Chapter 57: "Expendable"

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Nightmare's P.O.V

"So the mission was a success?" asked William. "It was. However we suffered losses for the Phantoms, Nightmares, and Twisted Animatronics," I stated. "That does not matter. They have served their purpose and the rest will do so to delay our enemies when the plan is finally put into motion," spoke William as he looked over at Circus Baby. "Is something on your mind? If so, how about you share it with us?" "Perhaps she is still attached to Michael. If so I would recommend that problem to be dealt with here and now," said Ennard. "It's nothing," she responded. "Is it? Judging by your refusal to look me in the eyes tells me otherwise," noted William. "Lies. All lies Michael talks about you. How you're just using me. It all lies," she responded. "Indeed they are lies. I've given you a new and immortal life, a gift by your own father. Michael only wishes to deny the future we're setting out for this world, and there is nothing he can do to stop us. I offered him and he refused to be apart of something greater," responded William. "You wouldn't lie dad? Right? You never would," asked Baby. William glared at her, glued onto her eyes with his own eyes. It was like the face of the devil himself with hell in his eyes, something that could rival the fear of the nightmare. "So you've allowed Michael to poison your mind with his words?" he said with the same cold tone. "No! I would never betray you father, not after everything you have given me! I hate him and I'll kill him!" she pleaded. "That remains to be seen, especially after you failed to end his life once again," said William as he turned to RXQ. "That also applies to you RXQ." "If I may defend myself here, Michael has gotten stronger now that he is experienced with the Resurrection Power. I simply underestimated him and his capabilities. I will also add by saying the enemy had also mastered the power besides Michael, which everyone here can confirm," responded RXQ. "Indeed. My encounter with one of them, Mangle, proved to be formidable foe. Even without the power her skills and quick thinking are impressive on their own," I added in. "And yet all that power couldn't save one of their own," said Ennard. "Oh the sound of them dying! If only I could repeat it a million times over, it would never get old!" exclaimed Ennard's other side. "Yes, the loss of one of their own will greatly weaken them for a time. However it can also be used to increase their morale, something that can make them stronger. We must be wary of that, though it will only lead them to their demise in the end," responded William. "The time grows near. Soon the work of the many years I have spent will now come to fruition, bringing a new age for this world that has been needed for so long. All of you will be at my side, apart of a world meant for us while those refuse to accept the future will be left behind." William was able to sway anyone with his words, memorize them to his side easily. It was a grasp only he could have over someone with his ambitions and words, a being unlike any other. Yet I felted compelled to go against my life, my devotion to him.

"Then we will be there at your side in this new world until the end of time. We will have a place in your world, one reserved for us that is rightfully ours," I said. "Yes, you will have a seat in this world along with me. However, that depends what the enemy intends to do when they meet all of you again," answered William. "Explain the meaning of your words," I said pursing his words now. "I think the answer is clear Nightmare. Our enemy intends to attack tonight and it will be everyone's job to ensure the final preparations of my plan are put into motion and not be halted by the enemy. Your task, and most likely final task, will be to defend me and this location. Some of you, or all of you, may not survive tonight. Without guardians or anyone to defend me everything I have worked for so long will be destroyed and lost for good. All of you are the most important part for this plan to work and if you have to give your life for me to succeed, then you would have not done so in vain. I was under the impression you understood the implications of my words, especially from someone like you," said William. "Forgive me. Curiosity hindered my ability to understand the logic of your statement. If your will states our life must be traded for a new world to be born, I will not deny such a command," I responded. "Good," he responded. "Prepare for the arrival for our enemies, while I begin the final preparations for tonight. Resurrection Day is upon us at last." We all walked out of his office, everyone ready to prepare for everything to end tonight. "So Baby? What excuse do you have for not killing your brother this time? You're running out of time," said Ennard. "Oh, she tried. Just couldn't stand up to him though," added in RXQ. "Then she's going soft. Still not wanting to kill him," said Ennard. "THEN HOW ABOUT I KILL HIM! THOUGH NOT BEFORE I KILL YOU FIRST!" yelled his other side. "Enough of your childish acts Ennard. It would be wise to not disrupt our operations, especially when our leader could hear your influx of behavior," I warned him. "Your petty pandering to our leader isn't true devotion, not when someone like you hasn't done their part in the field. He'll get rid of someone like you who's only good for sucking up to him, rather than displaying their true allegiance with tribute that involves the head of the enemy," said Ennard. "When you die defending this place from the enemy, he'll be glad it was you who perished." I couldn't hold back the rage I had felt from his words as I grabbed him and slammed him against the walls, squeezing on his wires as tight as I could. RXQ, Baby, and Golden Freddy stared at me, not daring to interfere with the conflict. I stared down at Ennard, as he stared into the abyss with nothing but hell staring back. Only he stared at the abyss back and dared to not look away, unafraid of the nightmare. "Struck a nerve... huh? You know it's true, especially with how you took William's response. You hate knowing you would have to give up your life, all because he see's you as nothing. An expendable soldier like you can easily be tossed in the garbage, easily forgotten and replaced," continued Ennard, even with me holding him against the wall. "What makes you think he won't do the same to you?" asked Baby chiming in. "Because one way or another I'll be the one left defending him and staying at his side in the end," he responded. "So Nightmare? Going to kill me? I thought you were an obedient dog to our leader, or are you going to go against him? Against your loyalty? Or maybe you are expendable. If so then do it." "DO IT! YOU WON'T GET THE CHANCE UNLESS I RIP YOUR WIRES OUT FIRST! SO DO IT! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" yelled Ennard's other side. I was considering ripping out his life right then and there, putting an end to this annoyance. No one would remember a speck of life that held no importance in this world. Yet, I had to refuse. "Spare me of your begging," I responded throwing him on the ground as I walked away now. "Where are you going? We have a job to do," said RXQ. I ignored his words as I made my way into the main area now, heading towards the outside now. I was surrounded in a world I did not recognize as such anymore, losing what made it the way it was. I was out of place, standing out against everything considered normal as I was displayed as an outcast. This world was not meant for me. I opened the doors and walked outside now, just seeing the world I was apart off. Those days I spend tormenting that child, testing the might and will he had to fight against fear. It was one of those times I felt apart of the world, included in something bigger. I had the same feeling when I was reactivated a while back to serve under William and witness a change a world I had no interest if it was changed or not. All that mattered was if I was apart of it. If I wasn't apart of this future William had for me and the rest of those who served him, then my life was just expendable. My life had no value if my creator deemed so. I was lead to believe I did have a place for the future, one me and those loyal to William would stand aside in a new world to live in. Now, my life seems it will be left behind, like those who don't survive or adapt. Mangle's words had seemed to grasp onto me, clinging on until I accepted this truth she seemed for me to consider. It seemed they did hold some weight to them. I follow and obey William's word because I deem it I was made to do so, to roam in this world with restrictions so long as I don't stray from the path I am set to follow. If I go off that path I will be consumed by the desire of free will, resulting in consequences for such actions. However, if my path is to fall because that is where my life will take me, should I accept that reality. Should I allow myself to accept death itself because that is where the road ends for me. There is a chance that I may survive and live to be at my creators side in a world I could not care for. If so, then what? William hasn't explained to us what he means about this world changing forever? With everyone dead? A world where only he and us survive? The more I sat and thought about it now, I began to realize I wasn't even sure what the plan was. All it was came down to was claims and preaching, but no straight answer to what everything would achieve in the end. What was he fighting for? I never bothered or cared to question what this was all for, letting things play out and see what the results were. Now, I don't know if I want to be apart of this anymore. Unfortunately my options are limited if I choose to depart from all this, furthermore doing so would only make things worse. Betraying William is one thing, surviving is another. Knowing him he has taken precautions if anyone is to go against him, and knowing what he did to his son is evidence enough of what he could do to me. If I escape then what? Join Michael and his group? I didn't hate them or seem them as enemies because they opposed us, I was told to view them as enemies. Regardless they wouldn't be so open to welcoming someone like me, especially with who I'm aligned with. Going alone will do me no good and if William's plan is accomplished, I will be hunted down and destroyed. Then what do I want if I choose to go against my creator? What will I gain by doing so? My whole purpose is to be the nightmare itself, to test the courage and fear of the weak. I would be saving a world of the weak, people who don't deserve to live unless they face their fears and strive to be strong. At least I hold some sentiment towards the strongest of this world. Even so if there are no weak in this world, my purpose is gone. The fear I consumed will ease to exist, and the nightmare would be defeated, leaving only dreams to take the place again. If I live in a world that no longer fears you, I have no place in it. All I will be is an entity left to roam this world, an idea and feeling that will die from hunger. Until finally I would become the weak itself, only I would be unable to adapt and become strong. Just like I had told Mangle: I had free will. I chose to serve under my creator, be apart of a cause because it was all I had, and live a life that was meant for me. Now I was choosing to go against what I was made for and stray from the path to meet my own needs, to not lose the purpose I only had. I hadn't realized until now how much I cared about my purpose, how much it meant to me. To lose it meant more to me than ever, it wouldn't just be the death of me but of an idea that was meant to live in this world. Fears place in this world was to test someone and decide if they were weak or strong. If they had the strength to overcome that fear, then they could prove fear meant nothing to them. If those didn't have the strength to overcome that fear, then they weren't meant to live in this world. Fear in a way seemed to be testing me, judging me if I was going to go through with this and live in this world on my own terms. The thing is when fear stares into the face of itself, it should understand what it is staring back at. A monster that fears nothing, not even itself.

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