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(In perspective of Matthew Crustello):

After hours of cleaning, the lunch room was almost spotless again and any sign of laughter was faint or not at all. I was still a little shaken at what Zana had said about Andrometa, was it really true? Did Andrometa like him? No, she couldn't, she despised him, she hated his guts, and yet, something about what Zana said had made a bit of sense. I had seen that faint smirk when I had put my hand on her shoulder after the betrayal and she was getting a bit close to me during lunch. I shivered a bit. The thought of something like that was best not to be thought of at all. I nodded agreeing with myself. We were all moving back to our rooms when Andrometa came up to me and said, "You know Crustello, it was your fault that the food fight even started..." I stared at her blankly. "Hey hey I wasn't finished." She told me playfully. I was curious what this not so insulting insult was going to be. "But I've gotta say, that's the most fun I've had in years, so thanks Crustello." She nudged me and went down the separate hallway to her dorm. Huh, who knew Andrometa had a heart. I entered into my dorm and hung up my leather jacket my dad had
given me before my parents left,

" brave my little Matty." my dad had told me. My parents had looked prepared for anything, they were even ready to die, but all I wanted was someone to play with. I remember that day, I was crying with a toy car in my hand, also a gift from my dad. My dad had kneeled down and wiped my tears, he then took off his leather jacket and had put it on me. I remember that I had grabbed onto his leg and wouldn't let him go. "But I don't want you to go." I had looked up and pleaded into his eyes. He had picked me up and told me, "Don't worry Matty, you'll be staying with Zana until we get back... be brave my little Matty." I remembered that he had handed me to Zana and left in their SUV, never to be seen again.

My eyes had started to tear up, I held that same toy car in my hands, then I took a deep breathe and wiped my eyes. Then I told myself, "Your doing this for them." I started packing my backpack, and I hesitantly set the car back on my shelf. I started to leave when I looked back at the car, I couldn't leave it. I took it off the shelf and stuffed it in my bag. "Alright, now I'm ready." I muttered to myself. I then exited out of my room and headed towards the garage, it was time to go.

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