Chapter 2

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No-one's POV:

The King of Hell.

Sometimes called Satan, the Devil and Anubis sat on his throne with a stoic expression oozing dominance and power.

He tapped his fingers on the armrest, bored with what the councilors were saying.

He was in the court room and the councilors were yet again at his throat about how he was ruling.

Did he care?

No. Most definitely not.

However, one member of the King's council particularly pissed the King of Hell off, Minister Choi.

A power hungry and deceitful man who was only concerned with money. He was not only whiney and annoying but was persistent that his daughter became the King's wife and took on the position of Queen of Hell.

Fat fucking chance the King of Hell thought as he rolled his eyes yet again at Councillor Choi's proposition. That damn Councillor was taking the absolute piss out of the King.

It must be the eleventh time that year that councilor Choi had proposed the marriage of his daughter and more resources- like demons towards the borders of Hell, which just so happens to be in his command.

However Choi was pushing his luck. There was only so much incessant pestering the King could take. What little patience he had was running thin.

The king of Hell was as bored as anything and was genuinely considering feeding Choi into Styx so he could have the slow and painful death he deserved.

However, the sad truth was that sometimes Minister Choi had good ideas, he was very intelligent after all.

The Councilor was one of Heaven's spies, a deceitful and manipulative soul that was placed in Hell so that he could look over what the King is doing. Choi was only staying so the Archangel's would get off of the King's back.

Mr Choi's time was definitely running out though, it was only a matter of time before the King of Hell snapped and sent him to the River of Styx to shut him the hell up.

The Devil no longer cared how Heaven would react, it was time to go.

Mr Choi sat down after completing his proposal and the king rolled his eyes at him.

"I'll think about it Mr Choi but I'm afraid to say that the answer will most likely be a 'no'. I can't divert more Demons towards the barriers because there are simply not enough and in regards to your daughter, I am immortal. I therefore don't need an heir and nor do I need love." The king of Hell declared in a bored tone, his eyes turning red as he glares at Mr Choi.

Mr Choi shuddered in his seat, afraid of his king. Good, that should ward him off for a while the Devil thought as he leaned back on his throne.

The Devil looked over the three rows full of councillors and stared at the door that was at the end of the wide pathway running down the middle of the rows, splitting them in two.

He sensed an unusual presence, it disgusted him and his eyes turned red.

Angel the king of Hell thought.

It had been decades since the last fall of an Angel and the king of Hell was excited, he needed to make sure it suffered.

The only reason the arsenal of Hell was so big was because of the amount of years it has been collecting the delicate, oh so precious Angels from heaven.

The oldest Angels to have fallen and get turned into Demons were the Councillors but none were as old as the King.

He is the only original Demon that has ever or will ever exist and is therefore the King.

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