Chapter 86: "Resurrection Day"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

I wasn't too surprised to find Elizabeth here finally, though I was still glad she had decided to make the right choice. She walked into the room as all of us stepped aside for her before she made her way to Michael. Michael didn't say anything as he just waited for her, or at least whatever she was planning on doing. She stopped in front of him and just stared at him for a moment, neither of them saying a word. Suddenly I realized tears were streaming down her face, as she suddenly hugged Michael. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Please, can you ever forgive me?" she said sobbing while Michael dared to not her go. "I already did a long time ago," responded Michael. "After everything I've done?" she asked sniffling. "We've both done our fair share of sins. So let's atone for them. As family," responded Michael as they both broke off their hug. "Thank bro," responded Elizabeth sniffling. "No problem sis," responded Michael with a smile. I couldn't help but smile as well, especially knowing this was what Michael wanted. The last bit of his true family left together again, both at each other's side to stand against their father. If anything this fight mattered more to them than anything, considering it was their own father that used the both of them as tools for his plans. If anyone would be willing to end his life, it was the both of them that would do so. Elizabeth turned to look at her father and mother in Ballora's body, before turning her whole body towards William. "I was behind the door. I heard the things you mentioned. Not everything, but the things that proved my point that you deserve to die for everything you have done... Especially to Michael and mom," she said. "Elizabeth. You and your brother both disappointment me. I had hoped the both of you would understand why I did what I had to do, but it seems your minds are made up. Still, both of you proved sufficient data for my plan and I must thank the both of you for that. At least that was one quality the both of you had for being apart of this world," responded William. Michael started to walk on over to his father before Elizabeth stopped him by using her hand to block his path, before looking at him. "We do this together," she said to Michael. He took a moment to nod before he turned back towards his father, as William let out a smile. The smile that always displayed the evil part inside him, something he was oblivious to. "I hadn't hope it would come to this, but here we are. If anything, people like you, my children, are part of the problem. Only thing left to do, is cut it out of the equation completely," spoke William. Suddenly a giant claw came down from the ceiling that was aimed at Charlie, who didn't even have time to react due to his how fast it was. Before I knew it Cassidy was in the way of her, as Cassidy's black eyes with white pupils disappeared completely before she fell to the ground. Charlie got on the ground and checked Cassidy's body, as I turned to the claw before I noticed something in the glass case flying around. "What the fuck did you just do to her," said Michael to his father at once. "I simply removed my opponent. She was a nuisance compared to the other children that were killed, but she did have her uses. If it really concerns you that much her soul is preserved in the glass case above, though unable to escape or reach either heaven or hell. I named it The Resurrecter, a fiting name since this very machine was able to resurrect my wife. The Scooper, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with, was the prototype to extract souls and transfer them into other bodies. Of course the design was perfected with The Resurrecter, which has allowed me to save my wife. Although it has other uses, which all of you have just witnessed," explained William. "We gave you a chance William. You leave us with our last choice," I said aiming my laser at him, while everyone got in a position, ready to fight. "The world gave me the choice to enact change, and I will gladly abide by that," spoke William turning his back towards us. "Resurrection Day will soon be upon us and the world will finally be perfect." Suddenly hatches opened above the ceiling which I wasn't aware of, as endoskeletons, Prototypes, Tangles, Redbears, and White Rabbit fell from above and landed on the ground. William and Ballora's body walked away and towards the computer in front of them, as his minions walked on over to us. "Is that the main computer?" I asked. "Affirmative. Either deactivating or destroying it will ensure the army will be shut down for good," responded Scott. "That's not good," spoke Duality. "What is it?" I asked as one of the Prototypes attempted to swing his blade at me. It was suddenly shot by Foxy using the Disruptor, as it fell to the ground deactivated. "We have approximately 15 minutes and 32 seconds until his army is sent out, which will begin Resurrection Day," answered Duality. "Then it is imperative we destroy the computer, along with William himself," stated Scott. "He's right. It's either that or my father kills this entire world," said Michael in agreement. "If we get close we can take out the both of them," said John. "Are you sure you still want to do this? After wanting to get your body back?" asked Michael. "Stopping your father is more important than getting my petty life back. Besides, I highly doubt I could now... I don't deserve it.. but this world deserves to be saved... " responded John. "Thanks John," responded Michael with a smile as he turned to William's army heading towards us. "Clear me and Freddy a path, and we'll make sure this ends for good." "Sounds like a plan," I responded. "Will do. Show him no mercy," said Elizabeth. Another Prototype went for me, as I managed to block its attack with my Shadow Shield, all before Charlie managed to punch it in the face. "Stick together! Don't spread out or you'll be overwhelmed!" I commanded before I shot my laser I summoned using my power to destroy a endoskeleton, as I managed to blow out its head completely. I could still see William seated at his chair on his desk, even with the crowd of his army littered across the room. It seemed when we checked his army that they were online, however it didn't make sense it would take this long just for them to get ready if they weren't fully. Not only that but William was planning on taking over the entire world to kill those deemed evil or with bad intent, but even this considerable army wasn't large enough to do so. Unless there was something else we were still missing. There was no time to consider that possibility as we had a timer that was counting down now which we needed to reach in time, or else everything we had done to this point would be for nothing. I turned to the sight of a Redbear attempting to punch me as Michael swung his axe he had summoned in an attempt to strike it. I entered the Resurrection State with the time Michael had given me, all before I focused all my power on my laser and fired at the Redbear. It managed to move its head as the shot flew past its head before it turned to the sight of Elizabeth. She took her claw, while in the Resurrection State herself with her eyes all black with white pupils, and jab it completely into the Redbear at once. Her attack was so fast it couldn't do anything in time but take the hit, all before she pull her claw out immediately from the purple explosion that was emitting from it now. She kicked it to the ground as the three of us kept our distance, while the rest of the enemies did the same and backed away now. There was an explosion as the smoke cleared now, all while me and Michael continued our way towards the computer. Suddenly The Resurrecter moved and went straight for Michael, though he was quick enough to enter the Shadow Dimension as The Resurrecter had no target. Me and Elizabeth shot Shadow Beams at The Resurrecter, though it only retracted back to its place and sustained no damage. "It's tungsten. No way to damage it except the glass case above," noted Duality. Suddenly the hatch above opened form the ceiling as another Redbear landed on the ground and fired Shadow Beams at me. I blocked its attack with my Shadow Shield, all before Michael appeared next to it. He attempted to strike the Redbear, as it managed to block his attack with a Shadow Shield. Elizabeth went to the side of the Redbear to strike it with her claw, as it managed to enter the Shadow Dimension to avoid being hit. Both Michael and Elizabeth had to summon Shadow Shields to avoid attacks from Prototypes firing lasers. I aimed my laser and fired at the head of one of the Prototypes, as I managed to land one shot before it quickly fired lasers back at me. Suddenly John appeared behind it and inserted the Decoder into the Prototype, all before taking it out and disappearing again before the other Prototype could turn to slash it with its blade. "Hack completed. Operating Prototype now," spoke Duality. It charged at the other Prototype, which the other one understood was under our control since it ducked from its blade swung at it. Elizabeth quickly managed to grab the Prototype with her claw and squeezed real hard on its head, causing it to be completely crushed and fall on the ground. We turned to the sight of a Tangle and four Prototype's heading over towards us from the front, two White Rabbit's with four endoskeletons heading towards our left, and six Prototypes on the right side. A hatch opened behind us as a new Prototype fell right above and landed on the ground before it got ready to slash us with its blade. Luckily it turned around to the sight of Foxy and Charlie attempting to punch it, as it backed up before Michael swung at its head. It dodged to the side before John appeared near it and stab its head with one of his daggers, which deactivated it for good. "Every time we take one of them out they're replaced with another," expressed Foxy. "Just hold them back until we can reach the main computer. Take out as many as you can," I commanded as the enemies from three sides approached us. I had to block an attack from one of the Prototypes on the right, as it attempted to slash me with its blade. Foxy shot Shadow Beams at it, which it avoided by moving to the side before it aimed its laser at her. I got rid of my shield and fired my laser the Prototype, which it avoided by moving its head out of the way as another joined in shot its laser at me. Foxy aimed the Disruptor and fired a shot at one of the,, which disabled it for good before falling to the ground. One of the endoskeletons was knocked to the ground in front of me, as Michael slammed his axe on its head and deactivated it for good. Charlie appeared in front of the other Prototype that was trying to attack me as it attempted to stab her with its blade, as she managed to grab its blade and kick it in the chest before it stumbled back a little. She then ran up to it and attempted to punch it in the face, as it moved its head away before she could. I shot my laser at the Prototype with Charlie in the way, as she managed to move away and hit the Prototype directly in the face. She then grabbed the wires inside its face and pulled them out, essentially deactivating the Prototype for good. A Tangle and two endoskeletons dropped from another hatch near Charlie, as the Tangle aimed to land on top of her. Charlie was quick enough to roll out of the way before the Tangle landed on the ground, along with the endoskeletons accompanying it. I had to focus on two more Prototypes attempting to strike me, which I had to block both of their blades by summoning a Shadow Shield. "Michael! Shadow Dimension! Now!" I exclaimed at him. "Wait!" exclaimed John. I didn't have time to stop myself as me and Michael entered the Shadow Dimension, only to find multiple Tangles, Redbears, and White Rabbits, all that looked to be enough to fill up the entire room. Guess this is what John was trying to warn us about. "Back now!" I exclaimed at Michael before we both exited the dimension. I had to duck from the swing of a blade from a Prototype, as I fired my lasers back at it. It managed to move out of the way as the other Prototype fired lasers at me, which I blocked with a Shadow Shield. We had limited options as to reaching the computer and William, especially with how he was keeping us away. Going through the Shadow Dimension wasn't viable with that many of his minions waiting for us to use that route, especially since me and Michael would not be able to defeat all of them. The problem here was that every time one of William's units were destroyed, he would replace them with another. It didn't matter how many we destroyed as there would be enough to replace each one we destroyed, all until it was time for William to commence Resurrection Day. With already as many units that were in the room to prevent us from reaching our objective, it would be impossible to reach it by the time the limit was up. 

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