Chapter 27

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No one's POV:

The two were still in the throne room and Jeongguk had just finished another meeting with his chief guard.

Taehyung received a few strange stares but Jeongguk quickly rectified the confusion by explaining the situation as well as adding some underlying threats to assert his dominance.

The Angel had grown bored halfway through the meeting and began to plait Jeongguk's silky hair.

He thought it looked pretty damn good and Jeongguk hardly realised what was happening on the side of his head while he discussed the latest army numbers of Hell's arsenal.

With featherlight touches, Taehyung had finished one of the plaits in five minutes but the other two were still talking about some boring soldiers.

Pouting slightly, Taehyung started another braid and this time, Jeongguk noticed his tampering.

Chuckling slightly, the king pretended not to notice and let Taehyung have his fun.

Once the meeting had finished and the head guard had left, the Devil dismissed his stationed guards. Jeongguk then lifted his ringed fingers to his hair and felt the, now slightly looser, plaits of hair.

"What am I going to do with you, huh?" Jeongguk chuckled out as he lifted Taehyung so that he was more centred in his lap rather than curled up by his side.

Taehyung giggled and then shuffled on Jeongguk's lap as he tried to find a more comfortable position.

The Angel was now straddling the Demon and Jeongguk swore that Taehyung did these things on purpose.

It was so sinful to see Taehyung in that position and the Angel was just so clueless about what he was doing to his boyfriend.

"You really have no idea do you. You should stop before I can't control myself anymore Tae." Jeongguk voiced out as he gently pushed Taehyung back so his ass was further away from his crotch.

This caused Taehyung to cock his head to the side- like a little lost puppy in Jeongguk's opinion.

Jeongguk realised Taehyung's confusion and chuckled again, the deep sound making Taehyung blush slightly.

"Look at where you are now and then look back at where you were sitting before." Jeongguk asked as he moved his arms from the arm rest towards Taehyung's waist.

"What?. . . O-oh!" Taehyung squeaked out, his bread cheeks turning into an ever darker shade of crimson.

Taehyung was extremely embarrassed but still felt the underlying lust as he looked at Jeongguk's growing erection.

Hesitantly, Taehyung leaned forward slightly and moved his hand up the inside of Jeongguk's thigh.

This caused the Demon to snap his head up at Taehyung. It was an extremely bold and unexpected move and while Jeongguk felt an immense lust for his bonded one, he didn't want to push Taehyung out of his comfort zone.

"Taehyung, you don't have to do anything. We can wait." Jeongguk said while moving his hand onto Taehyung's wrist just before it reached his private area.

"Jeongguk. I love you and I want to move forward. I know you now and I want to be closer to you." Taehyung whispered back whilst staring at Jeongguk's and his connected hands.

"I- only if you are sure. We don't have to go all the way." Jeongguk spoke as he loosened the grip on Taehyung's wrist, moving his hand to the curve of his Angels waist instead.

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