tell this to johara?"

"you somehow must" inayah said.

Isra was still unaware that she was suffering from a particular disease. No one thought it appropriate to even say it because she was already in a lot of pain and telling this would be deteriorate her condition even more. That's what maryam thought.

"you will let isra auntie go to her mother in this condition?"

"there's no other option"

"will she not eventually forget that she has to go to her brother's place?"

"don't know" maryam said "one way or the other, it's her brother and no one could take better care of her"


This is going to be a hard time for isra...

Woah! What do you think of this chapter?

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Do ignore the grammatical mistakes occurring in my writing, it's not so good I know🥲
Anyways, thank you for support and love.
Happy reading! Jazakallah ✨

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