Chapter 80: "Prevaricator"

Comincia dall'inizio

All of us made our way through the room, fighting and engaging whatever was blocking our path to escape from this place. Immediately one of the Prototypes attempted to strike me with its blade, as I blocked it using my shield before I got rid of it and swung my baton I had at it before it backed up to avoid being hit. Freddy managed to smack it on the face with his punch before he quickly shot a laser in its face, as I kicked it on the ground followed by Michael moving over to it and slamming his axe on its face as hard as he could. It still appeared to be functional, through barely and not enough to be considered a threat as we continued to move towards the door. I could see John and Ennard still fighting each other over by the entrance, though there was no sign of Nightmare or Golden Freddy. I'm sure at some point they would make a reappearance at some point. John noticed the group heading for the door as he turned back to face Ennard, before entering the Shadow Dimension in front of him. Ennard didn't both to follow John as he turned to all of us heading for the door, though it was clear he possessed an intent we were not aware of. As Freddy shot at one of Tangle's in front of the door with his laser made from the Resurrection Power, it moved aside to two Redbears and four Prototypes entering through the door now. John appeared behind them and managed to hit one of the Redbear's in the face before he quickly took one of his daggers and stabbed it into one of the Prototypes chest over-and-over until it started to finally glow into a purple light that illuminated the whole room. "Enter the Shadow Dimension now!" commanded Freddy. No one hesitated once the command was given, as everyone entered the dimension immediately. We all appeared in the Shadow Dimension, only to find Golden Freddy waiting for us as she tried to strike Freddy with a punch, which he blocked with his Shadow Shield. As I had guessed, those missing an action would remerge in time. Ennard, a Redbear, White Rabbit, and Tangle appeared behind us, as two more Tangle's appeared next to Golden Freddy. "It doesn't have to be this way Cassidy. You should know better than any of us who the real enemy here is. Why your life was gone before you had a chance to live it to its fullest," spoke Freddy to her. She didn't responded, and not even her soulless eyes could hint at any emotion or reaction. "Attempting to save everyone you know will result in nothing in return. Everyone has a side they aren't willing to leave or abandon," spoke Ennard from behind us. "IF YOU'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY THE ONLY THING YOU'LL GET IS BEING REMEMBERED AS THE LOSING TEAM!" yelled his Freddy version of him. "That all depends on who is on the winning side, and the losing one. All that matters is that this world is saved and my father is stopped. Of course, I'm sure that doesn't matter to you," said Michael turning to look at him. "Why would it? Humans are just more lab rats you can use for your own disposal, pests that would simply prefer to stay feeble and weak," responded Ennard. "Funny you say that since you were human for a while by using my body. How did that feel?" responded Michael. "Disgusting. Weak. Like a parasite that had swallowed me whole. At least it was the mechanical part of you that reminded me I was still a machine. At least humans hold an ambition for power, though they have a tendency of not being able to hold it for long. They don't use the power they have to reshape the world into their own image, change the earth and reshape life into something more. Power revolves around the idea of change, molding something new from the old. With power you can create a way to prevent yourself from losing that power, or to stop anyone from being able to take it away from you. Those only deserve power if they are willing to understand how to use it to its fullest potential, something humanity has lacked," explained Ennard. "So you believe William deserves the power? Yet you stated your distaste for humanity just a minute ago. Unless you were never on William's side to begin with," I noted. "Even Elizabeth was a better liar then you," spoke Michael. Ennard seemed to be bothered as he didn't dare to responded back, though I think it was more of he had no way to respond back. "Power isn't about who holds the most of it, but what they use it for. Humanity aren't lab rats you can use to do whatever with, at least not without choice or consent. They have lives, one's undeserving of being untampered with or disturbed unless for a good reason. Killing all of them just because you can isn't a valuable reason," I stated. "His reasoning is illogical because power poisons his circuitry. That is all he thinks about. I have watched and studied everyone single one of William Afton's minions and it seems all have a pattern of attributes and goals that reject their personality. Almost they are hiding behind masks, all meant to cover what truly lies beneath the outside. Prevaricators hiding in plain sight," explained Scott. "I knew from the beginning that John Price would betray William Afton, considering he was partially responsible for becoming the entity he is now, an early experiment William Afton had used for his plans. The only reason he aligned himself with William Afton was to find a way to regain his old life and become human again, as William Afton had the means and intelligence to do so from John Price's point of view. Elizabeth Afton rejecting her father was easily calculated as well by the bond of family and her brother's love that still remained in her, even if William Afton had done everything he could to suppress her past attachments and humanity. Nightmare's way of life that is embracing the nightmare and fear would be called into jeopardy because of William Afton's plans, as well as Nightmare's place. It was just a matter of time until someone, like Mangle, would make him realize what the future meant for him and for the side he had been created for. Then there's Golden Freddy, or also known as Cassidy Brown. On the surface she is reserved, absent in words, or any intent of what she is here for. Yet at every instance she is near or facing William Afton, her eyes are quick to display the hatred and unforgiving nature of what caused her to end up this way. This whole time she hasn't forgotten what was done to her and understands who was responsible, and she intends to be there to ensure she can be with William Afton in hell. Something worse than the devil could ever be." Everyone turned to Golden Freddy, as well as Ennard and even the minions waiting, all staring her down to realize what Scott was saying. "That... is logical... It makes sense... She was always on our side... " said Duality. "Then... you really do want William dead still... " spoke Charlie. Golden Freddy didn't say anything, but as I stared into her eyes it seemed like I was able to see something for once. Feelings. A real living being behind the lifeless eyes. "As for you Ennard, you may deny it but I know everything about you. How ever since you controlled Michael Afton's body something emerged from you, a thirst for power that consumed you and your feelings. Ever since then you viewed yourself as the better candidate with the power William Afton possessed, a person more worthy with your own goals and ambitions. So you deceived William Afton until the moment would be right, which would be after Resurrection Day would occur and this world would be ruled by the iron fist of him. No matter how long you would wait until after William Afton succeeded, when the time would be right you would strike him down and claim the throne for yourself. Of course that won't matter now, especially after William Afton hearing all that," continued Scott. The face Ennard had displayed the upmost amount of hatred and frustration I had seen from him, as the minions all glanced on over at Ennard and Golden Freddy now. Freddy gave me a quick glance, which only meant we were about to have ourselves an escape with the distraction that was about to occur. I nodded back in response as Freddy aimed his laser at one of the Tangles next to Golden Freddy, before finally shooting it directly toward its face. The Tangle seemed to have anticipated Freddy's attack as it moved its head out of the way, while the other Tangle attempted to bite off Golden Freddy's head. Golden Freddy was already prepared, who exited the dimension the instant the Tangle moved in for the attack and reappeared behind it. Golden Freddy punched the Tangle in the face, causing it to stumble back while our group ran towards the hallway and over to the right. One of the Redbears and White Rabbits focused their attention on Ennard, as they both attacked at once, who jumped back to avoid the attacks. As the Tangle tried to shake off the punch from Golden Freddy, Charlie then proceeded to punch it in the face and cause it to fall on the ground. "C'mon Cassidy! Let's go!" called out Charlie as we made our way past her. Golden Freddy, or Cassidy, looked back over the enemy running over to attack her once again, before turning back around and exiting the Shadow Dimension. It wasn't clear if Cassidy was leaving the dimension to attack us once more and maybe retreat, or if this was her way of helping us by dealing with some of the enemies on the outside. "We have to keep going! Don't stop moving! We'll exit the dimension once we enter the main room!" exclaimed Freddy as made our way down the hallway and where the ladder was. At once two Redbears and two Tangles appeared in front of us, as I noticed the sight of two Tangles and two White Rabbits appearing behind us as well. Suddenly Cassidy appeared behind one of the Redbears before grabbing its head and punching him in the back of his head. It seemed we had made another ally, which was a relief since that was one less high ranking follower of William we had to deal with. With Ennard's own agenda exposed William had no one left suitable to defend him besides his endoskeletons and other creations for the army he had created. Me and Freddy shot at the nearest Tangle, who dodged to the side to avoid our Shadow Beams. It didn't matter as John threw one of his daggers between me and Freddy, as it managed to hit the arm of the Redbear that was fighting Cassidy, all before she punched it in the face and caused it to fall on the ground. We approached the enemies in front of us, as I summoned my baton and used all my power with the Resurrection State I was in before I smacked it in the face of one of the Tangles, who also fell onto the ground. The other Tangle attempted to strike Freddy, who blocked its attack with a Shadow Shield before attempting to bash it into it. It exited the dimension before reappearing above Freddy's head, as it tried landing on top of him. Freddy blocked the Tangle by summoning his Shadow Shield right above him, as it landed on top before I turned around and shot multiple Shadow Beams at it. My attacks urged it to jump off Freddy's shield before landing back on the ground, which it then proceeded to run at me, which I avoided by jumping up to kick it in the face. The Tangle exited the dimension now to retreat as made our way past the enemies blocking us, before Cassidy disappeared once more.  As we approached the room where the ladder lead upstairs two more White Rabbits walked through the entrance to block our path, who seemed to be waited for us. "I sense more of the Resurrection Power in front of us. There's more of them waiting for us," informed Charlie, considering I was sensing multiple spirits of those who possessed the power. "I feel their spirits as well. Stay wary," responded Freddy. Both of the White Rabbits shot Shadow Beams at us, as me and Freddy blocked their attacks with Shadow Shields while we pushed forward. Cassidy appeared behind the both of them, though immediately a Tangle appeared behind her as well as it attempted to strike her. Freddy fired multiple of his lasers he summoned using the Resurrection Power at the White Rabbits, who blocked his attacks by summoning their own Shadow Shields. We were right at the door as John jumped up in the air and threw both of his daggers at the both of them. They got rid of their shields and rolled to the side, which meant we had a clear way into the room now. However the room was going to be small which meant all of us wouldn't have the space to navigate or fight in, especially with the amount of enemies waiting in the room for us. As me and Freddy walked into the room Foxy and John both managed to block attacks from the White Rabbits that had to move out of the way, before they both disappeared as well. That was what the enemy wanted for us, to be limited in a confined space where our fighting capabilities were limited. "Block the door! Make sure nobody gets in!" exclaimed Freddy as we entered the room. We both turned to the sight of multiple Redbears, Tangles, and White Rabbits in the room that appeared to be waiting for us, all while they turned to face us. They all turned and aimed their hands at us to fire Shadow Beams, all while me and Freddy got inside the room quickly with everyone following inside behind us. Me and Freddy summoned Shadow Shields as we pushed up, just in time to block the many Shadow Beams that our enemies fired upon us. Foxy got out of the group and handed the Disruptor to Freddy, while also giving him a couple batteries then summoned a Shadow Shield to block the door way, while the rest of us attempted to clear the room full of enemies. I shot at one of the Tangles running at me with a Shadow Beam, as it managed to block my attack using a Shadow Shield while it charged at me now. I stopped firing Shadow Beams and allowed it to rush towards me, letting it get close before I jumped high in the air. I aimed my hand at it and shot Shadow Beams at the Tangle, as it blocked my attacks by aiming its Shadow Shield above its head, until I finally landed behind it and attempted to strike it with my baton. It was quick enough to turn the shield around to block my attack, though it also meant it could protect itself from behind. Michael ran at it from behind and swung his axe towards its head, as it managed to ducked to avoid being hit before I ran at its shield and focused all the Resurrection Power and boost I had from being in the Resurrection State towards the Tangle, as I jumped and kicked both my legs off of the shield. It was able to cause the Tangle to stumble back as Michael swung his axe towards it again and managed to stab it in the face. Surprisingly the Tangle managed to kicked Michael back as his axe disappeared now, all while I could see part of its face cut in from Michael's attack. I ran towards the Tangle and swung my baton at it, which it avoided by dodging to the side. Michael summoned his axe in his hand again before he swung at it again, which it ducked its head as the axe passed over its head before it got ready to pounce onto him. I quickly managed to strike the back of the Tangle's head before I shot a couple Shadow Beams at its leg, causing it to cripple the Tangle. I quickly swung my baton at it, which it blocked by summoning a Shadow Shield right when I was about to strike its face. Michael ran at with his axe again, as it used its free right hand to fire Shadow Beams at him while he did his best to avoid the blasts. He then threw the axe towards the Tangle and landed on the ground to avoid the continued blasts being fired upon him. The Tangle had no choice to duck and get rid of the shield, with the axe flying over towards its head and right at me. It seemed like the Tangle expected the axe to go towards my direction once it ducked so that I wouldn't be able to avoid it. Too bad it wasn't thinking two steps ahead like I was. I quickly grabbed the axe as the Tangle tried to strike me, before I managed to slammed it into her neck, causing it to stop before I slammed it against its face a couple times before it finally deactivated and collapsed onto the ground. "Well, good thing that worked," noted Michael walking over to me. "It worked, considering we both had the same idea in mind," I responded. We both turned to summoned Shadow Shields to block an attack from a Redbear that was shooting a couple Shadow Beams at us, however it not expected the sight of Cassidy appearing behind it and punching it in the face. The Redbear stumbled back, but quickly shook off the blow before shooting a couple Shadow Beams at her back, which she avoided by exiting the dimension. This allowed me the chance to toss my baton at the Redbear, which it managed to grab and throw on the ground before disappearing from the little, but fragile, abuse it had taken. Cassidy appeared above the Redbear, and attempted to punch it in the face, though it got ready to punch her and attempted to strike her back by punching her, as she disappeared once again. She appeared a moment later in front of me and Michael as she shot multiple Shadow Beams at the Redbear, which prompted me and Michael to run towards it while it was distracted. Me and Michael both shot Shadow Beams at the Redbear, as it blocked our attacks using a Shadow Shield until Cassidy disappeared and reappeared a moment later right next it and punched it in the stomach. Michael summoned his axe and swung it at the Redbear, who ducked before Cassidy managed to fire multiple Shadows Beams at it, as it was hit by one of the beams. It managed to block the remaining attacks by summoning a Shadow Shield, all before I ran towards it and jabbed my baton I summoned again into its right eye and place my hand over its face to fire multiple Shadow Beams at its head before it finally shut down and deactivated for good. We didn't have a chance to catch a break due to a White Rabbit ran towards us, as Michael and Cassidy got into a stance to defend themselves. "Duality! How about giving us another hand with some reinforcements?" I asked pulling out the Decoder. "Cassidy should be able to do it faster," said Michael. "Agreed. Cassidy. just plug it in the back of its head in the slot it fits in and unplug it after a couple seconds. Duality, our A.I, will do the rest," I said holding it out of her to take. She looked at it for a second, before she finally grabbed and turned to look back at the White Rabbit approaching us. "Alright," she responded. She disappeared as the White Rabbit ran and shot Shadow Beams at us, which we blocked using Shadow Shields and waited for Cassidy to make her move. She appeared a couple seconds later as the White Rabbit noticed her and attempted to grab her, though she quickly avoided it and plugged the Decoder into the back of its head which caused it to stop completely. "I've entered its systems. Taking control now," said Duality. The White Rabbit activated again and turned to face the rest of William's units, who aimed his hand at one of the Tangles and fired a couple Shadow Beams at them. Another Tangle turned and ran over to me and Michael, as Cassidy disappeared before she reappeared behind it a moment later and inserted the Decoder behind the Tangle's head. The Tangle stopped as Cassidy took out the Decoder before she disappeared again, until reappearing in front of me a moment later. She held the Decoder for me to take back, as I stared at her for a moment before I took it from her hand. "Good work," I said to her. She nodded in response as the three of us turned to see the Tangle reactivate and walk on over to the White Rabbit that was under our control. "Two of them should be able to keep them occupied, though not for long," spoke Duality. Freddy, John, and Charlie ran over to us, as the me and the others walked on over to where the ladder was. "It would seem the enemy does not want us to escape easily. I detect two Redbears and a White Rabbit above waiting for us to climb up," spoke Duality's voice again as we stopped near the ladder. "William's intentions aren't just to defeat us, but merely to delay us from his plans from being initialized. As to when I was never told, though I can say confidently he hasn't started. Still time is of the essence," added in Scott. "He's right. We have to reach my father before his plans our finalized and Resurrection Day is started," said Michael. "If we want to go up we'll have to stay in the Shadow Dimension. Units will probably be waiting out of this dimension above the ladder as well to ensure we can't avoid the one's defending the ladder here," I said. "Alright then. I'll climb up with the Disruptor and fired upon one of the enemies waiting above. If I manage to get up top and defeat all of them, the rest of you will be able to keep up top safely," said Freddy. "You'll only have two shots to fire off before you have to reload the Disruptor and you'll have one more target if you deactivate two of them, and that's if you don't miss any shots. Besides these units are tougher compared to endoskeletons or Prototypes" noted Michael. "As long as I reach the top I'll be fine. When I do the rest of you head up to the top as well. Foxy will be the last one to reach the top since she's blocking the enemies down the hallway, and once she rejoins us the enemy will come after her," explained Freddy. "Duality. Have both of the units you're controlling to defend Foxy until she's ready to head up with us." "On it," responded Duality. "Foxy. Hold the entrance until all of us are up top. I'll give you the word to join us when we're ready. I'll have the units we took control of cover your back during that time as well," said Freddy turning on his Communicator. "Alright! I'll hold the line until then!" she responded back on the radio. "Alright. I'm going up," said Freddy as he climbed up the ladder. Not even a couple seconds later there was the sound of lasers as well as the sound of the Disruptor being fired upon as I could still hear Freddy climbing up. There was a moment of Shadow Beams being fired upon until there was fighting that sounded like it was coming from the very top, which meant Freddy had made it to the top. "Head up now!" Duality commanded us. I climbed up the ladder, as I could see a White Rabbit's body laying on the ground deactivated and Freddy battling against one of the Rebears inside the office. As I was about to reach the top I realized the other Redbear that was still active and was aiming its laser at me behind my head, but was stopped as Freddy managed to stop it by firing a Shadow Beam at it. With the time he gave me I made my way to the top and got back on my feet as fast I could, as I found myself witnessing Freddy fighting two of the Redbears. One of them was deactivated to the left on the ground, which meant Freddy was only able to deactivate one of them. I summoned my baton and smacked the Redbear that Freddy was struck on the back, as it quickly turned around and tried to shoot me with a Shadow Beam. I dodged back as we both turned to look down at Michael climbing up and throwing his axe at the Redbear, which it dodged by rolling to the side. I quickly shot a Shadow Beam at its arm causing it to move it back to avoid getting hit before Michael reached the top and ran at the Redbear and quickly swung another axe he had summoned at its face, as it dodged to the side to avoid the attack. I then swung my baton at it face before we both turned to the side of it getting by a shot from the Disruptor and falling onto the ground deactivated now. Me and Michael turned to Freddy aiming the Disruptor from the shot he had fired as he had to turn around and focus on the Redbear he was still fighting, as he fired another shot of the Disruptor at it. It dodged Freddy's attack and managed to grabbed ahold of the Disruptor as I quickly ran up to it and smacked the baton I summoned in its face. It didn't have time to react as it was knocked onto the ground before I shot multiple Shadow Beams at it. Even after being knocked on the ground it was still quick enough to avoid by attacks and lung at me in an attempt to attack me, while I got ready to fend of the Redbear once again. From the side Michael stopped it from attacking me by swinging is axe at the Redbear, causing it to back away before getting ready to strike us again. Suddenly it was shot with the Disruptor from Freddy wielding it, causing it to deactivate for good now. "Foxy head up top! We'll be waiting for you!" said Freddy using the Communicator as Charlie and Cassidy made their way up now. John made his way up top as well as me, Freddy, and Charlie looked down at the ladder and awaited for Foxy. After a moment she came into view below as Shadow Beams were being fired upon her all while she blocked some of the blasts using a Shadow Shield. She quickly jumped up on the ladder as she quickly climbed up as fast as she could, until Freddy held out his hand for her to take. He managed to pull Foxy up and onto the ground as a Redbear came into view from below and fired a couple Shadow Beams at her, as me and Michael shot a couple Shadow Beams back at it. "C'mon! Let's go!" exclaimed Freddy as we all ran out of the security office and into the hallway. "How do we get to William?" I asked. "The entrance to where his army is located and himself is in the office, which we'll need to get to before his army continues to delay us any longer," answered Scott. We all ran down the hallways and over to where the office was, only to find two Redbears, two Tangles, and two White Rabbits blocking our path, as suddenly more of them appeared behind us. They all summoned Shadow Shields at once and ran at us from both sides, completely boxing us in. "Back into the main room!" commanded Freddy turning to look towards the main room. We all followed him back out into the main room, only as soon as we did multiple Redbears, Tangles, and White Rabbits appeared at once and aimed their hands at us to fire Shadow Beams at us. Freddy, Foxy, Charlie, and John summoned Shadow Shields to block their attacks, as me, Michael, and Cassidy shot Shadow Beams at the other enemies storming from the hallway with their shields still up. "They're putting pressure from both sides! We have to exit the dimension, even if more of them are waiting on the other side!" I exclaimed. "Right! On my mark!" exclaimed Freddy as they enemies with their shields were closing on my side. "Now!" Instantly all of us exited the dimension and back to the normal one we knew of, however we had landed ourselves in a predicament that was no better than the previous one. Multiple Prototypes, endoskeletons, a couple Redbears, Tangles, and White Rabbits, had all of us surrounded and had seemed to be waiting for us to exit the Shadow Dimension and fall into their trap. "Seems we fell into their trap," I said to myself. "It was to be expected. Now comes the part where we figure out how to get out of it."

Just a Robot 5 (A Fnaf Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora