Chapter 80: "Prevaricator"

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Mangle's P.O.V

I immediately entered the Shadow Dimension at the sight of the explosion that erupted from Bonnie's grenade, as Charlie and Foxy did the same thing. Nightmare and Golden Freddy and entered the dimension as well to escape the blast, as Golden Freddy immediately attempted to strike Charlie, followed by the both of them exiting the dimension. I turned to the sight of Nightmare, just staring at me and not making a move. I ignored him and exited the dimension and arrived in the room now where the generator was, as an endoskeleton and other animatronic parts were scattered across the room now. It was like I was standing in a scrapyard, a place where animatronics and robots would rest along with their parts. Near the wall was the Disruptor, which appeared to be intact and somehow survive the explosion. There were batteries scattered across the floor as I picked up the one's I could, considering there were so many around the place. I froze at the sight of Bonnie's head against the wall as I walked on over to it and picked it up as I held it in my free hand. I couldn't help but stare at it before I realized tears were forming in my eyes, as they started to fall from my eyes. 

"He gave his own life to ensure the mission would succeed."

I turned around to the sight of Nightmare behind me now, as I stared at him with tears still rolling down my cheek. "Pray it was all worth it in the end," he continued as he walked on over to me. "That's what William lacks. Devotion, not blind obedience. Bonnie proved to be a good teammate, maybe even the best," I responded. "Then that is the true form of free will. Deciding your destiny and fate, not by the command over anyone else. Then perhaps my destiny has been found," responded Nightmare. We both turned to the sound of Golden Freddy fighting Charlie and Foxy in the room as they appeared again, as we noticed endoskeletons and Prototypes entering the room now. "Until we meet again," said Nightmare before he disappeared, leaving me with the enemy now. It would seem my judgement of him had hollowed into something more, and due to that it had sparked the thought of going against a higher power. Still, Nightmare was clear on what side he was on, it was only a matter of whether he would be willing to align his side with ours. "Charlie! Foxy!" I called out to them as they and Golden Freddy turned to look at me, as I gave one last look at Bonnie's head. "You'll never be forgotten Bonnie and what you've done today. Rest easy, old friend," I said to myself as I turned back to enemy in front of me. They all aimed their lasers at me and fired immediately, as I entered the Shadow Dimension. I looked behind me to see Charlie and Foxy enter the dimension, as Golden Freddy appeared behind Charlie and attempted to punch her. Charlie blocked her attack as we both ran out of the room and down the hallway to where Freddy and everyone else would be. Once we regrouped it would be a matter of exiting this underground part of the pizzeria and getting back up top. "Bonnie... He's... " tried to say Foxy. "I know... We need to regroup. Now!" I responded. Down the hallway a Redbear and White Rabbit appeared right in front of us as the both of them fired Shadow Beams at me Foxy. "Hold onto this!" I responded handing her the Disruptor and the batteries I had picked. I turned around and charged at the enemy now while summoning my baton, as I attempted to hit the Redbear. He moved to the side to avoid my attack, followed by the White Rabbit attempting to punch me a couple times. I ducked my head and body back during all its attempts, as it followed up its attack by trying to grab me. I wrapped my baton under its left arm, before holding part of its arm with my free hand and pulling the White Rabbit to the ground. While I held him in place I managed to kick him in the face, while the Redbear attempted to punch me immediately. I blocked its attack by summoning a Shadow Shield, before I got rid of it and ran past him. The Redbear got ready to fire a Shadow Beam at me, but was stopped thanks to Foxy as she ran at him and punched it in the face, causing its to tumble onto the ground. Golden Freddy, or Cassidy, chased after Charlie still but seemed to only be going for punches and no other attacks that were lethal or long range. It was obvious to me she was holding back from hurting Charlie, though for what reason remained unclear to me. However I had no time to dwindle on guesses, especially since the most important thing right now was to reunite with Freddy and Michael. Charlie blocked an attack from Golden Freddy by turning around and summoning a Shadow Shield to block an attack from her, as she continued to run with me towards the room. Two Tangle's appeared blocking the door, as another Redbear and White Rabbit appeared behind Charlie and shot Shadow Beams at her. The enemy was sending units every moment to surrounded us, a standard tactical approach that was only meant to delay us from regrouping. To think this was all William's doing and be able to achieve such a tactical advantage over us. It's no wonder Michael suffered for many years and William was able to ensure his plan had reached completion. One of the Tangle's charged at me, as I decided to stay on my path towards the room where the others were. I had no idea of how the battle was going or even if Freddy, Scott, and Duality had returned by now, so all I could do was hope for the best. I summoned a Shadow Shield right when the Tangle was approaching me, as I bashed it into it. It tumbled onto the ground while the other Tangle ran and kicked my shield, as I slid a little back on the ground and was able to keep my position. I got rid of the shield and exited the Shadow Dimension by charging through the door while summing my baton now. As expected there were two endoskeletons at the entrance, both who turned around at the sight of me before I smacked one of them in the head with my baton. The other one got ready to stab me with its blade, as I quickly blocked the blade with my baton. Both weapons struck as they got pushed back from making contact, as I proceeded to jump up and kick the endoskeleton onto the ground before I jumped off of it and landed on the ground to find John and Ennard fighting. I could see a crowd of enemies near the computer, as well as Freddy actively fighting a Redbear. Michael also seemed to be with him, and presumably Helpy though it was hard to tell where he was with the enemies surrounding Michael and Freddy. Foxy appeared behind me as she walked on over to me, all while the enemies that were fighting the others turned to look at me. Foxy quickly shot the Disruptor at one of the Prototypes as it was hit and immediately deactivated by falling to the ground. She and I both charged at the group of them as one of the White Rabbits tried punching us from behind but was stopped by Michael firing a Shadow Beam at it, who was attempting to clear a way for us. Charlie appeared behind us at the entrance and ran over to us in an attempt to catch up. Foxy aimed the Disruptor at one of the Redbears, though nothing happened as she pulled the trigger. It had drained the batteries and needed to be switched out with new ones, though there wasn't time for her to do so with the enemy's attention focused on us now. One of the Prototypes aimed their laser at her, only for it to be hit in the back of the head by Freddy's laser he had made using the Resurrection Power. Michael threw his axe at the same Prototype, which it ducked to avoid getting hit as I ran towards it. I attempted to punch it in the face, as it dodged my attack and got ready to strike back. It was suddenly hit in the face by a Shadow Beam from Charlie, who had caught up with us now, as we all ran past the Prototype while we did our best to avoid lasers and Shadow Beams being shot at us. Michael and Freddy did their best to cover is by firing attacks back at them, as we all noticed Helpy lying on the ground. "What happened?" asked Foxy as we approached him. Michael or Freddy didn't respond, as Michael turned around and continued to fire Shadow Beams at the enemy. "That's what I would like to know," said Freddy. "Foxy. Charlie. Cover us." They both nodded and turned around to walk over to where Michael was in order to assist him, leaving me and Freddy to observe the loss of another teammate. Freddy and I kneeled down in front of Helpy, who seemed to be barely functioning at this point. He had blasts through his body and part of his face; what had he done to end up like this? "He fought to protect you Freddy. As well as me and Scott. He gave his life to ensure we lived and that our mission would succeed. A heroic death," spoke Duality's voice. "By my calculations Helpy's sacrifice delayed the enemy from destroying me or Freddy, and without the time he provided our termination would be a reality," added in Scott's voice. "His wounds are fatal and his memory chip was partly blown off by a laser... I'm... sorry Freddy. There's nothing we can do for him..." continued DualityFreddy looked back down at Helpy, as Helpy seemed to notice Freddy and slowly looked up. "F-Freddy... " tried to say Helpy raising his hand up slowly. "Don't talk... You did good... I'm proud of what you've done... " said Freddy holding his hand. "H-Henry... Better... b-b-be... as... w-well... " Helpy tried to say. "He's been proud of you since the beginning, and even now I'm sure," responded Freddy. "Ha... T-Then it... was... worth... it... A-All o-of... i-it... w-w- " Suddenly Helpy's eyes shut off now, as Freddy let his head fall to the ground before he stared at his body with grief. Just like that another teammate was gone. "He's... gone... " spoke Duality. "Both him and Bonnie... " I added in looking at the ground as I could feel my hand balling up now. Freddy looked up at me from my words, as I could feel the tears streaming down my eyes now once more. I don't think I had been more upset in my life, especially compared to losing my friends and family. Foxy, Lolbit, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, and Fredbear, all of them were people that were dear to me. Though Springbonnie, Bonnie, and now Helpy had perished because of this war. They were my team, people I would even consider family. They were the last people that remained as apart of my old team and family. Losing them now seemed to be the breaking point for me. "I'm sorry for what happened to Bonnie," said Freddy as I looked up to him now. "Duality told me how he also gave his life for the sake of the mission and for all of us. Him and Helpy both were prepared for the situation they were put in and accepted the cost of giving their own lives. They died for the mission, but most importantly for us. Don't forget them, but also remember their sacrifice and what they gave their lives for. Bonnie, Springbonnie, Helpy, Bon Bon. They want us to carry out the mission for them and the sake of this world. Maybe then we'll see them again and make them proud." "You're right," I responded sniffling as I got up now. Freddy had a point. All our fallen comrades wouldn't want us to mourn their sacrifices until they meant something and this war was won. What everyone needed now was an inspiration and the will to keep fighting on, even after all we had lost so far. This battle was not over and it was up to us to finish it. "You fought well Helpy. You made us and Henry proud. Rest easy," I said to his body as Freddy closed his eyes for his lifeless body now. He turned to the ground, as I noticed it was the gun Henry had given him that was on the ground now. Freddy walked on over to it as he picked it off the ground before looking at Helpy's body. He then walked back over to Helpy's body and moved it over to the side before opening the back hatch of him. "I'll put Henry's weapon to good use," spoke Freddy as he grabbed the twos box of ammo before closing Helpy's hatch on the back and turning his body back over. "Scott. The generator is destroyed. How do we find William?" Freddy asked as he stood up now while reloading the gun. "The elevator that leads to his army and himself is located in his office, though it is a matter of reaching the destination in order to proceed," responded Scott Cawthon. "If we want to reach it we'll have to get out of this place first and past the enemy we're currently engaged with," I noted. "Right. We'll have to make a push through the enemy down the hallway and make our way back to the ladder that goes back up to the office. We'll go through the Shadow Dimension, as the only enemies that will be able to reach us will be the animatronics like Redbears, Tangles, White Rabbits, Ennard, Golden Freddy, and Nightmare. We stick together and we'll be able to get the hell out of here," commanded Freddy while opening the back side of his back to place the ammo and gun to store for later before finally closing it. "Everyone! We'll make a push to reach William's office by entering the Shadow Dimension when I give the order! We'll stick together by having me and Mangle take point, with Foxy and John in the middle, and Michael and Charlie at the end. Got it?" "Right!" responded Michael attempting to punch a Redbear. It was a little surprising to see Freddy act so calmly and focus on the mission, especially after being at Helpy's and Bon Bon's side at their least breath. I could tell though he was deeply affected by the lose of his friends, he was just hiding it for the moment. Or maybe he believed he would see them again soon. Perhaps all of us would be reunited again once this was over, depending on the outcome. Guessing how this would do nothing on the matter, only results and progress would dictate who would come out on top in the end. Me and Freddy both made our way over to where the others were, who were busy fighting the enemy that had decided to engage us head on. "On my mark!" called out Freddy as everyone got ready. "Now!"

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