Chapter 19 - "Who's Tom?"

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Shannon made his way back down the hallway to his bedroom. Ivy was sat there now fully clothed on his bed, looking at her phone. She looked up when he entered the room.

"You didn't tell him I was here, did you?" She asked.

"No. No of course I didn't Ivy."

"What did he want?"

"Er...just to talk to me about some stuff with the video. It's fine, he's gone now. Are you hungry? I-I was going to make some dinner."

"I-I guess I could. C-can I use your shower? I-I really need one."

"Sure, you can, or I can get you some towels for the Guest one."

She blushed slightly when she heard Shannon say this as it reminded her of the real reason she had actually ended up in his room.

"I can just use yours; it'll be easier and less hassle."

"Do you want something to change into? I have a ton of shirts you can borrow."

"I only need one, but thanks Shannon." She managed a small smile, finding the whole situation a little awkward.

"I'll get you some towels as well. Hang on." Shannon eventually returned with two clean towels for her and a plaid, long- sleeved shirt of his. He held them out to Ivy who took them.

"I didn't know if you wanted to wash your hair as well, or not, so got you a towel to do that as well."

"Thank you, Shannon that's really thoughtful of you. Does he always just let himself into your house like that?" Ivy had still been thinking about Jared's unexpected arrival.

"Who? Jay?"


"We both have keys to one another's houses. I just happen to be a little more courteous and actually let him know when I plan to drop round."

"Sounds like Jay."

"Yep. So...I was going to cook dinner. Do you eat chicken?"

"Fucking hell Shannon. You actually cook! I'd have thought you'd have had your own chef or something?"

"No. That's at my house in Seattle." He decided to tease her, and watched her face closely. Here eyes widened. "I'm kidding. Cooking is something I'm actually good at. Jared has a chef, but that's only because he manages to burn literally anything he attempts."

"Now that I have to see. Please don't give me food poisoning though Shannon, that's something I could really do without."

"I won't. Go and enjoy your shower, I'll see you in a bit."


Ivy emerged from Shannon's shower feeling freshly clean and relaxed. She had pulled on the plaid flannel shirt that Shannon had lent her, finding it pretty oversized and baggy, but it was definitely cosy, and, it smelt of him, which she found herself rather enjoying.

She brought one of the cuffs up to her face and inhaled. It smelt clean, but she could also smell his familiar, woodsy, musky smell from his aftershave.

Rolling back the cuffs, she made her way out of his bedroom and followed her nose and the smell of cooking back to the kitchen. She found Shannon chopping something at his kitchen island. He looked up when he heard the soft padding of bare feet coming into his kitchen and had to do a double take when he saw her standing there in his oversized flannel shirt; God she was so effortlessly sexy to him.

"Hey." She smiled at him, twisting her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head. "This smells good." She came over to stand opposite him, across the kitchen island and lent forwards, resting on her elbows and looked at him.

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