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It was one of those nights where there were no clouds out, allowing the moon to be prominently with its light that shined across the parking lot and a portion of the pizzeria. It was almost like as if it was transferring all its trust and understanding into what I had built. Like it was from Margaret herself, offering her blessing. It did remind me of the first time we met after all; the same scenario as right now of the night with nothing to hide the beauty of the moon, all while we both stumbled into each other outside of RadioShack in L.A while I was trying to make my way home. I couldn't blame her for getting lost in a city she had just moved into, and furthermore ironic how she was someone I payed close attention to when I had first started college that same day. That moment was what grew roots to the best experience I could ever wish for. Too bad circumstances had to dictate a different outcome for her.

I turned to the sight of an incoming truck that was driving into the parking lot, as it made its way to where I was. Just as expected. The truck stopped at the curb that separated the parking lot from the pizzeria, as the person driving turned off the car now. He opened the door and exited out of his vehicle, all while making his way towards me. He looked to be young, possibly graduated from college not too long ago, while also appearing to have an ordinary and standard navy blue uniform with a hat. Seems some things stay the same over the years. "You're Henry, correct?" he asked approaching me with a clipboard and paper in his right hand. "Yes. You have the delivery as the company requested?" I asked in response. "Yep. I even have the list of your order, just to insure we didn't forget an item or add something you didn't request," he responded handing me the clipboard and standing at my side. I carefully read the list of items on the paper, all while firmly holding the clipboard in place so I wouldn't drop it. "It appears everything is here as requested," I said once I was done, as I handed him back the clipboard with the paper. "Well, you'll have to see it physically for yourself to determine that," he responded as he walked to the back of the truck now, and raised the door for it up. I walked over to where he was, as he started to unload the boxes onto the ground. "For a pizzeria, I didn't expect this amount of supplies for the company," he mentioned while he struggling to pull out a box that was heavy, considering how slow it was to drag it across the floor of the trailer. As the box was near the edge, I grabbed the left side of it while we both raised it down on the ground. "Thanks," he said from my actions. "Since the company decided to delay the opening of the pizzeria two weeks ago, I still have yet to acquire the resources needed to modify the animatronics and the pizzeria for its eventual opening," I responded. "Which will be when?" asked the guy as he pulled out his lift cart from the trailer and on the ground next to the boxes, as he grabbed more boxes. "The company and I have yet to decide a final date, though I can promise the wait will not be long," I responded, as he continued to grab boxes. "Good to hear. From what I've heard, the news have been talking about the opening for a while now. Though most of what they have said hasn't been all praise for the pizzeria," responded the guy, as he grabbed a heavy box near the back of the trailer and managed to slide it across slowly towards him. "No, no! I got it," he said at once as I barely moved over to him in an attempt to help him. He groaned as he slowly raised the box on the ground, as he was breathing a little heavier than before once it was resting on the lift cart now. "You sure have some heavy stuff, just for the animatronics and this place," he said as he grabbed the lift cart and pushed it towards the front entrance of the pizzeria. "Must've cost a fortune." "Not to our company," I responded as I walked past him and held the door open for him to walk through. "Where do you want these?" he asked as he walked past me. "Just set them over by the stage," I responded pointing over near the stage, as I let the door close and walked over to him. As he walked over to the stage and sat the lift cart in front of it, he stared at the Rockstar Animatronics resting on the stage. "They're magnificent, aren't they?" I asked walking over to him, as he turned to look at me. "They sure are," he responded turning back around to move the boxes off the lift cart. "It's a shame this franchise has struggled to keep up its reputation for so long, all because of the things that have been holding it back," the guy said as he turned the lift cart back around and pushed it towards the entrance. "Indeed. And with Afton gone, it's my responsibility to show the vision he wanted all this time. The one he sought never came clear to everyone," I responded as I then walked over to the door and opened it once more for him. "The only thing the news has to say about the pizzeria is all negative is about the history of the previous pizzerias and how the same thing will happen with this one as well," he said as he walked past me with his lift cart. "That won't destroy the legacy we still have left," I responded as we both walk back towards his truck. "Maybe. If you want, I can help you move the packages I brought into an area you wish for them to be," offered the guy, as he lifted up his lift cart and back in the trailer. "Thanks, but me and my assistants can manage on our own here," I responded, as he closed the door for the trailer. "If you so say," he responded as he walked towards me now. "Have a great rest of your night. And hope your pizzeria will succeed." "That will have to be determined by the public," I responded, as I walked away now while he walked back towards his truck and got back inside. As I approached the front entrance, I gave one last look at the untainted moon; knowing its beauty wouldn't last for long. My attention was brought back into our reality as I look back down at the sound of the guy leaving, while he drove away now. Our fortress of reformation was in absolute silence again. I walked back inside and made my way towards the stage and where the packages were: All that I required was in my grasps now, at least the first steps. I stopped to hover over the packages, all but allowing myself to wait for assistance. 

"Has he departed?"

I turned to the sight of Golden Freddy and RXQ, all but standing patiently inches behind me now. After all this time with the time spent with them, I hadn't fully gotten used to their capabilities. And yet, I welcomed it. "Indeed. And the parts have arrived, just on time," I responded as they both walked over to me. "Did he fall for the disguise?" asked RXQ. "Most certainly, yes. And thanks for the reminder," I responded moving my hand up to tap the top part of my head, as the face of Henry was no more. And to think the Afton family could accomplish so much that no one else could even attempt or imagine. "Take the packages and store them in my lab. For now, I must speak with him," I instructed. "As you wish," responded RXQ. He and Golden Freddy lifted up their hands as they grabbed multiple boxes to stack and carry at once; the capabilities of the Resurrection Power and with all its glory to show the unprecedented nature of theirs powers and god-like potential. "About our plan. When will it be set in motion?" asked RXQ. "I know you are anxious to start soon, as am I. This has been something in the work for years now, and finally we can show the world what change can do to it," I responded. "All will be revealed sooner than expected. Besides, it is why I must meet with him to begin with." I turned around now, as I started to walked towards the office. "Ready the others and continue with preparations. And don't wait for me, I wouldn't want to raise expectations like I have in the past," I said turning to look at them, before continuing on towards the office. I walked inside the office and shut the door behind me, along with locking it before turning to walked over to the computer and sat down at the chair in front of it. While most certainly anyone who worked the role of security guard would have limited access to most functionalities of this computer, I was able to access its capabilities and restrictions, along with other measure assets vital for me to operate with. Technology always felt like an open world to me. I typed in the password to access the computer, along with pulling out the flash drive I had in my right pocket, as I inserted it in at the bottom part of where I could place it. Once done, I finally entered in the password, establishing our link together. And with the screen showing the light blue square, it was evident he was present now.

"Welcome back, old friend."

"It would be preferable to be addressed with my given name; Scott Cawthon. But yes, it is good to see you. To and extent," he responded. "Is the plan scheduled to be set in motion?" I asked. "Yes. The last of the parts required are here for the remaining army and will be worked on immediately. In any case, everything else is prepared to reshape this world into ours. All I ask is if you agree it is time," I responded. "While we are allowed to continue, there are small factors that may hinder our plans," he responded. "The attack caused by your son and his friends delayed our plans by a couple days, and after Henry and some of the animatronics that escaped the FNAF World simulation attacked to retrieve their friends they now pose a more substantial threat than before. Not to mention your son surviving as well." "Indeed. It was unforeseen for him to survive, due to Fredbear's interference along with Michael's and his friends survival in the end, and I no doubt believe he is hiding with Henry and the others. They are waiting for us to make a move so major, they believe it will crumble us," he responded. "Do not have concern. I already have preparations set for when they reveals themselves again. I always do However, I must agree with you on the whispers of this arising power we sought to held. Now they possess it," I responded. "A solution will be created to combat it, though it will end us if not controlled. Regardless the time for the world to see new creators begins tonight," responded Scott Cawthon. "Very much indeed..." I responded pausing for a moment due to the occurring thought in my mind. "...The moon out tonight is pretty, you must admit." "A full moon is a simple phenom common to this world. It's has its beauty, but a never changing one that stays the same," he responded. "Every time the moon is bright whenever, I'm always reminded the moment when I met her. And as much as it brings me joy, it never halts its delivery of a reminder of her fate. One I should've calculated," I expressed. "You will see her one day again. The same goes with your broken family that has shattered into pieces. What we are doing is what will save the world, not make it extinct," he responded. "What we're doing is not for the world, but for the people. And you, me, all my creations, and everyone that has a life on this world; we all receive something in the end of this," I responded. "The world has finally been given the chance to sit down and enjoy the person I am, and our gift we will gratefully bestow to them."

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