Chapter 1

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No one's POV:

As they say, the people that you love most are the ones that can hurt you the most.

So don't be surprised if you get thrown away.




After all they didn't want him anymore so they threw him away.

Taehyung still remembered his fall, his small white wings flapping desperately but to no avail. Suddenly, the small male wasn't falling anymore as a sharp pain shot up his back, rocks scratching away at his soft, honey skin.

In a way he understood the decision to give him up. He was hopeless. He didn't deserve a place among the divine and he never will. He's not any of the qualities he should be. Most of all he is weak.

The one thing he simply can't be.

After all, a divine angel is never weak.

So Heaven gave him up.

And to be honest Taehyung didn't see why they should have kept him. He has no bonded one, he may be kind but he is pathetic and can't do anything right.

Angels can be cruel- despite their delicately crafted roles formed by humans that were just hoping to find some smidgen of good in the realms.

The truth is that angels are no different to demons. While the purposes of the creatures may be different, angels are the reason demons exist in the first place.

The archangels throw away those who either can't perform their role well enough, those who pose a threat and those who are weak.

Not an ounce of sympathy is shown towards the poor angels who are given up.

Those disregarded angles fall into a dark place ruled over by the first angel to have fallen.

In the end the angels would be their own undoing. Chances are the demons would rise up and no one would dare go against the king of Hell. It hasn't happened yet, but that was Taehyung's personal prediction.

Like so many other angels, Taehyung was wrenched away from the place he called home and instead oh so graciously gifted to a bleak and dark Hell hole.

Taehyung wasn't a Demon yet but he soon would be. After the ceremony.

The angel glanced around in the hopes that somehow the Demons wouldn't find me. Though he knew it would prove to be futile.

Taehyung tried looking around but all he saw was the black abyss of the Devil's land. He didn't bother to stand up and wander around, knowing it will only quicken his inevitable fate.

The angel wanted to cling on to his purity for as long as possible before he become the embodiment of sin.

The halo around his head was blinking ever so slightly, the light fading away from it.

A clear sign of his distress and sadness.

Taehyung sighed and tried to sit up from his position on the floor but the pain shooting up his spine rendered the movements useless.

The angel contemplated what he could have done differently- to stay in the place of eternal happiness yet he couldn't come up with a single thing.

So Taehyung just laid there motionless in his white robes lined with gold and curled up- trying to contain the little warmth he had left. The angel wrapped his dainty wings around his small body and brought his hands up to his ears.

Soon enough, hot tears were streaming down Taehyung's cheeks and leaving wet patches on the puffed out sleeves of his robe.

Taehyung just felt so useless. So helpless. Even now he couldn't do anything but cry and wallow in his sorrows.

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