Chapter 37: "Blood"

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Circus Baby's P.O.V

"The plan is proceeding on schedule, just as Scott Cawthon has calculated," spoke my father. "Then we can finally change the world for the better, and everyone will learn to appreciate the gift we've given to the world," I said. "Yes. After years of planning and time that has passed by, everything will be reborn for the better... Still, Michael and Henry seem relentless on stopping my plans, not that they would understand if we told them," responded my father. "Then we'll ensure they won't hinder the change that is inevitable, especially if they won't accept it," I responded. "It is a shame Michael and Henry wouldn't just lay down their arms and allow the change to sweep this world and realize how we intend to change it, what I have done for years to ensure the day of resurrection would happen," spoke my father. "You wouldn't wish of having Michael join our side, would you?" "No. He's served his purpose for you, though he's managed to detach the strings on him you controlled for so long," I answered. "Though you see him as your brother still, am I correct? After all, you hesitated to end his life when you had the chance," father noted. "It was a moment of a connection that realigned itself without me knowing, one I thought I had cut off completely. I was weak in that moment, pulled in by the love of a sibling, yet that feeling is to be purged again. Suppressed so it may never be born again. Just like what you taught me," I said. "It won't happen again. I will not allow myself to miss out on what you've worked on for so long. I promise father." "Good. Wait until I summon you and the others when needed," father responded. "Of course father," I said as I walked out of his office and into the hallway. Talking to father was always a pleasant time, to just know that things would finally be changing the way he envisioned for this world. What he wanted mattered most, it was what I lived for. I sorely existed to serve under him, that was forever my purpose, one I was proud and grateful to have. I knew as well if anything were to happen to him or if he were unable to continue on, I would be the one to fulfill and complete his vision. It was also my purpose to be by his side, to never question or betray his vision and for what it was even if I didn't fully understand the purpose of it. I knew he would question me involving the encounter with Michael, to wonder if I was still apart of his cause. In my mind I would watch the world change with father, but my father was indifferent on my loyalty.

"Did Afton consider getting rid of a witch like you with your talk with him?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts from Ennard, who was standing against the wall at the end of the hallway, which I hadn't noticed this time around. Still his aura and feeling of cunningness could be felt enough for anyone to pick up on. "The witch that will burn in the flames of her own making!" exclaimed the Funtime Freddy voice. "I could say the same with those old animatronics that are still merged in with your body. Nobody would miss that screaming ear-piercing voice of the old Funtime Freddy. Perhaps even your voice?" I responded. "Yet you haven't silenced it already and never will. You know that would mean disobeying your father who you humbly and faithfully serve under without question, but how long will you last? When will you go behind his back and deceive him and everything he stands for?" asked Ennard. "When will the witch burn in hell I wonder?! Today?! Tomorrow?! Now!?" exclaimed the Freddy voice again. "As much as it is obvious you could try to get rid of me yet you refuse to, knowing you would be disobeying my father as well. I can tell you wish to be at his side, and that you would even get rid of all of us to cement your position at his side. Even so that would prove to my father how untrustworthy you are, though I doubt he isn't aware of your intentions. He's only waiting out the time you snap and get rid of those you believe are a threat to you. Isn't that right?" I responded. "Go on. Send me to hell... if you even can." "Ennard stared silently, seeming to hold back on responding. It was clear he knew I was right and that he couldn't do anything to harm me. However, that concern went away as his face changed back to his devious form he was known to have, clearly something changing that made him realize he was confident on whatever had come to mine. "It won't matter anyways, considering the way you've been acting since your encounter with your brother. Something deep inside you, buried and forgotten you thought would never be remembered has resurfaced now and it's climbing back from where you dug it to haunt you. You're in doubt of your purpose and loyalty to Afton, even if you don't realize it you're beginning to ponder on what kept you from striking your brother," he responded. "Whatever has resurfaced inside of you will ultimately be all I need to get rid of you and allow reach my path to where I belong. And you'll be the product of that undoing, done by your own hands." Ennard stood up properly and walked past me, leaving his scent of a scum who would ultimately walked a path only for himself. I walked down the rest of the hallway now to anywhere without anyone around in this pizzeria. Ennard had always been a prodigy of doom, as designed by my father. Though it seems his way of thinking merely formed on its own, showing to be a being born out of the darkness. In a way I served as an inspiration for his use of tactics and thinking, except he merely used them in his own way. While I was personally prone to understanding and learning a person's weakness, Ennard could easily tell what a person was thinking or what their emotions were. I wasn't proud to admit that his abilities concerned me and posed a threat, but if Ennard were to attempt to destroy me I wasn't sure I would survive. Perhaps it was my abilities and what I possessed that Ennard felt were a threat to him, that I understood his intentions so clearly from the rest. He had already left me to rot by ejecting me out of his body a long time ago, and even convinced the old Funtime Animatronics to join his side. Luckily my father was able to retrieve me and punished Ennard for his disobedience, knowing now just the type of person Ennard was. In a way we both were two side of the same coin, but only one side would remain facing up in the end. I walked into the main room, finding RXQ and Golden Freddy sitting at different tables in the room as an attempt to find something to do during the downtime. I didn't trust them. I didn't trust anyone except for my father. RXQ didn't fit in with the rest of us, even after killing his friend Shadow Freddy, it was obvious. He was only here for something else. Golden Freddy remained a mystery, you could never tell what she was thinking about as she was hard to read. Even if she was working behind Michael and his groups backs who couldn't say she wouldn't do the same to us. She was killed by Michael, and the other soul who was stuck with Cassidy in the suit was used as an experiment for the Nightmare animatronics a long time ago and died after being stuffed in Fredbear's mouth and dying. Instead she's here working alongside us, seemingly forgetting everything she has been put through. Or she understood what we did was necessary for my father plans. Regardless I would be keeping a close eye on her. There was also Nightmare, the leader of the Nightmare, Phantom, and Twisted Animatronics, who I also didn't trust. He was a loyal follower to my father, not having his own mind or individual thinking except the terror that consumed him and his urge to have all of his enemies see hell. Even so that terror and feeling of staring at your worst nightmare seemed to consume him, making him a terrifying foe when staring at him in front of you and who could easily turn himself against us on his urge to send anyone with one last horrifying face and feeling before seeing the devil himself. He was a monster running around with no chains, and he was saving the rest of us for last to finish off his meal. Scott Cawthon I had no idea I could trust, mainly because I had never seen or spoken to him. Nobody has except my father of course. I had no idea why he had designed and built an A.I, nor why he chosen to keep him away from the rest of us. Though why would I question something my father would do, it was his decision and one that held intent. His words and what he said was absolute, anything about him was right. If he proclaimed black was white, then so be it. I was proud of him and more so happy to serve under him, because it gave me a purpose. I didn't follow him just because, I understood his vision for changing the world for the better. If Michael and his team were to stop us it wouldn't matter because we would only try again, even if my father was killed or would die eventually. My life was eternal and I was grateful for that; to have the opportunity to have endless attempts at continuing dad's vision if it were stopped or halted. Besides I would ensure I would live for as long as possible to make my dad's vision a reality. That's all that mattered to me. I walked up towards the stage and behind the curtains to the back stage, a place alone and secluded from everyone else. I walked on over to one of the chairs and picked the whetstone I had to sharpen my claw, just to ensure it would be effective when used in battle again. To spill blood of our enemies to show how easily we could end their pathetic lives at once, all to get the message to their heads that their efforts were pointless. Like a mouse chasing the same piece of cheese, only to get killed from a mouse trap by it's own repeated actions, the same idea of stopping my father even after failing once just displayed their ignorance and unwillingness to realize the same circle they were going around in. The same with Michael thinking he could convince me to turn against my father, for what, just for me to believe my father was wrong? The brother who refuses to strike me down... while I did the same. The thought of that moment was flashing before my eyes again, the one I deeply attempted to forget that displayed a weakness I needed to destroy, yet it still exists. He may be my brother, we may have the same blood, but his bloods desires something else from mine. Still I should've killed him, I could've shattered Freddy and his friends morale right then and there and yet I refused to do so. Michael may be my brother, though why should I care about him when he blinds himself from understanding what we're trying to accomplish here. His thinking only revolves around good and evil without seeing the intent behind the two to distinguish which one is which. He still thinks I'm the little girl and sister he knew a long time ago, a child who barely even grasped anything in the world around me. He still hasn't realized how I've matured since I've lived this immortal life, the things I've come to understand and realize from the world and my father. I don't care for him, yet it still feels like I do when I shouldn't. Why do I care for someone I haven't cared for in so long and shouldn't ever again? My brother doesn't matter nor does mom, my father does. Father has done and given me so much that my brother can never provide or even amount to. What does he have left to give or do for me? We share the same blood, but it doesn't matter when our hearts have different goals. I don't understand. I don't want to spare Michael again nor defy my father, after everything I've done has been for him. So why is my heart whispering to me that not killing the one I don't consider my brother is the right thing. My heart is wrong, Ennard is wrong, anyone who thinks I'm weak is wrong. I'm not Elizabeth Afton like Michael seems to cling on to believe she still exists. I am Circus Baby, creation and daughter of William Afton. I am the one and true follower that will never betray my creator and father, the one that'll destroy anyone without mercy that stands in the way of a better future for everyone. Our enemies blood will fill this world in a sea of their failure for denying the one deed that everyone will later thank us for and cherish for years to come. I do not need a brother who has lost his way or a mother that deserved her rightful death for her ignorance and pathetic nature for getting herself killed, someone that did not have the right to be a mother or be born. I do not need these feelings or any except for the devotion to my father and his grand vision. Anyone else does not matter, as they are nothing but dolls and pawns the world allows me to control without care, because I simply can. Because their lives are meaningless to me. All I need in this world is myself, because I am the only other thing that matters. My blood matters more than anyone, because everyone else's blood doesn't compare to the scale and power mine has. The world and the people will understand, that they are below me, because I will make them see how insignificant and fragile they are. They'll know just by understanding why I matter, and why they should be afraid if they think otherwise. Only I matter over everything. Only me. Circus Baby.

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