Chapter 1- Mr.I-Drive-A-BMW-Because-My-Dick-Is-Tiny

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Another mundane day at work. Eat. Sleep. Work. Repeat, and so the endless cycle goes.

Ivy arrived at her work five minutes late that morning because her usual bus had been full and because of that, it had meant that it hadn't stopped at her usual pick-up point and so she'd had to wait for the next one to come along.

She knew her perverted boss Nick Thompson would use any excuse to get her alone in his office; this time being no exception. And, as predicted, as soon as she made the five-metre dash to her office in a bid to arrive unnoticed, she heard his voice.

"Ivy. My office. Now!"

She sighed to herself as she set her purse in her desk drawer and stood up. Finding, as predicted, Nick standing in her doorway. He was casually leaning against the doorframe, arms folded across his Amani-clad chest, steel-grey eyes boring down on her, eyeing her like a piece of prey. And in a way, she guessed she was.

"My bus was full, so I had to wait for the-"

"It doesn't matter. My office. Now." He pushed himself away from the doorframe, gave her one last lingering look, that made her body shudder in revulsion, and then sauntered back off down the corridor to his office. Brushing some windswept hair out of her face. Ivy followed suit.

The number of times she had been called into his office was wholly unfair. She had been in there so many times by now that she knew where every coffee-stained mark was mapped out on his desk, and that he kept a secret stash of whiskey and porn magazines in his bottom drawer- she had known this because a page had accidently been caught in the drawer a time before, whilst he had been busy giving her a lecture about God knows what and she had been forced to stare at a particularly large pair of fake tits that had almost been waving to her the entire time.

On a positive, it had helped her to get to know her boss on a more personal level; apparently, he had a penchant for blondes. That would explain his fascination with her then.

As she walked the all-familiar route to his office, she became well aware that most of the office was staring at her. It seemed that they too had started to notice how much more frequent her trips were compared to theirs.

She reached the door to his office and knocked on it.

"Come in Ivy." Nick's voice called out to her.

She grasped the brass door knob and twisted it, before pushing the door open and stepping inside. He was sat with his back to her in his black, leather Director's chair, but spun around to face her when he heard the door open, hands folded in his lap and feet on the desk crossed at the ankles as he sat there. He looked her up and down.

"You wanted to see me?" Ivy questioned quietly, clicking his office door closed.

"Yes Ivy. Please sit down." He gestured to the all-familiar chair that was sat the other side of his desk.

Ivy pulled it out and smoothed her pencil skirt down before sitting down to face him. Nick uncrossed his ankles and removed his feet from his desktop, before pushing his chair out from behind it and making his way around to the front to face Ivy and perched himself upon it.

"Is everything OK at home Ivy? I've just noticed that you have been late to work a few times this month. Is there anything I or we can do as a company to support you?"

Ivy turned her gaze to her shoes and shuffled her feet awkwardly. "There's no problem at all. My bus was just full this morning and drove straight past me, so I had to wait for the next one. That's all." She clasped and unclasped her hands that sat in her lap and explained.

"What about the other few times?"

"I was literally 5 minutes late Nick! I-I mean, Mr Thompson. I-I...why do you keep calling me into your office to see me?"

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