Chapter 18

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No one's POV:

The castle was cold enough to form icicles on the window ledges and quiet enough that the only sounds that could be heard were the crows and the wind blowing, creating whistle-like sounds.

It was the dead of night, not a single soul was about and not a sound was made.

Taehyung however, was faring differently as he thrashed and turned in his black, silky bed.

The nightmare, a strange out of body experience that evokes great anxiety and paranoia. The demons of your dreams come to educate and haunt you paying no mind as to if you are brave enough to look into the dark recesses of your brain.

That is a nightmare. A half-truth mixed with fiction and reality. Always causing fear, always letting dark truths be known.

As sweat beaded down Taehyung's forehead, worry and pain etched into his facial expressions. The pure terror that Taehyung felt was something so indescribable, so horrifying, that the little Angel didn't know how to deal with it.

As much as Taehyung wanted to wake up, he simply couldn't. A voice, a terrifying voice that he hadn't heard in centuries rung like a knell in his brain and yet the strange thing was, he didn't know who the voice belonged to. Taehyung recognised the voice but couldn't place it, whoever it belonged to hadn't haunted Taehyung in a long time.

"What do we do with it now then? Useless piece of shit, how could it have survived? Weak, insignificant, little Angel." The voice spoke, again and again like a broken record.

Then, the screaming Taehyung had a harsh slap delivered to his right cheek, causing a bruise and some gold blood to ooze out of the scrapes delivered by the back of the abuser's hand.

This caused the scared Angel to let out a wet, salty tear, it slid down onto the soft pillow his small head laid on and stained the previously white into a murkier grey colour.

"Useless piece of shit, good for nothing bother to all Archangels. Such a disgrace to all Angels. How could it not be cured?" The voice taunted again as Taehyung whimpered in his deep slumber.

"I don't know how or why it survived, it should either have forgotten everything or be dead. What a worthless piece of crap, wasting our time like this." Another voice spoke out, causing the petrified Angel to let out a scream, muffled slightly by the sheets he clenched in his small fists as he brought them towards his parted lips.

Suddenly, breaking free from the spell of slumber that he was under, Taehyung jolted awake, screaming and sat straight up in the bed, taking short and shallow intakes of breath.

Taehyung's hands made their way up to the crown of his head and gripped the thick curls that lied there as he began to cry his eyes out.

What was that? Taehyung thought as he rocked back as forth and tried to steady his breathing, that was no memory of his and yet it felt so real, so hurtful.

But yet if that was Taehyung's experience, he would have remembered it. There was no way that something that painful, something that raw in emotion could be made up by his own mind.

Everything felt so. . . connected, so life-like, however the Angel had never experienced something like that in his lifetime.

Taehyung was still petrified, the voices didn't really have faces but from what he could work out they must have been heavenly creatures.

The Angel's SinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora