Chapter 6

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No one's POV:

Taehyung could hardly even sleep, all he was able to feel was the pain of being ripped away from his only life source.

The Angel felt drained and he knew that he couldn't continue for much longer. Thirteen days away from the light is far too much for him to bare.

The eyes of the Angel had begun to form bags and they had lost all the soul and joyfulness that they used to hold. Taehyung's body had grown frail and his bones became more defined with the lack of nutrients.

The brunette leaned back against the wall and brought one of his now slim and thinner leg towards his chest, bending it at the knee.

The chains wrapped around his wrists clanked and scraped eachother as he did so. Taehyung had been stuck in one corner of the already small cell for the entirety of his time there.

Suddenly, the familiar sounds of shoes clacking against the grey stone of the floor echoed through the long corridor of cells. All of the cells are empty since an Angel hadn't fallen in quite some decades. Well, until Taehyung.

Soon some keys jangled and in Jimin walked in with Taehyung's dinner and the new daily game. The Demon had made it his personal mission to help keep the Angel somewhat entertained.

Yesterday, it was a card deck to play snap but today it appeared to be draughts. Taehyung thought it was very thoughtful of Jimin to be doing something like that.

Jimin stepped inside the cell, closing the metal door behind him and then bent down to place all the items on the floor.

"Here." Jimin spoke bluntly, passing the tray that had soup in a bowl and a small plate with a slice of bread on it.

Taehyung accepted the food gratefully, hopefully it should get his energy levels up slightly. However, they both knew that Taehyung couldn't continue like this. Without the light.

The Angel began to eat his food with much effort. It was painful to even raise his arm and the poor Angel's head pounded vigorously.

Jimin began to set up the game of draughts as Taehyung ate his soup and bread, Jimin couldn't help but feel bad for Taehyung.

Normally he wouldn't be too bothered but they have bonded in the short while that they have known eachother. Jimin knew that Taehyung wasn't like the other Angels thrown out of Heaven.

He wasn't like the spiteful and powerhungry Angels that were normally thrown down. However, Taehyung had yet to say the reason of him falling and it drove Jimin to the very edge of curiosity.

Jimin sat down cross-legged and layed out the draughts board whilst Taehyung gradually ate his soup with the spoon, occasionally dipping his bread in.

The two didn't really have anything to talk about considering that Taehyung hasn't done anything in hell worth telling and Jimin, even if he had done something, couldn't tell Taehyung anyway.

However, this didn't matter to them and they got along very well despite their lack of topics to discuss.

As Taehyung picked up the bowl and downed it's remaining contents, Jimin had finished setting up all the pieces and pushed Taehyung's finished cutlery, bowl and tray to the side in order to make room for the draughts board.

"Do you know how to play?" Jimin asked curiously as the Angel angled himself to face Jimin more.

"Of course" Taehyung replied cockily with a grin on his face, Jimin chuckled slightly because he knew it was a stupid question to ask.

It was obvious that Taehyung would know how to play draughts, he is good at all of the board games that the two have played together. In fact, the Angel has won every game so far apart from the odd card game.

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