Chapter 33: "Two Worlds"

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Michael Afton's P.O.V

"All this driving is honestly going to make me full asleep. Glad I don't have a sleep schedule that is getting fucked over," said Helpy yawning. "Can't let you do that anyways when I need you to direct us to the pizzeria and to be ready if things go wrong," I said to him. "I know that. Just tired of staring at the same boring houses and fast-food places for the past week, especially at this time," he responded. "Well it's the only thing that'll keep the time from passing by. Besides, at least you had a break while me, Springtrap, Springbonnie, and Mangle could never catch one having to fight our own kind and save them and fight those beings at every given moment. Couldn't use a bathroom break in peace without worrying if something would attack me from behind," said Bonnie from the back seat. "Oh yeah! He'd almost pee himself from holding it in because he was too afraid at times to go outside during our mission with the team," added in Springbonnie. "That's a little too much information nobody needs to be aware of," responded Bonnie a little embarrassed from those details being brought to light. "Well, good for you. At least we're like five minutes away from reaching the pizzeria," said Helpy looking down at the phone. "Charlie you still have the Disruptor on you?" I asked. "Yes, I do," she responded in the back part of the car. "Good. You'll handle the device if we need it so keep it close, we don't want to lose it or have it fall into the wrong hands," I stated. "William or none of his animals will be able to possess the device without a fight... Or if I was the one carrying the device," added in Bon Bon in the back seat. "There's a reason why I chose Charlie to carry the device, and you'll be limited to what you can do on the team unless you prove yourself to be trustworthy," I said acknowledging his comment. "How can I prove myself trustworthy if I can't do much anyways, huh? What, if William defeats all of you and I'm still left standing I still won't be allowed to do anything if my restrictions haven't been lifted by then right? What then?" demanded Bon Bon. "That depends on the situation and if that'll happen. Which it won't," I responded. "We'll see," responded Bon Bon. It was a chore to handle him, but he was giving me and the team no other choice considering his past incidents over the course of our missions. I wasn't sure if he realized going off on his own and without the team he was directly not only risking the safety of himself, but for the team as well. Or perhaps his objective to end my sister was blinding him from realizing those factors. 

"The odds are against us, but we have to do what we can," said Charlie. "Well what about the cops? I still don't understand why we can't ask for their help or anyone else. I mean, they got weapons that they can use to probably stop William's minions at least," asked Springbonnie. "Ah, I used to have the same thought process when Henry first caught me up to speed on everything involving William once he created me. That was until Henry discussed that view point with me and I saw things a little differently afterwards," said Helpy. "Oh, turn left up here!" I turned left at the intersection as I continued driving down the road. "Society is divided on the idea of robots and technology, about how it has become so integrated. The people who love the idea of technology find it a convenience to have something to do all day and not be bored or appreciate for making certain tasks simplified than what they were previously. I mean it's insane when Henry showed me these studies online of some people how are so reliant on technology that they probably wouldn't survive without it. It's especially common with kids and teenagers today man, hell a majority of everyone but people like that are worse off than other. I don't think you ever say that back in your day," explained Helpy. "Not really. Technology wasn't so advanced as it is now that it's surprising what humanity has been able to achieve in my absence. It may not be up to par on what my father is able to achieve but they're threading that path a lot quicker than what I imagined," I responded. "Right on! The people have advanced so far society is in the early stages of creating robots, A.I, or anything of those sorts, and from years ahead these creations could be everywhere and be further integrated into anyone's daily life," he continued on. "Then you have the people who wish the idea of technology shouldn't be heavily relied on, that we should limit on how much of this technology is used that affects our life. These people see it as a way to limit what they're capable of, what the government can do to easily take away that power and control them and limit what they're able to do. Hell, people think of it as a sin, like it's the devils work or some crazy idea that it goes against the wishes of god himself and that technology should completely be abolished from this world and the very idea itself." "Like us? People think robots are bad for the world?" asked Bonnie. "Apparently so. I see where they're coming from, you have an army of robots that the U.S would us for troops and if we were to end up in another war or if someone were able to hack into the mainframe that controls all of them you can control that army. You would not only lose control of an army of robots but an army that can be used against you or anyone that controls that army, causing destruction and death to whoever and wherever," Helpy continued. "Just like what my father did," I said understanding what he was saying. "Damn right. The people are divided on how to feel about subjects like robots, and your father has only made it worse for the debate around this idea. We're two worlds that can't just be compatible right away, or possibly ever the way things are looking. Not everyone is going to be on board with animatronics asking for help about a man that is responsible for multiple deaths and is planning to end all life on this world," he responded. "Not everyone would help us then?" asked Springbonnie. "Oh I'm sure some people who had balls would be understanding of our situation and would offer their help, but ultimately nothing would get resolved as we probably wouldn't be allowed to do anything and both sides would argue with each other before William's ends everyone's life in the world and get the easy victory. The problem is most people don't accept the fact that anything created can be used for good or evil not just one of those; both have strengths and weaknesses, benefits, and downsides. If people knew about these things they wouldn't be arguing over who's idea is right and wrong all day," said Helpy. "You sound like Freddy," said Foxy. I was surprised to here her speak considering she hadn't said a word since we had left from Henry's house. I assumed it was due to her talk with Freddy and the struggles she was going through, though I chose not to ask the both of them about it as it was not my place to inject myself in their affairs. "Is that a bad thing?" asked Helpy unsure of how she would would respond. "No. Just... the way you talk, your way of viewing things... seems just like him," responded Foxy. "Like he's his son right? I mean, he does look like him," said Springbonnie. "His son?! Hold on! Now you're just jumping to conclusions that don't match up!" exclaimed Helpy in clear panic of the idea. "Well, animatronics can't produce children anyways. He may have a similar model to Freddy but unless Henry built him to be his offspring or sibling we can't be certain he is a descendant of him," I said in an attempt to ease Helply. "Sibling? Uh? Eh... guess he could be like his brother or something. Still prefer the idea of him being his child," said Springbonnie. "Well... I think of him as a younger brother to Freddy," said Charlie chiming in on the conversation. "Think of whatever fictional blood ties I have to him, I ain't ever calling him big bro or dad. Just saying those words is making me feel like I spoke a sin," responded Helpy. "Shit! Turn left, turn left!" he exclaimed just as I was barely passing the turn. I had to quickly and roughly jerk the car where the turn was so we wouldn't miss it, all everyone slightly move to the side because of how fast I had made the turn. "Do your job better dumbass!" exclaimed Bon Bon furious at Helpy for the late call. "I got distracted with our conversation, my bad! Lay off!" exclaimed Helpy. "Both of you settle down now," I said to the both of them as I focused my attention to Helpy. "You should pay more attention to the map though. If there were cars behind us or coming from the other way an accident could've happened and our existence could be compromised," I said to Helpy. "Hey, I'm not the one that chose to make a last minute turn instead of continuing down the road and making a U-turn, am I?" said Helpy. "And you should be the lucky one that there were no cameras where the lights were that caught that. It's one thing Henry made sure of getting all the windows tinted but another with a driver that drives like a high schooler." "Ah, well. I guess you got me there. I still haven't gotten used to not driving for all these years, but no one else here can drive. And Bon Bon refuses to help out with you taking over," I responded. "Uh huh. Anyways, we're coming up on the pizzeria in about a minute so we all better be prepared," said Helpy. "Right. Remember everyone, our objective is to find the Decoder and get out as soon as possible. We don't know if the enemy is waiting for us or not, so be wary of your surroundings at all times and take note of anything that looks off or could potentially being a warning or sign of our enemies. Stick together as a group and don't separate from each other, and report any potential danger so we can deal with it," I said to everyone. "Don't forget Helpy to keep close to the ignition of the car if we need a quick escape or if you are targeted," added in Bonnie. "Well what if you guys need back up? Unless you don't want any," asked Helpy. "I hate to say you're guess is right, but we can't risk you leaving the car to back us up unless we really need it. Even if we really did need to back up we don't have a proper way to signal you for help," I answered for him. "Well... I guess you can't do much about it. Gotta ask Henry if he'll solve that problem for us. Turn left here where that building is," said Helpy as we approached the pizzeria, or what I assumed it was. "Huh. You sure this is the right place because it looks like you took a wrong turn and ended up here," expressed Springbonnie. "Yeah what gives huh? Don't see a sign our front like at every pizzeria, unless were going off of the wrong directions," criticized Bon Bon. "Go ahead and think I messed up on where to go just because the place doesn't have the usual damn sign. We're at the right place, it just never got finished because the place got shut down when Circus Baby's Pizzeria did as well since this place was supposed to be a sister location to this place, just like how that other pizzeria was a sister location to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. At least that's what Henry said," said Helpy parking the car in one of the parking spaces. "How much of the pizzeria was completed by the time it was shut down?" I asked him. "How the hell should I know? That's loads of shit Henry has knowledge of, not me," responded Helpy. "Well, let's find out then," I said opening the car door and getting out, as everyone did the same. "Stay safe," I said to Helpy. "It's me who should be saying that," he responded. "No need when we can ensure that," I responded as I shut the car door. "Everyone ready?" asked Bonnie. "What do you think?" asked Bon Bon annoyed at his question. "Yes, because you don't have a choice to say no," responded Bonnie. "Let's move," I said as we all made our way over to the front entrance. As we approached the entrance I took a glance over at the outside wall and walked on over to it to inspect it, while the others gave a look at the front entrance. "Wall doesn't look painted," I noted. "Nice detective work. And you know what else we found out? The door and windows are boarded up!" said Bon Bon said sarcastically. "No kidding," said Bonnie trying his best to ignore him. "Not sure how good it's boarded up but either smashing the windows or glass part of the door would prove difficult to manage through and break, even then it would take too much time to make an entrance for ourselves." "There's always the side entrance," I responded as I made my way back over to the car. I approached the SUV, and opened the back doors and grabbed the axe that was sitting near. "Of course you gotta improvise already," noted Helpy in the front seat and peering his head over to the side to look at me. "That's part of the job," I responded closing the doors and walking back on over to where everyone else was at the front entrance. "Don't see why you decided to keep that axe after all this time? More so by adding a strap to it to bring with you wherever," noted Bon Bon as I approached the others. "And isn't that the same axe you broke in the old house with the first time we met?" "Oh yeah! I forgot Springy mentioned he tried to kill you and your friends the first time you meet him! Kinda seemed out of character for him when he first told us," said Springbonnie. "Maybe for you, but for me I was sure he would try to kill me or Mangle if you pissed him off enough as if he wasn't already when we first met him," noted Bonnie. "That was the old me, I'm no longer that angry and enraged version you knew besides the humanity I still had left. And besides, never know when you'll need an axe to get a job done," I said in response to their comments. "Now, c'mon! Don't want to be here all night." "What, you'll need an axe to chop someone's legs off?" asked Bon Bon pursing the statement I said, as we made our way to the side of the place. "We're going to try the side door, and considering this place is abandoned and private property that my father probably still owns like with the other locations, the door wouldn't certainly be open and not boarded off to prevent anyone from entering," I said. "Well, the way your phasing it could imply you want the door to not be looked and for your hope to become true. Which could. Possibly. Increase your chances of your hope of becoming true," said Springbonnie. "Ha! Like that shit ever happens unless it involves trouble, which it always ends up as," said Bon Bon in response. "Sound like you don't put your mind to it. You know if you put your mind to anything it will happen eventually... Even if takes years probably," said Springbonnie in response. "You know if she were your sister you would have to spend a lot of convincing for me to even believe that, because I'm already having trouble understanding how she is your cousin," said Bon Bon to Bonnie. "Well, maybe it's because you don't technically have siblings," Bonnie said in response as we approached the door. "Look! Your logic is flawed because it's boarded off. What do you got to say to that, huh?" Bon Bon asked Springbonnie acting a little hostile to her. "Eh. He probably didn't set his mind to it. Ain't that right Springy?" Springbonnie said. "I'll admit I didn't, though I'll remember next them something like this happens," I said looking at the boards nailed to the door as I readied my axe. "Though, it's a good thing we've come prepared. Watch the perimeter." "And what you don't think having people around you to call family can be considered true family? Like what about Mangle? She ain't apart of your family by blood but you would still consider her to be like a sister in a way?" questioned Bon Bon as I attempted to pull one of the nails attached to the wall with my axe. "People can't come from other places and live together? Two separate worlds that can't be allowed to coexist because we say so? It doesn't mean shit unless we both have the morals, values, and emotions both people shared regardless of where they came from. Are you saying I can't consider Foxy or even Springtrap as family?" "That's not what I'm saying... Well, I don't know. You have a point. I mean I never thought I would consider Springtrap, or Michael, or whatever he wants to be called... The last thing I expected was to consider him family, the first impression and from the time I met him in our world lead me to believe that would never happen. Though as time went on and I got to understand him I realized he was the way he was with everything that has happened in his life. It wasn't until me, Springbonnie, and Mangle ended up here that he told me exactly everything he had been through, and that only showed me he has a life that shouldn't even be possible or anything a person should go through," Bonnie responded as I got one of the nails off finally. "What about you, huh? Should I consider you family? After the way you've been acting ever since you found out about what happened to your girlfriend? The way you've been treating everyone around you?" "I never asked to be considered family from you and the others, but I will protect the people around me that I care about. I am not letting what happened to Bonnet happen to anyone else... No one deserves to lose a loved one without their own choice or decision," responded Bon Bon. "Yeah... but you can't lash out or go own your own vendetta because of loss, as much it may seem like the best possible solution to stop the pain," responded Bonnie. "You think you know what I'm feeling?! What guilt I have because of losing Bonnet, Ballora, Yenndo, and Lolbit!? Family? People that can't be replaced? You don't know what I'm feeling!" exclaimed Bon Bon bothered by Bonnie's words. "I do know what you're feeling! I know! Everyone here knows! Because they've gone through what you've have!" exclaimed Bonnie as he looked away. It was hard concentrating on trying to get the nails off the wall due to their conversation, as we still had a job to do. Still, I felt it was best for Bonnie to handle the grief Bon Bon had been caring for a while now. 

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