Chapter 20 - Two Brothers

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"So, are you going to introduce me to these...things or what?" Ivy gestured towards the blindfold and ball gag that Jared had brought along with him, that now lay resting by his right hand on the desktop.

"If you feel comfortable enough to want to."

"Come sit over here then." Ivy gestured for him to come and sit down next to her on the bed.

He did, bringing the items with him. "Ok, so what do you know about BDSM that isn't based off '50 Shades of Grey', because frankly, that stuff is trash." He looked at her intently with his blue eyes.

"I-I know it's more about the Psychological sides of things, about heightening your senses for sexual pleasure and about the usage of safe words."

"Ok, great, so you have some basic awareness of what is entailed. I mean, we're not actually going to be having sex." He coughed slightly, before regaining his composure and carrying on. "So, in that case, it might be better to use the traffic light system.

Ivy looked at him perplexed.

"Whilst we're not directly having sex, the usage of the blindfold and ball gag are still pretty intense and I want you to feel as relaxed and as comfortable around me for this to work and for your comfort and well-being."

"So, what's the 'traffic-light system'."

"It's pretty self-explanatory. So, during filming I'll constantly check on your well-being by asking you 'what colour are you feeling?' Red being that you want me to stop whatever it is I'm doing with you right away, and you need to trust me, that I will, as soon as you feel that you need to tell me 'Red'. I'll stop it instantly. Amber is that you're OK with what I'm doing and you're feeling OK, but it's becoming a little intense for you, but not enough for you to make me want to stop; ease up, so to speak. And green. Well green is that you're mentally and physically fine and we're on the same page. Everyone's happy."

"Ok, that sounds simple enough. So, what about the blinkers and gag. I-I mean, I get the blinkers, I guess. It's to heighten my other sense without being able to directly see what you're doing, but the gag. Why is it like a horse bit?"

"The horse bit is more to do with the sub/dom side of things."


"I won't tighten things too much and if it makes you gag, we either won't use it or we won't use it as much as I initially planned. Would you like to get a feel for them?"

"Guess I should."

"OK. Well, we can start with the blinkers. If you stay sitting there, I'll kneel behind you to put it on."

Jared manoeuvred himself on the bed to come and kneel behind her. Ivy glanced up at the large mirror that was fixed to the wall opposite the bed and saw Jared move slowly behind her, holding the blindfold, she turned her head to look at him over her shoulder.

"Relax, Iv. Remember the traffic light system if you start to become uncomfortable."

Ivy turned her head back to face the front and looked at them both in the mirror again.

Jared moved his hands in front of her holding the blinkers. "OK, so hold it in place, whilst I fasten them at the back. Remember the system."

Ivy moved to hold the blinkers in place with her hands and felt Jared move the straps around to the back of her. "I'm going to do it up now. Let ne know if it's too tight."

Ivy nodded and Jared started to tighten the buckle.

"What colour are we Ivy?" He asked her.

"Green. It's not so bad."

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