Chapter 29

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No one's POV:

Taehyung wanted to be with Jeongguk completely and fully- he loved Jeongguk with all of his heart and completing the bond would be the last hurdle keeping them apart from each other.

The Angel no longer viewed sex as a sin but as a way of demonstrating his love for another and he couldn't wait to have Jeongguk in the most intimate way possible.

Taehyung had actually been preparing for their first time for a while now, he had even asked Jimin to make him look pretty before Jeongguk arrived back at their room.

"All done!" Jimin exclaimed as he placed the wooden hairbrush onto the vanity.

"Thanks Chim, I really appreciate this." Taehyung replied as he admired himself in the mirror.

His lips had a pink gloss over them and Taehyung had borrowed some of Jimin's clothes.

The Angel wanted to shock Jeongguk and so wore a pair of black jeans and a silky red top.

Taehyung had never worn anything but white robes so he predicted a rather astonished looking Jeongguk.

"Well, I'll get going Tae. Have fun!" Jimin said as he winked on the word 'fun'.

Taehyung blushed bright red and urged Jimin out of the room before Jeongguk was back.

The Angel wasn't dumb, he knew how sex worked. Taehyung had seen many mortals overcome by lust and desire. He had also seen some unforgettable things when he was looking over humans.

However, Taehyung only knew the basics and it scared him slightly to think that maybe Jeongguk wouldn't enjoy it or that he wouldn't be good enough for his mate.

Still, Taehyung was looking forward to making love with Jeongguk. The Angel knew the Demon would be here any minute and although it made Taehyung nervous he was more excited than anything.

Suddenly, Taehyung heard a slightly clicking sound followed by a sliver of light creeping in the dimly lit bedroom.

Taehyung panicked slightly and sat on the edge of the bed as he twiddled his thumbs in his lap.

"Tae, I'm back!" Jeongguk exclaimed as he stepped through the doorway and closed the large doors behind him.

"Tae?" The Devil questioned as he saw a rather shy looking Taehyung perched on the silky bed, he looked very nervous and that's when Jeongguk saw what his lover was wearing.

Dressed in a silky red blouse and black jeans, the pure Angel looked stunning. The king was utterly speechless and stuttered out incoherent words when his eyes met Taehyung's pink lips.

Finally, Jeongguk's eyes drifted up towards Taehyung's and the Demon breathed in a sharp inhale- Taehyung looked breathtaking.

Then, Taehyung slowly approached the frozen Demon and hugged him tight. The Angel's arms coiled around his lover's neck as he breathed in his cologne.

"Taehyung you look beautiful." Jeongguk announced as he leaned back slightly to capture Taehyung's face with his hands. The Demon's eyes roamed around all of Taehyung's perfect features.

Absolutely everything, from his mystical eyes to his fluffy brown hair, looked perfect. Jeongguk wondered how he got so lucky, fate really did work in mysterious ways.

"Jeongguk I want to take the next step, I want you to make love to me." The Angel announced as he blushed slightly as the confession.

"Only if you are ready Taehyung." Jeongguk replied as he stroked Taehyung's cheek with the pad of his thumb.

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