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(told in perspective of Cassandra):

I was in a dark room, filled with little tiny bright lights, most likely a tent by the looks of it. I slowly looked around, trying to keep ahold of my conciseness. I jiggled my hands and felt cold metal, they had actually put handcuffs on me this time, smart. Being a secret agent for the medias, I had grown used to situations like this. Well, not exactly like this but still, I probably don't have back-up, which is definitely a downside, but then again, I was the one with a secret boyfriend.

"You never let me finish." The same man stood in front of me in the tent, but this time there was a girl standing next to him.

"What's she doing here?" I asked, almost jokingly.

"She's here for... precautionary measures." He gave me a side smile that sent a shiver down my spine.

"So what do you want AND before you speak in complete gibberish again, I want you to give it to me straight." I glared at the other girl, that I eventually realized was the waitress.

"We are the Estrellas, an underground elite organization that runs solely on it's operatives planted around the world. One of them I believe you may be well aquatinted with." He smiled, then continued on, "Our goal is to spread out operatives around the world so that we might be able to take it over, to stop this ridiculousness for good. No more war, no more suffering, no more..." I zoned out, what did he mean by "one you may be deeply familiar with"? Did he mean someone in media headquarters? Someone on our team? Or even worse, Brutus?! I shook it off and continued to listen to the psychopath.
"...take this offer now, or you may never get it again."

"And what will you do to me if I don't?" I asked reluctantly. The man laughed evilly and gestured towards the waitress. She took out a piece of wood and karate chopped it in half with her head. My eyes widened and, I looked around, trying to find a different way to escape, seeing I had actual handcuffs on now, I had to work harder and be more careful.

"I know what your thinking, and let me just say now, don't be stupid." The man watched me carefully, every twitch of even the tiniest hair he noticed. I didn't know how to get out of this, not this time, it might be time for this secret agent to hang up her hat.

Suddenly, a guard walked in from outside the tent, he walked up and whispered something into the man's ear. "I'm kinda in the middle of something right now!" He yelled angrily, gesturing towards me.

I heard the man whisper, "I'm sorry sir but it's of upmost importance."

"What could possibly be more important than what I am doing RIGHT NOW?!" He started to raise his voice.

"Sir, she's here." the man's eyes widened then he looked back at me.

"Fine..." He said, "double the security around the tent, I need extra guards to make sure she doesn't get out." He pointed towards me, "And you..."

He looked at me and I rolled my eyes, "Yeah?"

"Don't try anything." He gave me one last stern look and finally went with the guard.

"I would never." I told him sarcastically. He just gave me this annoyed look but the urgent tugging of the guard urged him out of the tent. Of course I wasn't going to listen to my kidnappers, why would I? I slowly wriggled free of my handcuffs and quickly caught them before they hit the floor. I needed to get out of here, especially before an entire army came to make sure I would never see the light of day again. The waitress stepped towards me, and started to realize that I was up to no good. I finally just dropped the handcuffs and punched her straight in the face. Well, so much for the element of surprise. The girl just stood there, holding her hand up to her now red face, she was in shock. I started to run because I knew she wouldn't stand there forever. I ran to the exit and I called after to her, "That was for earlier!" Her facial expression started to change and her face grew angry. I ran out of the tent and just kept running, running, and running. Don't stop! I kept telling myself. Don't stop or they'll catch you. I continued to run, and run, and run, but suddenly, out of the corner, a man walked out into my runway, I crashed into him and we both toppled over onto the gravel.

Sun and Moon: Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz