The Ruthless Daughter

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Word count : 1771


Johara's POV

I really don't understand how easily my mother told me all of that. The nonsense.
Have I got no choice of mine?
Yeah that's what I am feeling right now. Completely raged and stressed out.
I can't and I definitely can't marry a man I don't want to marry to.

In the morning, I got ready and left the house without doing breakfast because I was not in a mood to sit with mother.

I went to the office and started doing my work but I couldn't concentrate on  anything. I thought it'll be good if I hang out with someone for a change.


Sara is the right person. I called her and asked her if she was free

"oh yes I am free after 3pm"

"great we'll go to the mall today for lunch" I was seriously starving too as I didn't have the breakfast that day.

I checked whether I have any messages and yes there were, from mom.
'why did you go without having breakfast?'
'you didn't even inform us?'
'what's wrong?'

I didn't reply to any of the messages.

After a lethargic day at office, I was picked up by sara in her car.
"so how you doing girl?"

"ugh I am pissed off" I groaned

"what's wrong?" she asked me concentrating both on me and the road

"my parents are marrying me to a person I do not want to marry and guess what's worse? This alliance was made when I was not even walking"

"woah that's shocking" sara almost gasped "who is this person your parents knew since you were a child"

"my family friend.. Ugh I don't want this marriage"


I decided to reveal his identity

"the person you bumped into last time at the mall?" I said in a questioning tone

"amm hmm" she was responding me

"he's the one"

"Whattt??!?" this time sara was so shocked that she halted the car at the side of the road "that handsome boy is your family friend?"

"yeah" I said nonchalantly

"girl tell your parents to let me marry him" she was gleaming as if it's not mine but her alliance "I will marry this hotness right away"

"shut the hell up with your nonsense" I gritted my teeth in anger "if you want, come and talk to my parents yourself, I am not interested. I was planning something else"

"first of all, I don't have courage to talk to your parents. Second, what were your plans then?"

"if you want to talk, you can. I don't have any problem" I started as calm as I could be "and regarding my plans, I met safi on your sister's wedding"

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