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(told in perspective of Draco)

I'm pretty sure that Pandal has called me "Dragon-boy" at very least twenty times now. I don't know if he truly didn't hear my name correctly or if he was just mocking me whatever it was, it annoyed me, and it was hard for me to take at a time like this. I was just so stressed, we were on our first rescue mission and if we failed, well I would never get to see my sister again. Not to mention this was only the second mission I had been on with these guys, that is, if you count the one we are still on. I stared at the valley ahead, I tried to focus on driving, getting my mind off of everything. But it just wasn't working, I sunk into a pool of doubt.

What if when we found her and it was too late? What if they had moved her to a different camp? What if she was injured? What if the plan doesn't work? What if I never got to see her again? What if she was actually abducted by an alien spaceship that was just disguised as this camp, and they were taking her brain at this very moment?

I shook back to reality, and to be honest, that last one just proves I've watched way too many sci-fi movies. We rounded a bend in the mountain pass and I noticed a glint of a flagpole in the distance. The flag on the pole had a logo on it, was that a star? It was hard to tell from here.

"Hey Dragon, that should be the place, let's pull over here so they don't see us." Pandal pointed to an indent in the cliff, and I pulled over, still rolling my eyes at the name "Dragon."

Everyone piled out of the car and Matthew stood in front of us, "Ok guys just as we planned, Danny, Draco, take the guards out and take their bullet proof vests, just make sure it's inconspicuous and that you two blend in. Brutus, Pandal, your checking the west side of the camp, leave no tent unturned, she could be in any of them. And Brutus, if you run into anyone, you know what to do. Andrometa, your with me, we are checking the east side of the camp. Everyone have their assignments?" Everyone nodded and we all ran to our places. Danny and I ran ahead, since we were the first part of the plan. I ran with Danny to the guards at the gate. And as we snuck up on them, I heard their conversation.

"I don't know about that new girl, she's been trouble from the start." one guard said.

"She'll come around, they all do, and with her by our side, the Estrellas will finally initiate code 49, we will end all of this non-sense." the other guard nodded and they both crossed their arms oddly and said, "Brillante!"

Before I could wonder what they meant, we were already on top of them, Danny knocked her guy out, and with a bit more struggle, I did the same with the other guard. I looked at Danny, "What's code 49?"

"No idea, if I knew, you know I would tell you." She laughed and slipped on the guards vest. I did the same. Then we both gave a signal to our team that it was all clear. They ran in and we stood guard, trying to blend in. After a few minutes I started to get anxious. Danny patted my back and we continued guarding.

Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, we heard a voice, "Hey! Just what do you think your doing?"


Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now