A Normal Day

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I was sitting in the car, relaxing while idrees drove it. We did not have a driver yet. Inayah's marriage was just a week a due so we were going to america soon.

"come on, you are driving too slowly. I'll be late" I whined

"I am not going to break the speed limit johara"

"ugh" I groaned "you don't have to be so good you know"

"who's good here?" he chuckled naughtily

"you" I said in a tone to which he chortled

"madam sign here" my PA asked me to do so

"what's this document about? I don't understand"

"it says that your textile company should be working on this very particular contract only for a year"

"how's that possible?" I yelled "my company will doom to loss"

"but this deal is worth million dollars ma'am, you won't get such opportunity again"

"I did not ask for your suggestion" I howled "I want an urgent meeting with shubham team"

"when may I schedule it?"

"I have to go to America this Thursday, I hope you have recorded thay detail" I confirmed from her

"yes ma'am, i have postponed all the meetings that have to be done in that week"

"good, schedule this meeting on the day right next to the day I return"

"noted ma'am" she walked out of the room.

I felt exhausted and lethargic. This was normal on those days.
Know which one? Obviously the period ones. They are painful!
I left the office and went to a cafe all alone. Obviously not with sara because she had my life a living hell once, won't let it happen twice.
I blocked her from everywhere and made up my mind not to even confront her again in my life.

"wohooo" he squealed while I was busy watching my favorite show. He came in between of me and TV and started jumping like a little child.

"what's wrong with you? Move, I can't miss that scene" i yelled

"then I am specially not going to move" he shouted

"moveee!!!" i got up and pushed him away from the TV but instead he caught my hand and pulled me towards him due to which we collided

"what has gotten into you?" I asked irritated "stop smiling and say. Me. What's. Wrong!!!!" I said pausing after every word

He waved two papers in the air "what's this?" I asked excitedly "give it to me" whenever I tried taking the papers from his hand, he would take his hand back making me run around him.

"giveee!!" I wailed "I want to see"

"no" he said "first you'll have to do something"


"kiss me" it was evident from his face that he was trying hard not to laugh

Being naughty huh? I'll show you now!

"no" I lifted my face up proudly "show me the papers first" I bantered him

"but I asked first" he cried "you must kiss me first"

"papers first" I said again, proudly
The teasing argument of 'papers first' and 'kiss first' went for almost 15 minutes

"no give me the papers" I said "give it to me!!!!!" I pounced on him and got hold of the papers. He was sandwiched between me and the wall but that was my least concern because I got the papers

I opened them and saw. Those were our tickets to America!!!

"yaayy we finally got our tickets"

"yeah we will get the tickets at the airport if you show this document to them" idrees said in a low and dismayed voice
To be honest, he looked so cute while making those expressions he was making right now. He looked like a child who has lost some sport on his sports day.
I couldn't help a chuckle.

I gave a peck on his cheek and he lightened up

"you are unbelievable idrees" I laughed

"ain't I?" he asked with his fake attitude

"get out from here" I threw a cushion on him.

"I'll buy the dress with inayah" I said while we walked through the dazzling stores in the mall

"hmm that sounds better" idrees said "i have to buy good shoes, let's see here" he pointed towards a shoe store.

We went in and bought a good pair of shoes for him.

All of the shopping that was done was of idrees. He was in a very good mood today.
After we bought his shoes, I demanded dinner

"i want a hearty indian meal" idrees said excitedly "I've heard that one restaurant here serves amazing butter chicken"

"isn't that sweet?"

"who said that?" he was perplexed

"well no one said but I ate one time at my friend's house and that was sweet"

If you are wondering that the friend I mentioned is sara, then yes it was her but luckily, idrees didn't mention her.

"oh, butter chicken isn't sweet. It has an amazing flavor which is beyond words" he said dreamily

"alright let's taste it then"

We went to the restaurant, shahi dastarkhaan and ordered one butter chicken, plain naan and biriyani rice along with water.

We also got the vacant table nearby itself so we occupied it.

We were about to have an amazing dinner according to idrees. Let's see how sweet this butter chicken is going to be!

This was just a normal chapter with no twist😂
Hope it was good enough
Ignore my mistakes tho...

Happy reading!
Jazakallahu khairan 🥀

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