Chapter 22

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No one's POV:

As soon as the sunkissed hand caressed the sharp and pointy thorns of the rose, he was pulled back by a swift movement.

Wrapping his strong hand around Taehyung's wrist, Jeongguk spun the Angel around and pulled him close to his chest to hide him from the danger and then began to back away slowly.

Taehyung gasped and shook his head violently in order to get rid of the all consuming spell.

As he was pulled away from the poisonous flower, he could hear Jeongguk's intense heartbeat thumping in his chest.

"Are you hurt?" Jeongguk asked, concerned about Taehyung being poisoned by the harmful flower.

"I-I don't think so." Taehyung replied as he shuffled away from Jeongguk's chest slightly.

"Just- let me check, please. I should have told you about all of the dangers of Hell. There is a reason why Heaven didn't want this land." Jeongguk stated as he gently took ahold of Taehyung's forearm and clasped his plan with his own hand.

Jeongguk then proceeded to examine Taehyung's hand as he looked for any scratches, bruises or cuts. Once he found none, the King sighed in relief and motioned for the two to walk back before Taehyung was seen.

"That flower has the nickname 'the death rose' due to its poisonous thorns and leaves that release hypnotising toxins into the air. It predominantly affects Angels because of the chemicals inside, it is extremely dangerous and many have died from it. I have yet to have found a cure for it but my Councillors and I have found a leaf that combats and slows the affects." The Devil explained as he stepped over a root that was embedded into the ground.

"Oh, I didn't know things like that existed, we don't really have dangers in Heaven, just the fear of falling but nothing like killer flowers." Taehyung replied as he glanced back at the crimson rose that seemed to be mocking him.

Shaking out of it, Taehyung thought about apologising now but the words just wouldn't string together to make an eligible sentence.

Before Taehyung could gain the composure to speak, Jeongguk did something that shocked Taehyung.

"I'm sorry." He said as Taehyung looked up at him with slight tears in his eyes.

"What? I thought I was the one that did something wrong? Why are you apologising? I should be the one to-" Taehyung began but was soon cut off by a stern and deep voice.

"No. It was my fault, I'm sorry for abandoning you that morning. I just- I got scared and it was stupid but I've  realised how wrong it was to just leave like that. I didn't account for how it would make you feel since I'm new to the whole 'friends' thing." The king said remorsefully as he glanced at the leafy floor, slightly embarrassed of his childish reactions.

Taehyung was left shocked at the apology, he thought that he was the problem. The Angel thought he was the one that did something wrong, not Jeongguk.

Sure, being abandoned after those nightmares hurt but he figured Jeongguk had an appropriate reason for his abrupt exit. Taehyung felt extremely lost without the king, it was almost like a piece of him was missing.

It felt horrible but he didn't really expect an apology, in fact, he thought that be was the one that should apologise.

"Um- I- I'm still sorry, I must have done something, right? You don't have to tell me but I would like to know so that I don't repeat my actions. I must have acted in a way that reminded you of something bad." Taehyung explained as he looked up at the Demon beside him.

"I think you deserve to know now, Taehyung. The reason I freaked out is because I felt overwhelmed. It took me a while to realise it but I understand why I felt like I had to distance myself from you now. I've always felt connected to you and that's because- we- we are bonded Taehyung, you are my mate. Since knowing that information I thought it would be beneficial to keep you since you will increase my power but as time went on- I- I began to develop feelings. Very strong feelings and I pushed you away because I have never felt like that before. It worried me to think that you were special to me. I know it is stupid now but I thought of you as a weakness that Heaven could exploit since I care about you. I'm not used to these emotions and it confused me, as a way of coping I distanced you from myself but I just can't do that anymore. Every moment away from you kills me and I can't handle it anymore." Jeongguk breathed out as he came to halt just below the balcony.

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