Chapter 51 - The Visitor

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"What the fuck!" Ivy screeched from her position infront of Shannon, her view of the person who had spoken behind him, being obscured by his large frame.

She quickly scrabbled to yank her dress back down from where it was currently still up around her waist, as Shannon slowly turned around to face the person who had spoken, pushing Ivy behind himself to guard her privacy.

"Jesus. And Mum lectures me all the time about being careful. I didn't think I'd walk in on my Dad going for it. Where's the bleach around here?" A girl with medium-length chestnut hair, dressed in denim cut-off shorts and a cut up Aerosmith t-shirt groaned, letting the duffle bag she had slung over her shoulder slump to the floor with a thud.

She made her way over to Shannon's couch and slumped down on it, kicking her converse-covered feet up onto the coffee table infront of her and slipping her phone from her shorts pocket, scrolling through it.

"Erm...Lilly, what are you doing here? How the hell did you get through my gates?" Shannon turned away from Ivy, who was still sat up on his marble island, and asked the young girl who had appeared in his house and was now sat on his couch.

"Mmm...we had an argument, so I left. I took Mum's keys to your house." She didn't meet his gaze and continues instead to scroll around on her phone.

"What! Lil, you can't just hop on a plane over here everytike you have an argument with Sofia."

"It's fine. Don't worry, no one saw me and besides. You won't even know I'm here, which is just how I know you like it." She did look up this time briefly and narrowed her eyes at him.

Shannon swallowed slowly.

"Er...Dad. You might wanna..." She trailed off and Shannon followed her gaze with his eyes, immediately realising what her gaze had landed on; the zipper and button to his jeans, which were still undone from his moment earlier with Ivy.

He blushed profusely and turned away from Lilly to hurriedly do them back up.

"Shannon. I-I'm gonna call a cab and head home." Ivy awkwardly told him, smoothing her clothes down and readjusting herself.

He ran a hand through his hair, clearly flustered with the entire situation.

"I'm so sorry about all of this Ivy." He reached out and ran his hands up and down her arms lightly.

"I just. I-I think you guys need to talk." Ivy told him quietly.

Shannon didn't reply, but just nodded at her words. This was all such a, mess and he knew thagxhe was in way over his head with everything.

"I will talk to you tomorrow, about everything OK? I promise you." He eventually told Ivy, whilst holding hee hands out in front of him.

"Mmmhmm. I should go Shannon."

"Will you let me know when you get home?"

"I will, yeah."

"Thank you. I have no idea what's going on. I had no idea Lilly was going turn up at mine."

"You don't have to appologise to me. Go talk to your daughter Shannon."

"Sure. We'll catch up very soon."

Ivy nodded and reached out to place a hand on Shannon's chest and gently pushed him away from herself to be able to slide down off of his worktop and stand before him.

"You might want to do your shirt up as well." She softly whispered to him giving him a small smile.

He glanced down and realised that she was right about his shirt being undone.

Book 1: Echoes Of The PastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora