Chapter 73: "Phase Two"

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Bonnie's P.O.V

It felt like we had been waiting for a while now, considering Freddy still hadn't returned. We were out in the open where the enemy could easily attack us and we would be without cover, and without the car it would stay that way until Freddy arrived. "Freddy's taking too long," I said aloud finally. "Give him more time. Perhaps the situation with Bon Bon is worse than what we could imagine," responded Mangle. "Then he should call for backup at least... We... We don't want a repeat of what happened to Springbonnie... " I said being reminded of her. "Freddy won't allow that. He doesn't want to jeopardize the mission by calling for backup, which could to it being a failure. Besides, Bon Bon is family to him and me. Everything they've gone through is proof enough Freddy will not allow Bon Bon to fall if he has the chance to save him," said Foxy. "She's right, we just have to trust Freddy on this. He'll return to us, I don't doubt that," said Mangle in agreement. "It's just a matter of when, that's the problem," I responded looking down at the ground. "Losing Springbonnie. Even though Freddy didn't know her as well as me or Mangle, he genuinely felt sad towards the loss of her. I can't imagine how he'll mourn if the worst happens to Bon Bon," I said. "He's compassionate. Understanding. He's cares about those around him. Family basically. He was the one that encouraged me to open up and try to interact with you and the others. However Springbonnie helped with that as well. She just started talking to me and then... it happened. She was a friend before I ever realized it. Losing her... It's hard losing those close to you... I understand that now," spoke Lefty. "Some losses you get over. Some you don't. That's the way it is. I've lost so many friends and family that it does get difficult to not let it get to you. Not making you want to continue. That's what happened with Springbonnie. Even Freddy. Hell, after escaping from Scott Cawthon and seeing everyone I knew be destroyed like nothing. That's something you will never be able to forget. However I knew I had to hold back my tears and stand proud and keep going, to keep the memory of those I lost alive and meaningful. Springbonnie and everyone is gone. They would want me to continue and make them proud by ending William and his minions. That's all that matters. Even if I lose my life in the process," I said. "Will you decide when that time comes? Or will you allow to happen?" asked Lefty. "I think it's just a matter of knowing the signs when my fate is decided. When I realize the moment is here. You can't choose your fate, but embracing ain't such a bad thing either. At least you'll die with no regrets," I responded. 

All of us turned to the sound of tires screeching in the distance and incoming car lights as it approached us. Finally the car came to a halt with the sound of more screeching due to the sudden halt, as the driver door opened. Freddy got out of the seat and walked over to us, a face of sadness as we all walked over to him. "Freddy, what happened? Where's Bon Bon? asked Mangle. Freddy didn't say anything as he looked down at the ground and sighed, hinting at what had happened. "He's gone. Isn't he?" guessed Michael. "Your sister fought him. Beat him until he was at her mercy. Yet he held back to protect the car and EMP Device. He allowed himself to get beaten for the sake of our mission. To put behind his thirst for revenge for our cause. Ennard struck his memory chip and essentially took his life... There was nothing I could do... " Freddy responded. "I... I can't believe... I knew... we knew him since you found us and I was with him when we were activated... He's actually gone... " said Foxy sad. "I'm... I'm so sorry Freddy... " spoke Michael. "I knew this would happened. We all knew," responded Freddy. "He was reckless, hellbent on revenge, and disobedient. However, he gave his life to ensure our mission could succeed. That is a true soldier if I've ever heard of one... He will be missed... " spoke Mangle. "Michael. Your sister. She didn't strike Bon Bon to take his life. She refused. It seems she against your father, though she's conflicted. Unsure who she is. Maybe in time she'll join us. Just thought you needed to know that," said Freddy to Michael. "Thank you. That does give me hope for her. She may choose the path of redemption yet," said Michael. "Anyways. Has the enemy made a move yet?" asked Freddy. "Nothing. They haven't returned. I don't like it. And if I don't then I'm sure Mangle feels the same way," I answered. "Yeah. I don't like it either. William and his minions are planning something, and if we don't see what they see we'll be walking in blind," responded Mangle. "Duality? Anything?" asked Freddy. "Nothing. I don't detect anything. I'd suggest enacting Phase Two, especially since all of us had stood here for long enough," spoke Duality. "He's right. Better to make our move before the enemy makes theirs," said Mangle. "Alright, let's commence Phase Two then. Charlie you'll have to hold the left side on your own now... with Bon Bon gone... " Freddy said to her. "I understand... " responded Charlie. "I can cover for her. She'll need the support if she's all alone," offered Helpy. "Your job is to protect Michael, even if the left side is vulnerable. If we move you to her side Michael won't have anyone covering him if someone tries to take him out. We have to make the sacrifice," said Freddy. "Alright, let's get into position!" I walked on over to the front side of the car, as everyone walked on over to their positions now. Michael hopped into the driver seat as he started the car now, as everyone was ready in their positions. 

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