Chapter 31

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No one's POV:

Jeongguk sighed as he made his way back to his chambers, today had been a long day of council meetings and he hadn't seen his precious Angel the entire time.

The Devil missed him. Lots.

However, the constricting feeling of longing was soon eradicated as the King opened the heavy door to his chambers and found a small, cute Taehyung wrapped up in a big burrito of covers, sleeping.

A slight smile made its way onto Jeongguk's lips when he saw the sight and he immediately forgot about the stresses of the day, right now he just wanted his precious darling.

Peeling back the covers slowly, the Devil made his way onto the bed as he tried not to wake up the sleeping Taehyung.

The effort soon proved futile when Taehyung shuffled around and opened his eyes to look at a frozen Jeongguk, who was halfway through getting into the bed.

Taehyung smiled at the sight and opened his arms slightly, letting Jeongguk into his warm cocoon of blankets and covers.

Jeongguk gladly accepted and Taehyung immediately clung onto the king when he laid his back down on the comfortable bed.

Neither of them were particularly tired so the two ended up cuddling for a while before Taehyung declared that he wanted a nice, hot bath.

Who was Jeongguk to deny that request?

Grumbling slightly by the loss of warmth, the Devil was practically shoved out of the bed by the Angel's feet kicking him up his backside.

Jeongguk made his way to the bathroom and left the door open as he filled up the big tub with warm water.

"Darling, what bubbles do you want? I have 'jasmine and chamomile' or 'vanilla and white cashmere'." The Devil called out from the bathroom as he inspected the ingredients in each of the mixtures.

He soon got a reply when an excited voice called, "Vanilla and white cashmere, please." before he heard faint footsteps patting their way to the bathroom.

The tub was about a quarter full when Taehyung arrived and Jeongguk was just about to pick out some bath salts.

"What do you think?" The Devil said as he displayed the jar of salts that he had picked to go along with the bubbles.

"Ooh~ they smell great, add loads of them!" The Angel replied as he sniffed the jar and looked up with hopeful eyes as he asked for lots of them to be added to the hot water.

"Whatever you want." Jeongguk declared as he picked up a small handful and scattered them across the water, specifically aiming at the end of the tub where the water was being poured into.

The salts soon dispersed and the water had turned a translucent blue-y purple colour. The Angel beemed at the bath as he squealed, excited to relax in the steaming water.

Jeongguk chuckled at the over-the-top reaction and then began to unbutton his silky shirt with one hand.

The Angel blushed despite having seen Jeongguk like this before, he just couldn't help it. The Devil was one handsome man and he was all Taehyung's.

The silk shirt soon fell to the floor and the Devil was left only in his trousers as Taehyung eyes his bonded one.

It was truly a sight to behold.

Tall, muscly- yet not too much, handsome and charming were the adjectives Taehyung would always use to describe the Devil to anyone.

Jeongguk however, he was kind, honest, helpful and thoughtful. The Angel thought that he was extremely lucky to have such a man in his life.

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