Chapter 61: "Cycle"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

"You sure it should be taking this long?" I asked. "Yeah, you wanted to take the time to train me on how to help repairs these guys. What happened to just giving him an upgrade for Duality, huh?" said Helpy. "Like I said before this is a good time to get you acquainted with preparing different parts to replace and to know how to fix animatronics. Is that a problem?" said Henry. "Yeah, the problem is it's ten in the morning now, and I need to sleep. Hell, you act like a machine more than us with you working nonstop still," responded Helpy. "He does got a point. We need to rest, and this is taking longer than I expected," I said. "Alright, now let's go with the chest cavity," said Henry as he pressed a button on the side of my endoskeleton jaw. I felt my left eye close for a second, like I had only blinked one eye which was strange to me. However it could've been a glitched or something as Duality and Henry were both working on me, so I guess I was thinking too hard on it. "At least the parts of your body are easily accessible, though I can't get over your face being opened," expressed Helpy. "Not so bad for me if I'm not looking in a mirror, even if I can tell my face is open," I responded. Henry reached in my chest cavity for a moment, seemingly reaching behind one of my wires for something before pulling something out a moment later. He examined it for a moment, as it looked like some short of module or device. It didn't look like something would belong in my endoskeleton, especially with it being very small. Suddenly he dropped it on the ground and pressed his foot on it as hard as he could, digging his foot over it before finally lifting it to show it crushed. "Alright, that was it," said Duality in my head. "What the fuck was that about?! You either did that for a reason or not because no way you would just destroy something like that!" exclaimed Helpy confused. "Unplug Duality from your head and plug him into the laptop, Freddy," instructed Henry as he picked up the device. I did was he asked, though I was still unsure of what was going on as I walked on over to the computer. I plugged Duality in, as he reactivated himself on the computer now. "Duality is the device terminated?" asked Henry. "I detect it is nonfunctional, though I'd advise proper measures to ensure it is done for. Which I've calculated you've already prepared for in advance," responded Duality. "So? Mind telling us what this is about?" I asked. "Indeed. This device is a listening device used to gather information and our tactics, something that explains the source of our problems," responded Henry grabbing something from his pocket. "You mean that thing? That small device, small enough that you could miss that, was the reason why our enemies knew where we would head to gather the devices you told us about?" asked Helpy. "From what it seems like, that was source of our problem," said Henry as he had pulled out a box of matchsticks now. "Helpy, take the listening outside and burn it. Just to make sure it doesn't work for good," said Henry holding out the box of matchsticks and the listening device. "Whatever you say," said Helpy as he grabbed the device and box of matchsticks out of his hand and walked towards the door to the house now. "So how did you know there was a listening device on me?" I asked as Helpy entered the house now. "We didn't. We only possessed the knowledge that a listening device was implanted on one of you. Scott informed me of that information when he spoke to me, though he never told us who it was that the device was implanted on. We narrowed down our search, knowing Bonnie, Mangle, Springbonnie, Helpy, and Michael most likely did not have the device implanted on them. That left us with you, Bon Bon, and Foxy. We checked both Bon Bon and Foxy by linking up with their systems when they were being repaired and found nothing. Which lead to you and us discovering the device was implanted on you, most likely when you were destroyed by William the last time your team met him," explained Duality. "We chose not to inform you or anyone except the two of us since we had no idea of what counter measures of the device William had disguised it's existence with everyone else, especially not knowing who was implanted with the device. It's why I made up a partial excuse to upgrade your systems, allowing Duality to pinpoint the listening device without seeming like William knew we had known about it," explained Henry. "How did you know where it was located anyways? Duality couldn't have told you directly?" I asked. "He gave me a signal by shutting your eye off for a second, though that may have seemed like blinking to you with one eye. I'm sure you noticed it," explained Henry. "I did. Right as you were going to check my chest cavity," I said recalling the moment. "The was hidden well, easily under our noses. I had to enact several different types of scans to be able to get a signal on the device itself. It is strange to say but without Scott giving us that information we may have never found out about this device or until it didn't matter at a point," responded Duality. "It was just that one as well? No more we're missing?" I asked. "From what I can detect, yes. William knew there would be a chance we would find and decided one would be best. His plan with the listening device was just to get all the information he could before it was found or until it was enough," continued Duality. "Then he heard everything. Our tactics, plan of attack, every conversation I've had here... even part of our plans to attack the pizzeria," I responded coming to that realization. "Yes, he had heard everything. I had to delay discussing our battle plans until the source of our problems could be isolated, which means he knows part of it now and our plan of attack. There wasn't much I could do to avoid letting William know we possessed knowledge that all of you and were friends were possibly bugged. We can rearrange our plans for when we finalize them, however I fear with the information shared William will be prepared for us. As if he wasn't already," expressed Henry. "You did what you had to do. It's understandable. That doesn't mean he'll know exactly what our plan of attack will be, that's what matters," I said reassuring him. "He's right. We still have a chance of formulating a plan that'll work, though your concern is understandable," said Duality. "I know. It's just... everything I've done has come to the moment of finally stopping William and everything he seeks to destroy. Years of having the knowledge of a man I fear for what he is, for what he could do. Being at his side and pretending to not know the glimpses of what he's done made me afraid. Being in the same room as a killer cannot come without the feeling of asking to just be the next victim to be slaughtered. If we fail, everything, all that work, will be for nothing. Those who have died will not have justice, and I will forever be reminded of failing this world. I wish I could join you on the battlefield, be at your side fighting our enemies. I just don't have the strength to fight, nor the capacity with the capabilities of the Resurrection Power you and the enemy have. I am a human after all. A fragile one compared to animatronics. All I can do here at home is build weapons and guide you and the others," shared Henry. "What you've done is more than enough. You're doing your part just by repairing and fixing us, as well as guiding us to victory. You helped us begin an attack plan, provided us with tools to use, and being there to advocate our victory. You've been apart of this fight at the beginning like Michael, and without you me and the others would be gone. You saved us after all," I said. "Thank you Freddy. It's good to know what I'm doing has helped our cause, more than I've realized. It is good to be reminded of what we are fighting for," responded Henry. "Well, in any case the device is removed, so I suggest heading to sleep now. We have a long day in a couple hours." "Actually, there's two things I want to discuss with you," I said. "What may that might be?" he responded. "Well, for one, I decided to propose to Foxy and ask her to marry me. I want to have a wedding for the both of us, nothing too much, but just something that is enough for us," I explained. "I heard when I came to you earlier. Though wouldn't it be better to focus our efforts on preparing for our attack? As much as I understand wanting to marry her, it would be best to not waste time we need to be ready for tonight," responded Henry. "Look. I understand where you're coming from and I know we need time to prepare, but spending time to have a small wedding, relax before we do go to battle, if it's only for an hour then there's nothing wrong with that. I want to do this in case I don't get the chance, which I might not. I'm not asking for much except to allow me to feel happy, for everyone to have a moment and not think about the battle. Everyone has been through so much and we all deserve a chance to feel happy again," I explained. "He's got a point Henry. There is no harm in what Freddy is doing, he does deserve it after all. Denying anyone's right of what gives them happiness will only cause more harm than good, even if the intent is filled with what is believed to be right or helpful. Freddy and his team have put their lives first before the billions of lives on this world, yours included, and sacrifice their lives if needed. However helping those who helped us comes first before stopping William; let us not forget they are beings with feelings and emotions like every human on this world. Let him have his happiness. Though I calculate we both know your final answer," said Duality. "Right. Freddy... I have no right to deny your of what gives you happiness. If it's a small wedding then there I'm sure we can easily set everything up with a limited cost and with what we have. Forgive me from trying to take away your happiness," apologized Henry. "It's fine. It's hard to forget what we're fighting for and we shouldn't. However, we all need something to make us feel happy again, to ease our mind or forget about dark times like these and remember to laugh and smile. I think we all need it," I said in response. "Right. Well, what do you have in mind for your wedding?" asked Henry. "Well, like I said not much. All I would really mind is what food to have, if that works for you. I don't want to ask for too much and have you pay for so much food," I said. "No, it is fine. You should be allowed to have however much food you want and what exactly, at least allow it to be a way for me to offer my gratitude for all I've done," said Henry. "Are you sure? You don't have to. Really you don't," I said reminding him. "I'm sure of it," he responded. "Thanks then. Wish I could offer the same gratitude back," I said. "Well, what do you have in mind for food or drinks? It can be whatever comes to mind," asked Henry. "Well, a cake, of course. Not an expensive one but one big enough to feed everyone. Preferably an ice cream one. Oh, an Oreo one would be good! Try to get that if you can! Burgers, as well, that are grilled since Helpy told me you have a grill. Frozen fries, whatever you want to get I don't care if it's steak fries or crinkle fries, I'm fine with whatever. Ok chocolate pretzels! Definitely want to try that!" I shared. "What the hell is this topic on food?" asked Helpy as he opened the door from the house and walked over to us. "I take it the device has been destroyed for good?" asked Henry. "Yep! Burn the thing until it was melted. I just threw it in the garage bin outside. Too bad garbage day already passed," he responded as he stopped in front of me and Henry. "To answer your question: I'm getting married to Foxy tomorrow," I said to him. "Whoa, hold up! You're getting married?! But did you propose to her?!" exclaimed Helpy surprised. "Well... yeah. Sorta... I don't have a ring but I asked. Doesn't matter to me anyways as long as we're getting married," I answered. "Alright, you have no rings. How the hell the weddings going to work then?" Helpy asked. "I'll just have Henry do the vows, announce me and Foxy are married, then we'll eat the food I'll choose," I responded. "What about decorations? Music performed by a band or something? A wedding cake maybe?" he asked. "No decorations, because who needs them. Music, I don't know, never listened to any unless somebody has a playlist of song they want to use. And the wedding cake... well an ice cream can be considered a wedding cake. It's a cake after all," I answered. "Yeah, you just described half a wedding that's missing most of the essentials. The only thing you got left is the family and friends you invite, the bride and person you're marrying, and the vows. Oh, and the food, drinks, and cake, I guess," said Helpy. "I don't care if it's half a wedding, or one fourth, or whatever the hell. What matters to me is me and Foxy getting properly married, not if the wedding itself in up to the usual standard. We both love each other and to show I decided to marry her, even if it means we don't get to live long enough to live our days as a married couple," I said. "Well. Alright. So then I'm invited then?" he asked. "Of course you're invited. Everyone is. I mean, we all practically live under the same roof, plus you're family as well," I said. "Good to hear. You better plan out everything if you intend on having the wedding tomorrow," said Helpy. "I'm sure we'll have time to plan everything," I responded. "Anyway, the second thing I want to talk about is what you have decided to do about our fight with William. More specifically whether you plan to hide everything he's done, the battle, and our existence from the world." "Well, since you've asked I have come to a decision. I've decided to hide everything that has happened with William, us, our battle, and everything else," responded Henry. "I see. Well, I've been thinking about the option lately and I want you to consider it," I responded. "Why? What will that do? What is your intent with this?" asked Henry. "I thought hiding everything would be best. Something the world didn't need to know to keep everyone safe. However I've realized what we would do would be no better than what William is doing," I stated. "Yeah, that's a really bold comparison," said Helpy. "Ok. Not in the sense of what we're doing exactly, but how we're going about. William is attempting to change the world without the consent or opinion of the population of this world, while we're ensuring the world never finds out about everything that has happened. The parents of all the children killed will never know why and by who murdered them, and the public will think William was just  genius that died without the knowledge of the monster he was while world will never have the chance to understand the dark history of Freddy Fazbear's. You stop to think about how monsters are created? Why people are evil and have no care for life like William? They aren't born as monsters, but merely created. The source of their creation lies in others and those around them, other monsters that spawn even more pf their own to roam this world, like a cycle that never ends. Whether that be by an abuser, killers, or the worst kind of people that are monsters themselves. Then you begin to wonder: are all monsters created by other monsters? Are they source of this never-ending cycle of monsters existing in our world and society? No, because there may have been a point in this worlds time, perhaps at the very beginning, where their were no monsters. Bad people, maybe, but not monsters. However monsters were created in this world, not because of other monsters since their were none to begin with, but because they discovered the very concept of being a monster, a devil, evil incarnated. Maybe that was from the world around them, Satan himself, general curiosity? Who knows? Point is, hiding one monster from the world won't stop the other monsters that are living in this world with us. The world needs to be reminded that monsters exist in our world, and, at the very least, have a good picture of how to spot one," I explained. "Henry, can you live the rest of your life knowing a story you wish to not tell the world that monsters like William Afton must not be ignored or forgotten about?" "You realize why I've chosen to not let the world know about everything? It's because it is not ready for such a truth; to know how a man like William has control and power that could very well destroy the world? You know how everyone will react, especially with the future involving technology and robots; two sides will be made with no agreement to be seen in sight. You may have those that defend your existence, understand you are the same as a human, yet how many people will you meet that share that viewpoint? A few? Half the population? Perhaps most of the population? Yet we don't know what will happen exactly and how everyone will react, what they'll do to you and your friends if we told the world if you and you're friends live? None of you will have a chance to have a life ever," stated Henry. "And will they have a life sitting here all day if we do win and survive? Unless robots get rights and are acknowledged as actual beings by the world, which who knows. Either way we'll all go crazy or have depressed at lives that'll go nowhere. At least we'll have a better chance at being recognized as beings if we let the world decided rather than deciding it ourselves," I explained. "Freddy, if we tell the world of everything involving William, Michael, the Afton Family, everything from Fredbear's Family Diner, to Freddy Fazbear Pizza, the world will never forget what has happened, especially William and what he has done," said Henry. "The world needs to not forget William. Not to inspire more killers and monsters, but to remind the world why there are people like us to find and look out for monsters and either have them locked up, or take their life to protect the innocent," I said. "Look, I get where you're coming from. I do. And I agreed with you when you told me and everyone else about it. Things change though, as well as my perspective. In a sense Scott's words about hiding the truth from the world will do nothing but divide the world, even more so than just telling everyone, got me thinking about all of this. How we might be going about this the wrong way. However I think telling the world is better than keeping history hidden that can change the world. How about this then, if some of us, or all of us, succeed and make it back alive you keep everything hidden. However if I, or none of us, return and succeed, you tell the world everything. If I'm taken away or deactivated because of it, then so be it." "You sure about that? And how come you want him to still tell the world if you survive only?" asked Helpy. "Because I would sacrifice my life for this world, to don't deny my actions were to save this world and it's people. Hell, I'm willing to give my life for a belief humankind will one day be able to coexist with other beings such as us," I responded. "Damn. That's something," responded Helpy. "No argument there. He's got a point. Hell I'll give my own life for this world, because at least I have one human that see's me as an equal." "Henry's solution to hide the truth from this world is logical. This legacy and tragedy that has gone on for long enough would finally have an ending, closure for those lost and those who gave everything to end this conflict. However allowing this to continue may result in this legacy to never have closure, perhaps leading more tragedies to follow like a domino effect. However, Freddy's point is logical and presents a fair argument. Hiding this truth from the world is only hurting those lost, and is ultimately selfish in not exposing something the world has the right to know of. The people have the right to have knowledge of this information and how to perceive it; we are in no position to tell them whether what we did was right or wrong. However the decision is up to you Henry, and I'm already aware of your answer," spoke Duality. Henry looked away for a moment, seemingly conflicted on my reasoning and what I was asking him to do. I knew it was a lot to ask him, however I felt this was the best way to resolve this ordeal. "I'll need to consider this information and come to a decision. I suggest informing everyone else so they can formulate their own opinion on the matter as well," spoke Henry finally. "Thanks. That's all I ask of you. I'll do just that with the others tonight," I responded. "Anyways, if that is all I suggest the both of you get some sleep. We got a long day tomorrow and a lot of things to do before our final assault, so I'd advise being up by five or six. No later than that," said Henry. "Don't worry, Surely somebody will get us all up in case that happens," said Helpy as he walked on over to the door to the house. "Goodnight! Or morning? Or whatever the hell." Helpy closed the door behind him as he entered the house, leaving me, Henry, and Duality in the room. "You gonna go to sleep soon?" I asked Henry. "Soon. Yes. After I finish upgrading Duality's systems and run a diagnostics on the EMP Device, just to see if anything is damaged," responded Henry. "You just know we will comment on your lack of sleep, if not Helpy or anyone else. I'd advise sleeping for at least eight hours instead of three or two like you've done for a while now. Not to mention the amount of coffee you've taken to keep yourself awake," noted Duality. "I will rest when William is stopped and the mission is accomplished. It's almost over anyways," said Henry. "Well then. I guess I'll head off to bed as well. Goodnight to the both of you," I said as I walked towards the door to the house now. "Goodnight," said Henry in response. I approached the door to the house and opened the door, getting ready to enter. "Freddy. Just what do you intend to accomplish by telling the world about everything that has happened with you, the Afton Family, and the franchise? Is this really about the world deserving to know this truth? Or is there more to this than what you've told us?" asked William stopping. "It's about the world being allowed to know this truth, and letting the people decide what to think. Though it is more then that, in a sense. It's about breaking a cycle of misery and death that will be taken apart of the bigger cycle of pain and suffering," I explained. "There will always be tragedy and death, though if you break the cycle and reduce the amount of it in the world. Well, you're making the world a better place. That's what we all want. A better world." 

Just a Robot 5 (A Fnaf Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें