Chapter 17

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No one's POV:

Taehyung sprung out of bed and untangled his long, tan legs out of the bunched up duvet.

The little Angel was so excited that his halo had appeared and was gleaming bright in the early morning sun.

After almost three days since their last match, Jeongguk had promised to play him today. The Devil had been extremely busy lately and there had been many things to deal with like council meetings and keeping the souls in the River of Styx at bay.

Luckily, those tasks had grown to be child's play now that the Angel was fit and healthy. Jeongguk's strength had grown immensely and consequently Hell had grown to be stronger.

The Devil had gotten rid of Heaven's influence in his realm by killing all of Heaven's planted Councillors. The King now owned what was rightfully his, the greedy Archangels were no longer a threat to him.

Hell was free and the Demons were liberated.

Now that Heaven had been swiftly dealt with, Taehyung had the Devil all to himself and he intended to play as many games as possible.

Lately, the Angel had to play with Jimin and well- that didn't last very long. In all of their matches Taehyung had the dejected Demon nailed in under twenty moves.

One game he did it in two moves because Jimin moved his pawns in a stupid manor. Taehyung forced Jimin into checkmate by moving his Queen into Jimin's king's path.

The Angel grew bored of Jimin losing all the time- it was like the Demon being so pitifully bad on purpose.

Needless to say, the fun had been zapped out of the game and so the pair would end up playing snap.

A game five year olds play.

The mental stimulation of snap was nonexistent and Taehyung grew bored with the repetitiveness very quickly.

Now, the Angel would finally gain a worthy opponent and it would put some fun back into the game.

Taehyung stumbled out of bed with a bright smile on his face as he skipped over to the bathroom and had a shower.

Once he had finished his relaxing shower, Taehyung got changed into his pristine white robes and opened the door, running down the hallway until he faced the Devil's door.

The two had grown much closer and even Jeongguk was beginning to come around to the idea of friends, he had even allowed Taehyung to call him by his real name instead of 'sire'.

Without hesitation the Angel opened the heavy oak door and sprinted to the Devil's bed.

The Angel bent his knees and the spring himself onto the Devil with full force. Taehyung straddled the Demon and shook him awake by gripping Jeongguk's shoulders and tugging them back and forth.

Jeongguk groaned as he tried to roll over back into the mattress of his bed but Taehyung had other ideas and only shook the Devil harder.

Eventually, Jeongguk gave up and cracked one eye open and the beaming Angel. As soon as the light flooded in, Jeongguk hissed because of the bright halo that hovered just above Taehyung's head.

Though he knew sleeping was now pointless, the Angel was more stubborn than he looked- especially when it came to chess.

That's when Jeongguk remembered his promise, all memories of a Heaven ruled Hell were gone and that meant only one thing.

The Devil had to face a ruthless Taehyung at a game of chess.

After remembering the promise he made three days ago, the Devil sat up slightly causing Taehyung to slide back so that he was now sitting on Jeongguk's thighs instead of his chest.

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