Chapter 24

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No one's POV:

Jeongguk was practically shitting himself, the poor Devil had been pacing his room for hours figuring out what to say.

He was just so terribly scared of rejection and now that his cold and scary façade had dropped. Jeongguk was left bare to the scrutinising eyes of Taehyung.

What would Taehyung think? Would he like the Devil's true person or would he just end up causing Jeongguk pain like so many others had.

The mask had fallen and beneath it now laid the damaged and lost soul that the King truly was.

After all he had been through, from Heaven to Hell and the Archangels who tortured and scarred him deeply, Jeongguk was afraid to care. The Devil was afraid to love.

What if they use him against me? What if I just end up hurting the person that I love? What if I get rejected and I continue to live my pointless and emotional void life? What would I do then?

Jeongguk was a mess. All the emotions that had been bottled up for centuries had burst open through its tight and controlled container. The anger, the pain, the loss, the vengeance, the fear and most of all, the love he had for one singular being.

It was so much to handle all at once and the overwhelming fear was showing no sign of subsiding.

I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't-

Knock knock knock

Jeongguk froze mid-pacing and stared at the door in realisation, this was it.

This would be the determining factor in the rest of his life. Would he be destined to live alone or would he be with his bonded one for all of eternity.

After all he had done, after Jeongguk had tried so hard to make the Angel see that he wasn't just playing with his feelings. From reading books to smiling at something, the Devil had really tried to win Taehyung over.

The reason at first being awful to think about. Just wanting power. Over time it slowly became more apparent that Jeongguk just wanted Taehyung and not what the Angel could do for him.

Then Jeongguk snapped, he had an outburst once he realised his true feelings and nearly lost the person he loved. Do I even deserve such a kind and caring person? I am the Devil after all, maybe I'm not supposed to love.

Knock knock knock

The last knock snapped Jeongguk out of his spiraling thoughts and he strode towards the wooden door that stood between him and his destiny.

Calmly breathing in, Jeongguk opened the door to a smiling Taehyung.

That smile- one of the only reasons Jeongguk found himself carrying on with his existence.

Before it was vengeance but after Taehyung came along, he had secured Hell's place next to Heaven. The two were now equal with Jeongguk's newfound power.

There was nothing to stride for anymore but then as feelings became apparent. Taehyung became his reason, that smile kept him going when he had no other motivation.

"Can I come in?" Taehyung asked patiently as he swayed on his feet in front of the seemingly blank Demon.

"O-oh right, of course you can Taehyung." Jeongguk replied as he stepped out of the way of the door and gestured to Taehyung to enter his chambers.

"Soooo, I have- um I've been thinking and I really like you Jeongguk but. . ."

And there it is, the condition Jeongguk was expecting 'I love you but' or 'I care about you but'.

In a way Jeongguk was used to it, he knew that no one loved him for him. Jeongguk knows that he is too irrational, uncaring, cold and unlovable.

The Devil expected Taehyung to turn him down, it was only a matter of time.

"Hey, Jeongguk. Did you hear what I just said?" Taehyung queried as he waved his tanned hand in front of Jeongguk's spaced out face.

"W- what?" The Demon stuttered out as he shook his head, surprised at the sudden motion in his line of vision.

"I said that I really care about you too but if we are going to be together then I want to do this right. We should get to know each other more and um- I suggested that uh- maybe we could be b-boyfriends. You know, like mortals do. A relationship." Taehyung stuttered out, explaining to Jeongguk what he missed.

To say that Jeongguk was starstruck would be a complete understatement.

As soon as Taehyung explained what his 'but' had led to, Jeongguk had felt a wave of relief crash over him. The sharp rocks of doubt had been smoothed over by Taehyung's sincere words.

Taehyung wanted him. The Angel wanted Jeongguk. A Demon. The King of darkness. A monster.

Jeongguk couldn't believe his ears the pure elation that he felt was indescribable.

Before he could even think, Jeongguk pulled Taehyung into a hug and lifted him up as though he weighed nothing.

The Devil spun Taehyung in a circle whilst breathing in his calming scent.

Taehyung wheezed slightly but quickly found himself latching onto the Devil more closely by wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's nape.

To say that Taehyung was shocked at Jeongguk's sudden outburst would be fair, he wasn't expecting this.

Jeongguk seemed relieved more than anything else but the gigantic smile that etched its way into his face made Taehyung burst into a fit of giggles.

Who would have thought that the Devil could be so cute?

Jeongguk kept on whispering out a chorus of 'thanks yous' as he squished Taehyung more into himself.

The Angel responded by nuzzling his nose into Jeongguk's neck and inhaling his musky and intoxicating scent.

It felt nice- for the both of them.

Two souls who found each other in, without argument, the darkest times of their lives could find peace and solace in one another.

Both of them had been wronged by Heaven but it would all be okay now because they both knew that they would have each other.

In that moment, there were no problems, there were no lingering pessimistic thoughts clogging their brains.

They had each other and the pair seemed to realise that at the same time because tears soon sprouted at the corners of Jeongguk's eyes.

Taehyung felt the wetness of the tear stain his smooth skin and so he pulled away slightly, slid his hands up to Jeongguk's cheek bones and kissed him passionately.

The Demon placed the Angel on his feet and stepped closer, eliminating all space between them.

Soon enough, Jeongguk pulled away and asked the question he had been both dreading and excited about.

"Taehyung, I really don't think you have any idea just how much I love you. I want to show you that love and prove my intentions. I want to be happy with you. I want to be with you forever, if fate will allow it. So, my beautiful Taehyung- will you be my boyfriend?" Jeongguk asked as he stared into his loves eyes.

"Hmmmm- yes of course you big bunny, nothing would make me happier." Taehyung replied as he hugged Jeongguk tightly again.

"By the way- I know how much you love me because I love you more." The Angel replied honestly.

"Not possible." Jeongguk stated as he turned his nose up in the air.

The argument was pointless though because both of them said that they love each other the most.

Neither one would accept defeat when it came to demonstrating who loved the other more.

It was pointless but deep down both of them loved it.

The couple enjoyed showing each other how deep their love is for their partner.

Neither of them would ever win because they both loved each other more than love itself.

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