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(In perspective of Matthew Crustello):

Cass stood outside the car, and she didn't look too happy. The car was smoking and we had crashed into a tree stump. Cass lifted up the hood and inspected underneath it. "Great! Just great!" I heard her yell sarcastically. She stormed over to the drivers door and ripped it open. "Alright everyone out!" She demanded. Seeing her red infuriated demeanor, we tumbled out of the car. "The cars totaled!" She said while rubbing her forehead. "This is what I get for not listening to rule 133." She muttered. I stifled a snicker and Cass' face shot up with an angry look on it. I looked down, as if apologizing. "Ok there will be a change of plans, we're about maybe 15 miles out from base so we're not going back there. I think we should take inventory and find the closest town." She looked at the gray sky and put her hands on her hips.

"But wouldn't the closest town be Sol territory? And we're, ya know, MEDIAS?!" Danny said, obviously annoyed.

"Let's just say, what they don't know doesn't hurt them." She opened up the trunk and ripped out our gear and backpacks. "Time for a hike guys." She extended the stuff towards us. Grumbling, we started sliding our gear on. Cass gave a sigh and stopped handing us our gear, "You know what, it's almost time for us to sleep anyways. Why don't we just set up camp here for tonight." That earned a couple of relieved sighs all around. "BUT WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE UP AT THE CRACK OF DAWN TOMORROW!" Cass tried to sound strict but sadly failed when Draco joked, "What is dawn." We all broke out into laughter. Draco smirked and we gave him a few pats on the back, maybe he wasn't such a bad addition to the team after all. We set up our tent and sleeping bags while Cass attempted to create a controlled fire. I thought I'd go over and help her because I had had a fire safety course a while back. After a few minutes of refusal, Cass gave in and let me build the fire. And once I had finished starting a flame, Andrometa ripped out a package of marshmallows.

"SMOOOOOORRRRRESSSSSS." Andrometa tossed the bag to me and gave everyone a smile, or was it just a smile towards me? Who knows. Danny had found a few logs we could sit on around the fire, so that we wouldn't take the chance of sitting on rocks, and we all plopped down and started to relax. We held our sticks over the fire, and the stars started to come out.

Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now