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(In perspective of Cassandra):

I was standing in a conference room, I squinted through my purple glasses and scratched at my bun hanging behind my head. I was trying to make out the smudged paper that I held in my hands. This paper was supposed to be pie charts of the recent Sol raid data I had collected but apparently the printer didn't print it correctly.
"Can anyone else read this?!" I shouted to the conference room. I saw a couple people shake their heads. So, I collected all of their sheets, threw them in the recycling bin and got back on the computer again. I clicked print and told everyone, "I'm heading to the O.L.Z. (off limits zone) to go pick up these copies for the raid prevention meeting, I'll be right back." As the door closed behind me all I could think of was my last mission. Something about it seemed off, and based on the Lunas sneak-raid earlier today, I had to make sure the Sols weren't getting trickier themselves. I pushed open the door to find a guy, in a navy blue jacket with messy black hair sitting in a chair, and I was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to be in this room.

"Oh are you lost?" I asked him.

"Um no, Commander Zana let me in here, she wanted to talk with me..." he told me.

"Oh Zana! You know when I was new here she was always there, whether it was giving me a tour or just helping me file paper-work." I could think of a dozen other times she had helped me out but I'm pretty sure those would be top secret. His eyes sort of relaxed as if I had unlocked a fond memory in his brain.

"Yeah, I can relate, she's been here for me ever since I was accepted into the force." Huh, this guy was a lot more like me then I thought, I too had been mentored by Zana, and once I had mastered most of her lessons, we had grown fond of each other.

"Oh well isn't that funny?" I laughed a bit, if this guy turned out to do the same exact thing that I do right now I wouldn't be surprised. I realized I wasn't there for a conversation and I quickly grabbed the pie charts from the printer. A glint of curiosity crossed his face and I suddenly realized that even these papers were top secret. I tried to turn his curiosity away from the papers.

"Well you enjoy yourself alright?" I started walking out the door when I heard him call after me, somehow, it sent shivers up my spine HE COULD NOT SEE THESE PAPERS.
"Oh wait I didn't get your name!"
My name? I was holding top secret papers in my hand and he wanted MY NAME? I started to relax but I knew that I still had a flustered expression on my face.
"Oh, it's Cassandra." I told him, trying to sound casual. I left as quickly as I could, and as I walked back to the conference room I started to wonder, why was he in that room and what did Zana need to talk about that was so secretive to discuss in THAT ROOM. "Well whatever it is, I won't stop trying to figure it out until I do." I told myself. I walked into the meeting room and handed out the pie charts.

Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now