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(Told in perspective of Pandal):

"Ever since I betrayed you guys, it's been constant regret, I could never stop thinking about all of you, life just didn't feel the same. And to be honest, if you don't forgive me today, the entire rest of my life will be filled with pain and regret. Matt, Andrometa, Danny, you guys are, and always will be my team, no matter if I betrayed you or not. I left the Lunas, they just aren't where I'm meant to be, I am truly sorry guys." I had my fingers crossed, my breathing had turned shallow, I knew that I didn't have any chance, I just really needed to try.

"And what about the money you supposedly betrayed us for?" Matthew sat with his arms crossed, staring at me while sitting on the bench. I looked down at the ground I took a deep breath and started talking again.

"It was never about the guys know how my Mom went missing about a week before I betrayed you?" Everyone's faces grew solemn and it was as if they knew exactly what I was going to say next. "They were holding her captive, nobody could get into their headquarters, nobody could save her, I had to guys I just had to. She's the only family I have." I started to tear up. Everyone got off the bench and hugged me.

"It's ok, it's ok." Danny kept saying, Andrometa kept patting my back, and Matt, well he was crying.

"I'm so sorry man, I didn't know, you should've told us, we could've helped you. And you know, we're your family too." Matthew and the others stopped hugging me. "I think it's safe to say, I think we all forgive you." I felt my face light up, I stopped crying and rubbed my sleeves onto my face to dry my tears.

"Thanks guys, just thanks." Everyone patted me on the back, "Alright guys I brought you guys a car since you seemed to have totaled your last one." Everyone looked embarrassed. I laughed and they all started walking over to the car. I put my hand on Matt's arm to stop him from going to the car, he stopped for a second. "Is she alright?" I whispered into his ear.

"She came in about two weeks ago, despite some minor injuries, she's all good." I sighed with relief, I patted Matthew on the back and he walked to the car. The kid that I think they called Dragon was sitting in the driver's seat.

"And what do you think your doing?" I asked him as he looked up.

"I am a vehicle specialist, everyone knows that, right?" Danny was the only one who nodded, everyone else seemed shocked and confused. I hopped into the back seat and that Dragon guy backed the car up and drove forward. "Let's go get my sister!"

"Where are we even supposed to look?" I asked around.

"We got a tip from Mr. Fernando, he said he thinks his niece was involved. He told me to go north of the town into the small valley, and I should see some sort of camp." Brutus chimed in from the back seat.

"Ok at least we know where we're going." the Dragon kid said from the driver's seat. We all nodded and headed towards the split in the high mountains.

Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now