Chapter 54: "Deep End"

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Charlie Emily's P.O.V

I didn't like fighting or having to destroy lives, especially since animatronics had lives themselves. I only would fight or use my power to defend and help others, not to take lives. Right now I had to make sure I kept to my ideals and not act like our enemies, no matter what. It was hard to do that since the enemy wasn't going to let us off easy. 

At this point me and Funtime Foxy were getting further away from Bonnie and Springbonnie, who were left with the enemy pressuring them. At every moment when I tried to move forward and push back against Phantom Balloon Boy and Phantom Puppet they would make sure to push us back farther. Golden Freddy, or Cassidy, was leading their charge on us as well, the last child besides me, that was murdered by Michael. To think I would see her again, especially like this and be on William Afton's side, especially since he was responsible for where she ended up. After everything I could do for her. Finally the enemy stopped, which me and Foxy did as well to see what they were planning on doing next. It seemed we were at a good enough distance away from the others, which was not good for us. We had to get back to them.

"We'll have to run to regroup with Bonnie," I said to Foxy. She didn't responded. I noticed she had been quiet for a while now, lost in her head with her thoughts. It was probably because of her having a breakdown a while back and she still was suffering from whatever turmoil she was going through. She needed help, but now was not the best time for this. "Follow my lead," I said as I ran at the enemy now. Foxy was following me, it was just a matter of if she could defend herself if attacked. I entered the Shadow Dimension and went to where they were before exiting the dimension and kicking Phantom Balloon Boy to the side as he feel over, though phantom me managed to block my attack as I jumped back. Foxy tried punching phantom me, but missed as she disappeared before her attack landed. Nightmare Fredbear ran at me as I managed to enter into the dimension and back to evade his attack, as suddenly a hand reached out of the ground and tried pulling Foxy down. "Get off me!" Foxy exclaimed shooting multiple Shadow Beams at whoever it was. They suddenly burst through the ground, revealing themselves to be Nightmare Foxy as he tried slashing Foxy. She managed to evade the attack by moving back, as she was forced to move over to me with the enemy surrounding us now. They weren't going to let us return with the others, not unless they were out of the way. That required force. 

"Cassidy I thought you despised William for what he's done to you, especially since you joined Michael and Freddy," I said to her. "Now you've joined our enemy, for what? I just want to know Cassidy, after everything I did to help you." She stared at me with black eyes, unreadable with thoughts you could never tell what they were. "I did my best when I saved you and the other four. Remember them? Gabriel, Fritz, Susie, and Jeremy? I did what I thought was best at the time, to save your lives. I know they hated me for it, it only made them more angry at what had happened to them. They got their peace and so did the other soul you shared your body with before they all finally got to rest. Not you. You were left behind. Or you chose to stay," I continued. "I know we didn't speak much, you never wanted to anyways. Your actions spoke louder than your words. You hated him just as much as the rest as the others, at least compared to Michael as well. You know now William is responsible for where you ended up, the same goes for me and those who lost their lives. Why join him? That's all I want to know."

"It has to be this way," Cassidy spoke finally. "Why then? Why does it have to be this way?" I asked. "You'll find out," she responded. Nightmare Foxy charged at me, his mouth open and his tongue out like he was about to eat me for breakfast. I guess Cassidy had fallen off the deep end at this point, for whatever reason. I didn't want to fight her, but I wasn't going to let her kill us either. I entered the dimension and returned behind Nightmare Foxy to grab him as I pushed him as hard as I could on the ground, falling face-first on the ground. Phantom Puppet attempted to grab Foxy, as she managed to summon as Shadow Shield to block her before trying to knock her back. Phantom Puppet entered the Shadow Dimension before her attack hit as Cassidy walked up to me now. "Cassidy, you don't have to do this," I said warning her. She responded with a punch aimed at my head as I managed to block it with my arms, giving her answer. "I didn't want to do this but I'll do what I must," I responded attempting to kick her, as she entered the Shadow Dimension. I did the same, as I found her waiting for me to attack. I went in for a punch as she dodged to the side, while she did the same in return. I exited the dimension, having to duck an attack from Phantom Balloon Boy. He was struck in the back of the head from Foxy as he fell on the ground, all while she got ready to strike him again. Cassidy appeared as he tried to punch Foxy, though I managed to put up a shield to block the attack. "I could've handled that!" exclaimed Foxy as Cassidy tried punching me. "Now's not the time!" I exclaimed back while putting up a shield to block Cassidy's attack once more. Nightmare Fredbear came up from behind me and attempted to bite my head as he opened up his mouth, while Foxy shot a Shadow Beam at him. Thing was the shot was off and only managed to knock off part of his teeth, though it managed to stop his attack from the pain, as I managed to kick him back. I then entered the dimension and returned behind the path where Nightmare Fredbear was falling towards and punched him from behind as hard as I could. He flew the other way, as Foxy ran up to him, shooting multiple Shadow Beams through his stomach. He fell to the ground as she shot more Shadow Beams at his head multiple times, not stopping at all. "DIE!" she yelled continuing on as I ran over to her. "That's enough already!" I exclaimed grabbing her arms to stop her from shooting. Before I had a chance to do anything else phantom me grabbed me from behind as Foxy tried shooting a shadow beam at her, though only managing to hit the side of my suit. Phantom me managed to teleport away before she even got hit from the attack, as Foxy was in a panic over what she did. "I'm sorry!" she said at once realizing her mistake. "It's fine, just a snippet got damaged. My actual body is inside this suit remember, so I didn't get hurt," I said focusing back on the enemy. "Right now let's just survive this." "Ok," she responded as we turned to the rest of the enemy. Phantom Balloon Boy and Nightmare Foxy were holding their position, clearing waiting for us to make the first move while Cassidy was behind them. It seemed she was allowing William's minions do all the work for her, so maybe she didn't want to fight us herself. So why join William then? If she didn't end our lives wouldn't William  end hers instead? Did it really matter? It did matter because Cassidy was the last piece of the past that didn't receive any peace, especially after the choice I made for her. Nightmare Foxy ran at me as I entered the dimension and jumped in the air, returning to the normal world and attempting to hit him with my elbow as he stumbled to the side. Phantom me teleported near Foxy and knocked her back before disappearing, then teleporting again and striking before she had a chance to fight back. Out of all the phantoms, of course mine had to be this way. I shot a beam at the first sight phantom me reappeared, though she dodged it by teleporting into the dimension. "We have to destroy them now!" exclaimed Foxy. "Right!" I responded hesitant on doing so. The Phantom's, Nightmare's, and Twisted Animatronics were all mindless followers of William, but they were just that. Mindless. In a way they were victims like me or the children killed. I guess destroying and putting them out of commission would be doing them and us a favor, even if it was taking life. Still, it was either us or them. "Stay close! Let them come to us!" I said backing up to where Foxy was. Phantom Balloon Boy disappeared, as Nightmare Foxy seemed to be waiting near Cassidy to strike when the time was right. Phantom me and Phantom Balloon Boy teleported to the side of us and lunged at me and Foxy, prompting us to defend ourselves. I was Phantom Balloon Boy's target as I managed to kick him as he fell back, while Foxy managed to put up a shield to block phantom me. Phantom Foxy charged at us, as I quickly stepped in front of the direction he was coming from and summoned a shield to block him. He ran into the shield though shook it off quickly, as Phantom Puppet appeared above me and Foxy. I raised the shield above me as Foxy used her shield to block Nightmare Foxy's attack as he tried slashing us. Phantom me floated above the top of the shield as Foxy bumped into me, unable to hold Nightmare Foxy's attacks back for much longer. "Stay focused!" I said to her. "I know!" she exclaimed in response. Phantom me jumped up in the air as Nightmare Foxy managed to headbutt Foxy's shield, causing her to fall back and push into me. Phantom me fell in the direction I was at and landed an attack on my chest, grabbing me and punching me in the face as I tried blocking her attacks. Foxy managed to shoot a Shadow Beam at her, allowing me to grab phantom me and throw her on the ground. Foxy tried shooting Phantom me, but she disappeared before she got a chance to hit her. Nightmare Foxy tackled Foxy to the ground as I got up to help her, though I was already being delayed as Phantom Balloon Boy tried attacking me, as I managed to knock him back and on the ground. He seemed to be cracking like a nut, which meant his life would soon vanish if he took enough damage. I, instead, focused on helping Foxy as I ran over to her and tried grabbing Nightmare Foxy, only for him to slash my chest. I managed to jump as soon as his attack happened, so the wound wasn't too bad from what I could tell even if it was noticeable. Foxy kicked Nightmare Foxy in the stomach as he got ready to claw her, while I quickly shot a Shadow Beam at his hand. He growled in anger while holding out his hand, allowing Foxy to kick him off her and onto the ground. She got ready to punch him, though phantom me teleported behind her and grabbed her before she would do anything. Nightmare Foxy got up now and ran at her with phantom me holding her down, as I attempted to stop him. I was stopped by Phantom Balloon Boy jumping on my back as I attempted to get him off, all while Nightmare Foxy sunk his teeth into Foxy's shoulder as she yelled from the pain. That was it, I was done playing it nice. I managed to grab Phantom Balloon Boy from my back using the Resurrection Power directed in my hands, as I managed to toss him at Nightmare Foxy. Nightmare Foxy didn't have time to react as Phantom Balloon Boy landed right on his face, causing them both to fall on the ground. Foxy managed to kick Phantom me, yet her attack went right threw her as Phantom me let go of and punched her right in the face. She fell on the ground as I shot a Shadow Beam at phantom me, though they teleported, of course, to not get hit. Phantom Balloon Boy attempted to get off as she placed her foot on top of him and grabbed him by the neck to pull him up, shooting multiple Shadow Beams through him before finally screaming as a huge purple light glowed bright from him. There was a sound, like he blew up or something, as the light disappeared and I could see Foxy now. Phantom Balloon Boy was gone now, as Foxy was holding nothing in her hand but the life she had taken. A life taken away like an animal.

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