Chapter 44: "Generation"

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Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

Being alone, having your mind wonder about things felt refreshing. It was like I could think properly, considering I hadn't had much time to do so for a while now. The surrounding area was pretty quiet as well during this time, as Bonnie and Springbonnie had both gone to the garage to train, Helpy was watching something on Henry's phone, Bon Bon was still sleeping, and Charlie seemed to be drawing at the dining room table I was at as well. Things were peaceful. And so far I had used it to relax and consider how to progress things from here. I pretty much knew everyone here was fighting for something, and yet I wasn't sure what I was really fighting for. Was it just to save this world and stop William's tyranny from becoming a reality, or something else I was missing? What was I really fighting for? Perhaps my quietness needed to be halted, just for a while. 

"What are you drawing?" I asked Charlie as I turned to look at her. "All of you," she responded as she stopped drawing and held up her picture. In the picture was everyone one of us drawn: Me, Michael, Bonnie, Mangle, Henry, herself, every one of us with Henry's house in the background and a bunch of scenery. I did forget at times Charlie still was a kid in the inside, even if she had a long time to grow and mature a little. Still, at least she still had aspects of her childhood she could live again. "Wow! That's nice," I said complementing her work. "I wanted to show my respect to the new family I have and be thankful I have all of you," she responded. "I think everyone here, including me, are thankful for you sticking with us," I said. "I'm curious. You said you decided to fight alongside with us to give all the children to have them rest in peace and believed William did this to you. Yet Michael was the one that took your life and the many children that was caused by William's deception and manipulation. Why did you forgive him? If you wish to answer that is," I asked. "I did hate him at first, just like the children did. I didn't hate him because he took my life, but because the children he killed never had lives they could live or grow up and do something with. So I wanted to make sure he never had a life to look forward... He already wasted his own anyways. When he died in the Springbonnie suit I thought that would be enough, but it wasn't. During the years I was alone I wondered why someone would become a monster? Did someone hurt them? Did they hurt themselves? Or were monsters just born? When I met Michael again at Fazbear Fright, seeing the fate that chose him felt like it was enough. However I could tell someone had hurt him, inside and outside. He was in pain, and killing us was the only way to stop the pain for a while. Henry was the one who had hurt him... I was confused, wondering why my father would make Michael do this? My father wouldn't do something bad and horrible. I didn't believe Michael, but I wasn't sure if my father was who I thought he was. When I investigated and looked for Henry like Michael I found it the one who hurt Michael was more evil than I realized. William Afton, his own father, was the one hurt him. I was trapped by him, as he expected me to look for him. He trapped me in this suit and wanted nothing more but to see me trapped forever, as I asked him why he was evil and had hurt Michael. He said his son didn't matter to him, because he was born to be a pawn to him," explained Charlie. "That's horrible... but I guess it really isn't a surprise. He never cared about his son... maybe the same goes for Elizabeth," I said. "Michael is a victim. Just like me and all the kids slayed by William, even if he wasn't the one to do it. His life and future was destroyed by his own father and he'll never be able to live a normal life or have one again. I don't just fight for all the souls but also for Michael's soul. I fight for the generation to come, for any kid that is born today and in the future. I fight so they don't have to live in a cruel world," she said. "Do you plan on having kids?" "Well... uh... Animatronics... Or... robots... can't produce offspring... Kids basically, is what I mean... " I said flabbergasted at her sudden question. "How do people have kids?" she asked. "Ah... maybe you can ask your father that question if he chooses to explain that," I responded trying my best to brush off the question. "Though if I could I would have kids for sure. Teach them my perspective on the world and life, have them make a life for themselves, all things a parents would do for their child and watch what they grow up to become. Any race continues and lives on with the act of producing another generation to replace the old as the cycle continues on forever, unless someone seeks to exterminate that race forever," I responded. "I don't mean to ruin what you stand to fight against and accomplish, just sharing my perspective. This world is a cruel place in general. Any civilization tends to be because it is the nature for people to be evil, to fight against one another. It's cruel, but it's meant to be. It's why criminals, murderers, terrorists, dictators, why all of them exist. If William is to perish it still would be nothing compared to the many types of bad people that exist in this world that wouldn't ease the cruelty to a great extent, but it would still allow this world to breathe a little easier. It's why it's this current generation's job to prepare the next generation to be ready if the world turns into its cruelest form and how to deal with. For all they knew people could wake up to total tyranny or dictatorship anywhere, or a world where there are no laws, only anarchy. If the new generation had to live through that, then they at least know how to survive and prevail in that world. And when the world cleanses that evil for a while, the new generation will know how to delay such evil from consuming this world and to prepare the next generation. And so on." "I see. How you view this world is interesting," said Charlie. "Do you think people will find peace or stop fighting?" "I don't know. True peace. Probably not. Temporary peace, yes since we're living with it right now. Well the humans are. There are no major war or conflicts during this time besides the typical political tension from other countries. Still, that can change at any time," I responded. "As for humans to stop fighting? Once again it is also in any beings nature to fight, even for the lowest or simplest of reasons. Yet there may come a time when all humans will stop fighting and come together, whether that be a threat much larger than mankind itself or agree on something that pertains to this world. Even if it's for a moment, it's enough to show humankind can really work together and stand united because when any race or being defends their home together we are at our strongest. Together, as one." "Then we stand united as one. All animatronics to defeat someone who wishes to destroy a generation... To save the next generation," announced Charlie. To see dedication and courage displayed from her words showed how much she wanted to stop and defeat William, just as much as the rest of us. Her line though about all animatronics united as one made me think she believed every animatronic needed to rise up and stand together to win, or she meant all of us here. Still, it made me wonder if having Afton's followers on our side would ensure our victory and his defeat, or if such a thing was achievable. If it was  that would make us be at our strongest. Regardless it was clear Charlie was not only fighting for the kids who had their lives stolen, but to ensure the future and safety of all generations. It wasn't just this world and its people that I had now realized we are fighting and protecting for but so much more I hadn't considered until now. Everything was at stake, and we were going to protect it until the end.

"We stand united then. For the world, for mankind, all life, animatronics and robots, for peace... For all and any generation, and the future... For everything," I stated. "Because everything matters and is worth protecting."

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