Chapter 13

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No one's POV:

The king was riding on the high of his latest torturing session and he decided that while he was in a good mood, he should read up on how to befriend the Angel.

The Devil held his head high as he made his way down a long, wide hallway that lead to a wide wooden arc.

The king's library had books lining the oval shaped room. Demons had free access around the castle expect from the top floor. Anyone found there would promptly have their soul extracted and sent to Styx for eternity.

However, the Devil wanted peace and quiet so he could read up on some very important topics.

"GET OUT!" The king bellowed as his voice roared and echoed through the large room.

Immediately, all of the Demons looked up in unison then scurried out of the library. The Devil chuckled to himself, amused at the power that just one command from him holds.

Once all the Demons had cleared out of the library, the Demon made him way around the room as he looked for a book that could enhance him kind social skills.

He had to win over the Angel and complete the mating bond. Then Hell would finally be equal to Heaven and the Devil wouldn't have to obey those Archangels.

The Devil could easily protect his kingdom and his people but more importantly, he could rule how he wanted to. No council. Just his most trusted advisors.

Skimming the spines of the books with his fingertips, the Devil suddenly stopped at a book that's title said 'The science of making friends and enhancing social skills'

Perfect, Jeongguk thought as he slid the book out of the shelf it stood up on. He then made his way over to a long wooden table and pulled a chair out so he could sit down.

Chapter 1- introduction to the science of building relationships, The king read as he began to flip the page over.

Friendships are often complicated and require the utmost understanding and patience. Being a good friend is more than just getting along well with someone, it is about caring and feeling responsible over their well-being too.

Taking the time to get to know someone is very important in order to build a good relationship with them. Relationships can take many forms and there are many different types of attraction and admiration for people.

One of the first steps is to build trust. This trust will lead to healthy and supportive relationships that motivate and encourage both you and the other person to do better in many aspects of your life.

The Devil soon grew bored of the book, how was he supposed to be nice to an Angel. The one time he did try it turned awkward very quickly and the Devil hated not being in control. Not once had the king ever stuttered, not once had the king even been. . . Shy?

The king read over many chapters titled, attraction, platonic love, romantic love, building trust, friendly gestures and greetings, engaging in meaningful conversations and respect for privacy.

Eventually, Jeongguk had read what he thought was a suitable amount in order to build a relationship with a creature he hated.

It should be easy enough, now he just had to put it into practice.


Confident in his newly found capabilities, Jeongguk held his head high and traveled up the staircase that led to his private floor.

Once the King reached his room, he engaged step one of his master plan to make Taehyung his friend and then persuade him to complete the mating bond between them.

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