Chapter 12: "One Day"

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Michael Afton's P.O.V

"Yeah... "

"I shouldn't expect much enthusiasm from you these days, though showing some gratitude for being able to see Elizabeth would be nice," said my father. "Not like she knows I'm here," I responded in the same low tone as before. "We both know we can't make your 'supposed death' false and replace your existence. It was a hassle just trying to make that artificial skin to hide your identity and find you a suitable position for the day," he responded. My father took a quick glance at his watch, as he looked back up at me with his usual smile that I could just remember by just visualizing it in my head. 

"The time is almost near."

He walked on over to his chair and desk, as he grabbed his jacket he placed there from earlier and put it on. "I do hope Elizabeth won't mind you being at her birthday this year... Or your mother... Though the present I made for her will do nicely by making her happy, especially since I made it myself after our new animatronic for this place," said my father. "You should be glad I took inspiration from your prototype for Circus Baby, without you I doubt I could make something as great as Fredbear or Springbonnie." "How do you know you won't actually use this opportunity to take another life of the innocence?" I asked. "Now son I gave you my word, didn't I? Can't we just relax for one day? Besides, we'll be back on schedule after this. I know your desire to steal happiness, and you'll be feeding off it soon enough," he responded. "Now. How about I show you to your station? We wouldn't want to keep your sister waiting, would we?" He walked on over to the door as I followed behind him and out into the hallway of another hell masked in dreams. The first thing I was hit with was the sound of children and the music blaring from the sound-speakers above the stage, as well as noticing the children and parents in the main room from where I was at. I was surprised so many people had decided to show up for the opening for this place, even if some of those children and parents were Elizabeth's friends and their parents. No doubt she was enjoying her eighth birthday to the point where she could determine if this was the best birthday yet. "C'mon. You'll get your chance to see her possibly," said my father, which regained my attention towards him. We both made our way to the office as we entered inside now, while I took a moment to observe the office. Immediately I noticed a large button on the side entrance, along with it on the separate entrance across this room. It was an odd design for this room and its entirety, which only meant it was intentional for my father own personal needs; whatever they were. Even if I was now intertwined with his plans, I wasn't closer to discovering where this was all leading up to or the purpose of it. "Oh Don decided to leave his mess here, of course," sighed my father while picking up the piece of papers on the desk that held several TV's, as he tossed the papers back on the desk near the pile he had. "I'll have to chat with him about his mess when he's at work tomorrow. Now, for your task." He grabbed something rectangular off the desk to the side, as he held it up while presenting it like a picture. "This right here is how you'll be able to view and control all the cameras, a monitor. The device is still in testing and is in need of additional production, though you'll be the first actual person, besides me of course, to test it out," he explained as I stared at it. "It would be a disappointment if you broke it after all that hard work and effort all resulting in a unique creation, though not like I'll be selling my creation in the future or ever. A shame the world is so far behind on adapting and creating revolutionary things like I've had, only I was gifted with this knowledge long before they can ever obtain it." "So all I have to do is manage the cameras until the party is done. Why can't you have someone else do it?" I responded. "Do you not want to see Elizabeth again? For all you know it could be your last time you see her," he responded as his expression changed slightly from my response, almost seeming a little surprised. "What do you mean by that?" I asked concerned by his choice of words, like he was trying to convey something involving Elizabeth. "Have you forgotten your current life and being prohibited from seeing anyone; I only let you be in the public eye this once out of the compassion for letting you see Elizabeth this one time, possibly your last time seeing her. It was a struggle to forge a fake name, license, identity, birth certificate, everything to make the world believe Michael Afton is dead. While you'll eventually be able to live and work the way people should, your limitations from interacting with others and your sister will be apart of your life forever. Unless you wish to resist my command and risk your life," he elaborated as he walked up to me now as he stopped inches in front of me. "You wouldn't do such a thing, would you?" I stared at him with such a temptation to punch him right in his face, just to make things easier by the way he was taunting me. Being his slave or minion had taken its toll on me the day I was succumbed to this him, and things would never be the same once this was over. Killing that little girl scarred my morality and the person I made myself to be, only for it to change into something else. Even I haven't seen the full capability or form I could be as the days went by. A feeling emerged when I slaughtered that poor soul; a small scent of satisfaction, like I took pride from killing someone for the first time. I felt disgusted after and couldn't see myself the same way, it felt like I was a psychopath myself. Yet at the time I didn't care I had become the every kind of people that mankind thrived to eliminate from this world, or at the very least produce the creation of people like us. All this would be enough to just end it all while I had to be the one bear the burden of knowing mom was gone and having to kill children for my father's twisted entertainment. It was a thought always in mind, left to be an option as at times it would be a consideration. But I couldn't do it. The pain I felt each day is nothing you could imagine without experiencing it yourself, but I knew taking my life just to escape this purgatory would be the cowards way out. I always assured myself of that thought throughout my life, and something like this would be no exception. One of these days when I would be rescued or saved, if ever, I would have my father serve justice for what he has done.

Just a Robot 5 (A Fnaf Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora