Chapter 27 - Confessions

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Ivy caught an Uber to the restaurant with Jess and they met up with Emma.

Emma had chosen an upmarket Japanese restaurant for them all to have dinner at. They waited to be taken over to a chabudai then sat down and placed some orders for Green Tea and some starters.

"So when does the video for Hurricane actually get released?" Ivy asked both Jess and Emma.

"'s currently scheduled for end of November...29th I think." Emma told her.

"Jared's got to edit it yet and I think he wants to do an extended version as well."

"Does he ever switch off?" Ivy asked, picking up some of her sushi with her chopsticks.

"Rarely-sometimes he goes to retreats to practice mindfulness and yoga."

Ivy's phone; that was on the chabudai top started to buzz and ring. She glanced across at the screen. 'Shannon'. Rolling her eyes, she quickly muted it.

They carried on their conversation for another 10 minutes, before her phone started to buzz again.


"Are you not going to pick that up?" Jess asked putting a prawn in her mouth.

"No, it can wait."

"Ok." Jess frowned. "Sooo. Let's play a game of 'I'd Tap That- Celebrity Edition'." Jess wiggled her eyebrows at Emily and Ivy.

"Ok sure. Could be fun." Emma smiled.

They had now ordered a bottle of saké to go along with their main courses and Emma sipped at her glass.

Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on Iv. Stop being such a party pooper." Jess nudged Ivy.

She finally gave up and gave in, sighing deeply.

"Ok. So...Hmm...Jason Momoa?" Jess asked.

"I've actually met him one time when I went rock climbing with Jared and Alex. He's a lot bigger and taller in person as well."

Emma told them both, blushing slightly.

"Bigger you say?" Jess smirked.

"Oh for godsake Jess." Ivy laughed.

"What? I'm free and single. A girl wants to know."

"I think you're going to be fighting for him." Ivy teased Emma.

"Shhh." Emma hissed.

They all laughed.

"Anyway, he just seemed like a really nice guy, really polite, and a great climber!"

"Maybe you could get Jay to hook you up with his number?" Jess suggested.

"No! Jess! No."

"Speaking of Jared. Either of you two have any juicy gossip to share on that front?" Jess looked between Emma and Ivy.

"We've slept together." Emma blurted out. "Once! It was way back when I first started out as his PA."

"Oh my God! I knew it! What was it like? What was he like?"

"I-I erm...I don't remember too much in all honesty, it was so long ago and like I said, it was only once."

"Ok. Well, where, when, how?"

"Well Jess. When a man and a woman..." Emma teased her.

"Yeah, alright, I know how. What about you Iv? Come on, you guys grew up together, don't tell me you haven't tapped that!"

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